I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 447

Li Yan's pupils dilated slightly when he heard the words "a distraction, a selling point".

At this moment, in this place, Eagle Jump puts all hope on him and his play itself, always thinking about how to sell well, how to make the game works that he really wants to get, and how to do it. Aoba who can live up to trust him, and all the employees of Eagle Jump...

Perplexed, Li Yan, who has been studying the selling points, was finally lost in tension and pressure, but after hearing Sawamura Sayuri’s secret, it was so simple.

But this is the truth...

Creators, no matter what they are producing, games, novels, comics...With inspiration and technology, the only thing they can rely on is firm willpower and the word "heart". As long as they are working hard, they will be able to do things. it is good.

Sawamura Sayuri was still on the phone, but Kimura and the driver behind her had come to urge her to go home quickly.

[Sorry, Uesugi-sensei, time is almost up, I am going to go home...]

When the white and clear corners of his mouth were talking, he hesitated slightly.

[Although I don’t know what happened to you and whether my words can help you, but please believe in yourself, success will never disappoint the people of your intentions, I believe you have the ability to break through all mysteries... , Let's get together, then that's it, goodbye.

Facing such a vast world, Sawamura Sayuri stood in the night breeze, kimono blowing, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, encouraging him to say.

"Okay, thank you very much for your reminder today. It has been a great help to me, Miss Sawamura." Li Yan quickly recovered and said sincerely.

After finishing the call, when Li Yan just put down the phone, he noticed that there seemed to be someone looking at this side by the door. It looked like he had seen this side a little while passing by, but at this moment he was panicked and fled. Only let Li Yan see the single purple ponytail drifting by.

"...?" Li Yan was taken aback for a moment, not knowing what happened just now.

At two o'clock in the afternoon of the next day, the second round of interviews for the role group began in full swing.

This time, Liang Feng Qingye once again put on a black professional suit, and nervously came to the downstairs of Eagle Jump.This time was different from the last time. The number of people who arrived was obviously less than half. After the previous day's reduction, few people passed the second round of interviews.

"I can't believe it... I really passed the second round of interviews." Liang Feng Qingye stood at the door, silently thinking.

Yesterday, after entering the interview room, Liangfeng Aoba and the others were designed according to a plot, a female NPC character named [Bunana]. She always felt like she had seen this setting and The name, but when I was nervous, I couldn't remember it for a while, but I drew a dress with some patches according to my inner conception, with two braids, a beautiful and slightly strong look, and a bag on his waist. Tool bags for various wrenches, nothing more.

The concept of the patch is to give the player a situation where the opponent has always been addicted to repairs and the clothes are worn out, and the strong personality is the essence of the technician's pride, and the overall style is designed into a beautiful Japanese girl mechanical style. She always feels that such a relatively unique style is more suitable for this fantasy style, and will make people remember the unique style of this game.

As a result, this morning, when she was over from get out of class, she received a call for the second round of interviews, which made her pretend that her stomach hurts again and rushed over for the interview.

"It is said that this is the last round of interviews..."

Liang Feng Qingye looked at this Eagle Jump sign seriously, she was slightly relieved, and after calming down, she finally walked into this company.

A total of four applicants were interviewed together again, but none of the people who went in with her came over.

Time flies quickly. All of a sudden, a staff member of the personnel team at the door sent away the applicants in front of Liangfeng Qingye and called her.

"The next one, please, Ms. Liangfeng Qingye."

The female staff member of the personnel team looked at the last cool breeze Aoba sitting in a chair in the corridor and said politely.


Liangfeng Qingye slightly grabbed the corner of her skirt and responded nervously.

Her face flushed a little, and she nervously walked into the conference room, her eyes didn't know where to look, but she didn't see the interviewer's face at the door, so she bowed and said, "Hello."

"Hello, please come in." Ye Yueshi said with a smile.


Cool Breeze Aoba lowered his head slightly, and managed to stay calmly on the middle seat.

"Let's introduce yourself." Ye Yueshizuku who was sitting in the middle said with a smile.

"Yes, my name is Ryofu Aoba, I am in the third year of high school and I am 17 years old. I live in Meguro Ward. I want to apply to become an Eagle Jump trainee artist.

Liangfeng Aoba lowered her head and introduced herself nervously.

"Welcome, Mr. Liangfeng, I am Ye Yueshizuku, the game director of this company. Please advise."

Hazuki Shizuku introduced herself with a smile, and then introduced Ren Yuan who was sitting on the left side, and said, "This is the AD of the character group, Miss Ren Yuan."

"Please advise."

Yuan Shanren, who has a gentle personality, smiled gently and said.

"Yes! Please give me your advice." As soon as Liang Feng Qingye heard that this person was the AD of the game character group, although he didn't know what AD was, he always felt particularly powerful, and immediately responded with anticipation.

"Then, this one is the game planner, Mr. Uesugi." Hazuki Shizuku introduced the figure who had been sitting on the right side, and said.

"Yes, when we meet for the first time, please give me your advice, Uesugi..." Liang Feng Qingye quickly saw the young man wearing a hat and a mask on the right, and said hello politely.

However, the words were not finished yet, and as a result, Liang Feng Qingye's smile froze immediately.

Although she was wearing a hat and a mask, those stunned and dumb eyes kept looking at her, and she immediately recognized the sacred Uesugi.


Liangfeng Qingye's whole body trembled a little, her face was pale, and some cold sweat came out of her forehead.

In the embarrassing atmosphere, sitting in the examiner's seat, Li Yan with a complicated expression, and Liang Feng Qingye, who was already a little confused about the situation, were a little speechless for a while...

Chapter 244 Fans' reminders are everywhere

Ten o'clock late at night.

In the busy tram station, there are two people who have been silent, but not far apart.

"..." Liangfeng Qingye had changed back to the school uniform at this moment, and stood quietly behind Li Yan, feeling a little heavy, secretly looking at the figure in front of him.

"It's really bad, I didn't expect the senior to work at Eagle Jump, oh... I actually hit the gun directly, and the senior didn't talk to me much along the way. Did I secretly work part-time and make the senior angry?"

Liangfeng Aoba thought with depression and worry.

Now, in terms of time, the time between her and Li Yan in the real sense is about two weeks, but in just two weeks, she has experienced many memorable things.

In just two weeks, we laughed together and sorrowed together. Together we have endless dreams for the game. After setbacks, she reinvigorated... During this period of time, she always followed the other side, and gradually understood this senior, also Willing to follow in his footsteps and spend the most tangled and dazed time.

However, it was the first time that she saw the angry look of such a strong and easy-going senior, and she was a little frightened not knowing how to deal with it.

In the company, Liangfeng Aoba finally came to the fore. Under the comprehensive consideration of Hazuki Shizuku, Toyama Run, and Uesugiyan, they unanimously decided to enter her.

The time to be familiar with the company environment has been from 6 o’clock in the afternoon to the current ten o’clock in the evening. After seeing Li Yan get off work, Liangfeng Aoba hurriedly left Toyama Run and Abogen Haizi who were conducting novice training. , Carrying a schoolbag to keep up with Li Yan.

The station at ten o'clock was dark, the waiting crowd was bustling, and the quiet night was so lively, the people's hearts were impetuous, and there was a vague feeling of loneliness.

"No... can't be so negative, the senior told me everything, and I should have the courage to admit my mistakes."

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