I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 468

However, in the slight shaking, Taki Today Fumi finally had some reaction. She moved her body in a daze, fumbled for a bit with her hands, as if she was looking for something, and then caught Li Yan who was trying to wake her up as a family member. With a pillow, Li Yan, who didn't know what she was doing, hugged him directly.

"Wait, wait a minute!"

Li Yan was shocked, and hurriedly began to break free, and said.


Today Fumi finally woke up slightly in the "pillow" break free. She opened her eyes, but saw that this was not her room, and her arms were not a pillow...


For a moment, Taki's Fumi's somewhat drunk eyes suddenly widened.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

In the end, the tranquility of the night on the outskirts of Tokyo was temporarily broken in this brief noise.

The night became more intense, and at 10:05, a black sports car parked under the street light.


Fumi, who got out of the car, flushed today and stood downstairs, holding his work bag tightly with both hands, and lowering his head shyly. At this moment, he wished to rush into the apartment building. But I dare not be so rude.

After Cool Breeze Aoba left, Taki was the only one left to get along with men. She almost didn't know what to say...

"It's really bad today, she seems to be more afraid of me..."

When Li Yan fastened his seat belt and was about to start Supra to leave, he noticed Taki's prosperous state today, and thought sadly.

"Then, I'll go back first. See you at the company tomorrow, Miss Takimoto." Li Yan looked at her and said.


Taki Fumi replied softly today, and finally, wondering if it was due to the effects of alcohol, she took the rare courage, raised her head a little, looked at Li Yan in the driver's seat, and said, "Today, today, thank you. , Go... Teacher Uesugi."

Li Yan was taken aback for a moment, and then felt relieved, and said, "You're welcome, it's late today. You can go inside the house."

"...No, I...I have to go to the convenience store to buy some things."

Taki Fumi looked nervous today and stammered.

After the greeting, it was 10:00 late at night, and Li Yan started the car and was ready to go home.

There are quite a lot of one-family houses in the outskirts of Tokyo, and the houses are relatively new, probably built in recent years. The street lights on the street are relatively dim, and the main road not far away is brightly lit.

When Li Yan was driving the car and was about to go out from the other exit of the residential area, the car lights were shining, and it suddenly hit a residential area bulletin board. Although it was only a moment, Li Yan's eyes caught the information that he cared about.

He parked the car, then walked down and looked at the news on the bulletin board.

A wanted warrant posted by the National Police Agency. In the past week, there have been multiple cases of trailing and assaulting young women in this area. The perpetrator is a middle-aged obese man. No arrest has been made so far...

"Is the security in this area so dangerous?!"

Li Yan was a little surprised, thinking.

On the other hand, in the 711 convenience store in the residential area.

[Ding Dong] After Fumi bought some drinking water, instant noodles, snacks and new towels today, Taki is going to go back to his apartment building.

"Today...too careless."

Today Fumi exhaled slightly and thought: "I thought the beer and sake in the Pacific were good, but I drank a little too much, but the body and mind were relaxed too much and fell asleep in someone else's car..."

She was thinking about it, carrying the bag and preparing to go home.

However, walking in the empty street, passing a dark street intersection, vaguely saw someone standing on the side of the street, as if looking at her, I don’t know why, Fumi Taki always felt that It feels a little gloomy.However, the large number of residents here did not cause Takitoday's Fumi to care too much, and she continued to walk home.

In less than a minute, the headlights of a car shone on Ri Fumi's body. She was taken aback for a moment, and she stepped aside from the road, looking curiously at the car behind her.

The black modified sports car, the low engine sound was familiar. After approaching, Fumi Taki recognized that this car was Uesugiyan's car, and within a few minutes of parting, he turned back unexpectedly.

"Ms. Uesugi..."

Taki was standing on the side of the road quietly today, and asked curiously.

Li Yan parked the car in front of her and hurried over for a while without preparing for any reason. In order to avoid being suspected first, Li Yan lied and said, "Miss Takimoto, I just received Aoba reminded me to send you to the building. On the phone, um, it's still too late today...I'll take you home directly."


Taki Fumi heard it today and looked at Li Yan, who was a little embarrassed and concerned. In the end, her snow-white cheeks blushed. After all, she also had two weeks of getting along with each other. She always felt that Li Yan didn’t have any bad thoughts, and finally she was a little embarrassed. nod.

Today, Fumi sat in the passenger seat somewhat restrained. Finally, she took out the phone from the package and stretched it to the side of Li Yan. She looked timid, lowered her head slightly, and whispered: "That...that, Uesugi-Sensei , I’m not good at speaking directly... If you can, add a line... Can, can you?"

When Li Yan was about to drive, he heard Takimoto Fumi's words. He was stunned for a moment. In his memory, he also began to remember that Aoba once mentioned to him that Takimoto Fumi's communication with him was okay. He immediately said, "Of course. Yes, please advise, Miss Takimoto."

Today Fumi Taki is a loyal fan of Uesugi, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as "iron fan".

Last summer, Fumi Takimoto, who came to the bookstore to look for comics and light novels, did not have any favorite works. In the new two-dimensional works last year, most of them were harem campus-type works. Most women who love the two-dimensional can only look at some Inverse harem works, or to pass the time every day.

Takimoto's childhood, the field of two-dimensional animation is not the same as it is now.

Her homecoming years are full of popular works such as "Inuyasha" and "One Piece", as well as light novels such as "Haruhi Suzumiya" and other fantasy works. However, after graduation, when she comes to social work, whether it is Comic works, or light novel works, seem to be declining day by day, and there are often blank periods when it is difficult to find favorite works.

It was not until, in a row of light novels, that she saw a group of people flipping through the books of "Super Academy", and stayed for a while, then read the third volume just published with the heart to read.

Finally, it was out of control...

Especially after the animation of this series of light novels, the wonderful system and strategy battles, as well as the exciting plot development, almost established the status of masterpiece in Takimoto Fumi's heart.

It’s just the last episode of the first season of animation. She has always been loyal to love, dreaming of liberation and returning to the ordinary. The fate of Xin Heng Ning Ning was too late to express her love, and died in the tragic music during the period of falling off the cliff, almost let her do. For a period of time, the mood fluctuates extremely, and I even have the impulse to find the author for theory...

Now, like a dream...

At 10:15, in room 203 on the second floor, Fumi Taki was sent to the door by Li Yan today, with his favorite writer beside him.

"...Today, I finally met Uesugi teacher!"

Fumi Taki thought nervously about this amazing fact.


When Li Yan saw that Fumi had been safely delivered to the door, he planned to say goodbye again.

"Well, I have to say something..."

Taki Fumi is thinking hard today. As a fan of "Super Academy", it is important for her to show some emotions. She hurriedly said: "Wait...wait a minute, I..."

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