I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 492

However, his understanding did not let the two trembling members relax.

"Sorry, your clothes are soiled, sir, we will wash your clothes immediately, and there will never be any stains left!"

Gong Senkui became anxious and continued to apologize.

"No, it's okay..."

Li Yan was taken aback for a while, always feeling that the other party seemed a little too nervous, and continued.

"Sir, if you don't mind, can you go to the lounge and wait for a while? Let's buy new clothes for you right away!"

Gong Senkui continued to speak out his side's remedy measures, maintaining a bowing posture, and suggested.

"There is no need, the milk can still be washed..." Li Yan continued.

"Well, after buying the new clothes, shall we just change it for you?"

Gong Senkui raised his head, seeming to have overconsidered, and continued to apologize.

"...No, this is not necessary anymore, it sounds like it already involves the legal level." Li Yan listened more and more wrong, surprised, couldn't help but vomit.

Now, instead, Li Yan didn't know how to persuade the two highly nervous female employees of the animation company.

Li Yan is fairly familiar with Japanese traditional corporate culture. As Japan has transformed from a feudal society to a developed capitalist society in a short period of time, it still has a system and subconsciousness similar to strict hierarchies. Apologies are extremely complicated. In fact, the most indispensable thing within the company is an apology and reflection...

Therefore, Li Yan decided not to go to any company to find a job very early.

"Yes... right..."

Ema Yasahara was apologetic, and quietly planned to continue apologizing.

At this time, just before they clarified the matter, the voice of production director Mr. Honda came from behind Li Yan.

"I heard the sound of something shattering. Did something happen, Mr. Kashiwagi?"


When Miyamori and Ema Yasahara heard this person's voice, their faces suddenly paled.

Li Yan quickly realized the situation of the two professional women. He himself didn't want to let such a small daily incident be constantly magnified in the company. He thought for a moment when he watched the hurrying Mr. Honda, who was a little bloated. , Bowed slightly, and said apologetically: "...Sorry, Mr. Honda, I just walked in a hurry and didn't see your employees, so I hit him."

Miyamori and Anbara Ema probably understood Li Yan's intentions, and they all stood in front of Honda, with expressions of shame inside them.


Li Yan realized that these two girls who did not cooperate at this moment could only play as long as possible.

"...It turns out that's the case, it doesn't matter, then you go to the lounge first, and I will ask the staff to take your clothes to the dry cleaner."

Honda Feng quickly realized something, and then smiled awkwardly, greeted Li Yan to go to the lounge.


Ema Yashara raised her head and looked at the person's back. Judging from the reactions of Aoi Miyamori and Mr. Honda, she could guess that she was a very important customer, and she knew that her hurried behavior might have missed the company's major events...


Taking off the warm coat, Ema Yasahara, who had been painting in her office area, was still unable to let go. However, at noon, no upper-level person came to take responsibility for her.

During the meal time, as always, Gong Senkui came over to look for her, smiled, and asked: "It's time for rest, Ema, do you want to eat together?"


Anhara Ema returned to her senses, looked at Miya Senkui, and nodded.

Having dinner together in a quiet lounge, Ema Yashara brought a lunch box. Whether it was hers or Miyamori's lunch, it seemed a bit single and light.

"Um... Has that Mr. Kashiwagi left?"

Anhara Ema asked cautiously.

"Yes, I left at nine o'clock." Gong Senkui replied.

"..." Ema Yasara fell silent, worryingly, and did not speak any more.

"Don't worry, I met this gentleman in the morning. It seems that he is a very good person to contact. I won't take these things to heart."

Miyamori realized Ema Anhara's concerns, and said with a smile.

"But...no, Xiaokui, what is Mr. Kashiwagi's identity, client?" Ema Yashara asked.

Miya Senkui, who was still eating bread, blinked and hesitated.

After all, the other party had kept her identity secret in advance and claimed to use the identity of Mr. Kashiwagi to see the production level of Musashida Animation. Therefore, due to the confidentiality agreement, she could only claim this to ordinary employees.

"Kashiwagi... Mr. Kashiwagi is a cartoonist. His debut work "Soul Eater" recently announced that it will be animated, so our company has to fight for the production rights of this teacher during this period of time. Today, I specially came to inspect our company. Strength."

Gong Senkui processed it a bit and explained.

"It turned out to be a cartoonist..."

Ema Yasahara understood, and said in surprise.

"That's great, since I can keep it secret, and explain it to Ema, let her understand a little bit, it's better than boring myself..." Gong Senkui thought silently while eating bread.

Although Miyamori's logic was not wrong, Miyamori's words successfully attracted the curiosity of Ema Yasahara, who is a professional painter, in the absence of intelligence.

"Teacher Kashiwagi, "Soul Eater"..." Ema Yasahara thought silently.

As a result, after the lunch, Ema Yashara returned to her computer and searched the Internet for comics about Soul Eater. As a result, the entire web page popped up with an introduction and online reading of the comic website about Soul Eater. .


Ema Yashara saw the first chapter of the work, the story is quite interesting, not to mention, the painting skills are impeccable, it can be so real and aromatic, full of real feeling, and quite powerful.In terms of experience and skills, Ema Yasahara is definitely far inferior to this young cartoonist.

"It's just that some ergonomic close-ups, shameful style..."

Ema Yashara saw behind and looked at the close-up of the hallucinations of the first diners, her white cheeks suddenly turned red, and she hurriedly closed the website, feeling very ashamed.

However, a little bit through the search engine to read other historical works, and as a result, the ones presented in front of Ema Yasara are all with the 18X logo, and the dazzling array of mosaic GL book covers...


Anhara Ema's entire soft body was trembling, her voice became hoarse, and her face was hot. It was only then that she was horrified to discover that the young man she saw in the morning turned out to be a book with these styles. cartoonist……

Early on Sunday morning, after yesterday’s sleet, today’s temperature rose slightly.

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