I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 487

"... Isn't this Long Hui's motorcycle?"

Li Yan recognized it quickly, and thought.

This expensive motorcycle once made its public debut at a Sanhe Library gathering. The fashion-seeking Longhui Kusanagi dragged the relationship with friends and bought it from others for millions of dollars. Now the maintenance is so brand new and gorgeous.

However, for a car school like Li Yan, he still doesn't quite understand the fun of the "knights", and Li Yan still feels that it is too uneconomical to buy a two-wheeled motorcycle for the price of a car.

He patted the snow on his clothes and walked into the warm store.

"Ah, Uesugi-sensei is here!"

As soon as he entered the store, Li Yan heard a familiar female voice, and after looking over, he saw the "editing girl (devil) god", Kagurazaka Acorus, whom he hadn't seen for a while.

"It's been a while, Miss Kagurazaka." Li Yan said.

"Yeah, come here quickly. Today is your partner for a treat." Kagurazaka Ayame said cheerfully.

"Several missing, Uesugi-sensei."

At this time, Izumi Masamune, Lion Boy Guoguang, Kusuna Longhui, Qianshou Village Zheng, and Xiazhiqiu Shiyu were all on the scene and greeted Li Yan.

"Long time no see, everyone," Li Yan said.

"Okay, okay, sit down quickly, really, everyone is here, only you are fifteen minutes late, otaku Li."

Ying Lili put down the menu, grumbled and said.

"Sorry... if I was riding a bicycle in the wind and snow, it's normal to be late." Li Yangang wanted to apologize, but realized the importance of understanding each other, and then retorted.

"Just like your strange power, this bit of wind and snow is nothing, obviously you have forgotten the time when playing games."

Ying Lili looked at the menu carefully, without even thinking about it, she said 100% of the reason why Li Yan was really late.


For a moment, Li Yan was a little dumb and speechless, wondering whether it was the tacit understanding of the partner, or the painter's eyes that could see everything.

"Well, Uesugi-senpai, don't you own a bicycle? Why do you still insist on riding a bicycle until now?"

Izumi Masamune asked with a smile.

Li Yan's expression showed an inexhaustible emotion, and said: "You don't know that when you step on the gas pedal, it will cost a lot of money. The gas tiger really deserves its reputation."

"This expression looks like a poor uncle who has gone bankrupt..." Kagurazaka Ayame looked in his eyes, sighed slightly, spit out, then smiled brightly and said, "Then why don't you sell it? It’s good to ride a motorcycle like Mr. Kusana. The fuel consumption of any motorcycle is much less than your supra.”

"...I can't sell it at all. The driver's license hasn't come down yet, so don't you automatically admit to driving illegally? Besides, I... still prefer cars."

When Li Yan explained, he was a little concerned about Kusuna Longhui's mood, and said.

"I can also understand Uesugi's feelings. However, the motorcycle is really great. We have our own opinions, Uesugi's teacher." Kusanaru Longhui said with a smile.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu had been sitting quietly on the side, but soon noticed that Qianshoucun Zheng next to him had been staring at Li Yan and was silent.

"What's wrong, Teacher Qianshou?" Shiyu asked.

"It's okay..." Qianshou Cunzheng came back to his senses, and then realized that he was in a state of failure, and quickly explained.

Sensui Chijo, wearing a winter school uniform, was silent for a while before asking, "Well, Mr. Uesugi, we tried a game at a game company in October. When will the game based on your script be released?"

Everyone’s attention has been focused on Li Yan and Qianshoucun Zheng. They have all heard about the experience of that game. Uesugiyan failed miserably, but received independent investment from the game company, and the game script was better than Qianshoucunzheng. Get on the platform faster.

"...Probably in the middle of January next year." Li Yan was silent for a moment and replied.

"Yes, yes."

Qianshou Murakami's expression was a little lost. However, she soon returned to her normal look, bowed slightly to him, and said, "Sure enough, Uesugi-sensei is really good. I knew the result during the game. Conquered the market... but you conquered the players. Strictly speaking, my script should lose more in that game..."


When Chijumura was still sighing about the events of the last game, Kagurazaka calamus coughed a few times and interrupted their conversation.

"Stupid, even me and other experienced workers couldn't tell who won or lost in that match, but that match was very exciting. Strictly speaking, it gave me a deeper understanding of your strength. Understanding."

Kagurazaka Ayame said with a serious and relaxed expression: "Thanks to the two, more game companies will find our company to cooperate in the future... But! Today’s show and the protagonist are not the two of you, but ...Qiangqiang! Our old friend Mr. Baimu!"

As soon as the conversation turned, Kagurazaka Ayame directly shifted the focus of the party back to Eri Sawamura.


Ying Lili, who was sitting between Li Yan and Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, suddenly turned red in her cheeks, as if she even jumped with her ponytail.

The market is well received. The manga "Soul Eater", which incorporates passion, food, campus, ergonomics, handsome men and beautiful girls, was officially ready for animation in December.

Ying Lili was one of the hundreds of thousands of book painters, and one of the lucky ones who was able to successfully turn from Hualifan's work to show fan was selected. After learning the news that it could be animated, Ying Lili was delighted and immediately invited Kagura. All members of Sakachangpu came to have a dinner and celebrate.

For Ying Lili, this was a very important day. During the day, three consecutive breakups urged Li Yan to come and successfully urged Uesugi Yan, who had recently become addicted to games.

"Congratulations, student Baimu."

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu smiled cheerfully and said.


Ying Lili seemed very nervous, flushed, sitting in front of everyone with wide-eyed eyes, and then coughed a few times to cover up his embarrassment, and said, "Cough cough cough, well, people are not happy for something animated. Thanks to sales, my work can definitely be animated. It’s just that... it’s always been taken care of by everyone, so I definitely have to invite everyone to have a good meal."

Li Yan listened to Ying Lili's argument and looked at her calmly, but he didn't believe these words to death.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu smiled faintly, and said, "Yes, I think so too, so, Lord Jinzhu, hurry up and order a bit. I haven't eaten Kobe beef in a while."

"What?! Kobe beef, don't even think about it. It's almost three to four thousand catties!"

When Ying Lili heard it, her hairs suddenly exploded and she yelled.

Li Yan looked at Ying Lili's condition and seemed to be very happy. He also got up with joy. Ying Lili has put too much effort into her comics in the past six months, and finally she has her own comic cartoon animation. Up.

"By the way, Mr. Kashiwagi, the animation needs to be updated enough. At least the fourth volume should be published before January. Can you do this?" Kagurazaka Ayame asked what he thought of.

"No problem!"

Eiri Sawamura said with a confident smile.

I don't know why, Kagurazaka Ayame became a little worried. Such a swearing expression was very similar to when an old thief promised, but it made her feel a little uneasy.

Masamune Izumi seemed to remember something, and then looked at Ryuhui Kusanaru next to him, and said, "By the way, Mrs. Kusanaru, isn't your work about to be animated..."

However, when he was speaking, Izumi Masamune, who was quite close, saw some bruises in the eyes covered by Kusanaru Longhui's hair, and some bruises on his shoulders.

"...It's okay."

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