I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 498

However, now, he no longer thinks that this car is really an evil car...Although he often runs away by himself, it emits flames like hell, and the fuel consumption is particularly high...

However, it has helped him out of danger several times, and it is a true partner who has shared the joys and sorrows together.


Facing the computer, Li Yan wrote a brief outline of the plot, and fell into a little thought.

However, the hunger from his stomach quickly disturbed Li Yan's thoughts. He stood up a little and went to the refrigerator to see if there was any leftover food. As a result, in addition to some fruits and drinks, the refrigerator could report his stomach. Unknowingly, his spare food was all consumed.

"Would you like to go out and eat something..."

Li Yan thought.

Suddenly, late at night at ten o'clock, his doorbell rang.

Generally, during this time period, people in the apartment building seldom look for him. Li Yan was a little curious, and looked at the visitors at the door with cat eyes.

——Ding Dong!

When the doorbell rang, Miyamori Aoi who was standing at the door seemed to notice movement behind the door, and then he bowed and said, "Good evening, that... I am Miyamori Aoi from Musashida Animation, that... that, Mr. Kashiwagi, I'm sorry to bother you so late, do you have time now, if you can, I can talk to you about the production rights of "Soul Eater"... can I talk while eating?"

Immediately, Li Yan opened the door and looked at Miyasenkui with an unexpected expression, and asked: "Is it okay? I don't know why Ms. Miyamori is just right. If you can, you can take you. Go to a restaurant farther away for a late night snack?"


Gong Senkui blinked, and she understood at this moment. For some reason, Mr. Honda, the production director, understood quite well that the chances of inviting others to eat out during this period of time would be higher than at any time.

In the dark night, just after the traffic lights turn to green, a white car rushes directly through the intersection, using the drift of clouds and flowing water to turn directly into the main road, and head to one sound effect company after another, and other animation processing companies related to animation companies. Send the materials, and finally send the file bag directly to the door of the freelance animator Miss Segawa.

——Ding Dong!

Standing at the door, Miyamori said politely: "Excuse me!"

Behind him, Li Yan showed a surprised look. Looking at the back of the girl who was drifting and racing through the streets of Tokyo, he really couldn't see that this serious and polite professional girl had such great driving skills...

For some reason, he felt more and more whether he had seen Ms. Miyamori driving in one place. There was a sense of familiarity in his memory, but human memory sometimes has the possibility of memory errors, so Li Yan still Choose not to delve into this matter.

At around nine o'clock, Li Yan and Aoi Miyamori made an appointment to go out for a late night snack and talk about the rights to the animation production of "Soul Eater" by Hideri Kashiwagi, but only after Aoi Miyamori did all the work. Go over to the Meguro area.

[Click] With a sound, the door of the apartment building opened wide, and a casually dressed woman with braids, aged close to 27 or 28, walked out.

It seems that this one is Miss Rimi Segawa mentioned by Aoi Miyamori.

"Ah, it's been hard work." Rimi Segawa smiled after seeing Aoi Miyamori.

"Yes, the documents are all inside. This time the workload is a bit too much. Please be sure to complete it in three days." Gong Senkui handed the document bag to the other party and said politely.

"Still as strict as always...Huh?"

At this moment, this female animator realized that the person who came this time was not only Miyamori, but behind her was a young man who was wearing a white coat and was similar to Miyamori.

"...Your boyfriend?" Segawa Rimi asked.


Aoi Miyamori was shocked. At first he didn't know what Setagawa Rimi was talking about, but after suddenly thinking of Li Yan behind him, his cheeks became red, and he immediately shook his hands and denied, saying, "No, no! Miss Segawa, Don’t say anything that is misleading. The gentleman at the back is a guest of the company. I am now in charge of going out to have a meal with this gentleman on behalf of the company, and then talk about the animation of a work..."

When Segawa Rimi heard it, her heart suddenly thumped.

She also knows a little bit about the animation of "Soul Eater". After all, Musashida Animation, which has been sinking for a while, has always hoped to receive the production rights of the current mainstream comics. However, she knew about the artist Kashiwagi Hideri for a long time. General information: female high school student, mixed race, talented painter.More importantly...

In the cold snow scene, Segawa Rimi looked at the unfamiliar young man with intent and beautiful appearance.


Li Yan noticed that the other party looked suspiciously, and felt that this female animator seemed to understand something. She didn't dare to say anything at the moment, but just nodded slightly to Segawa Rimi.

More importantly, the negotiations on the animation production rights are generally undertaken by the original author, the editor in charge, and can be so assured that Eri Kashiwagi can act as an agent. There is only one person... more well-known than Eri Kashiwagi, and the work has been released for two seasons. [Uesugi Yan], a popular anime light novel writer with ratings in the top five!

"Uesugiyan... Was he such a young person?"

Rimi Segawa thought.

"Hello there!"

However, immediately, Segawa Rimi smiled and greeted Li Yan.

The company’s elite basically knows about cartoonists, but they don’t know anything about light novels, so I don’t know at all. Times have changed. There are not only cartoonists in the creative field, but also light novel authors who influence animation... …

So, probably only she knows the identity of this agent at the moment. In the eyes of a painter, the eyes of this light novel author are deep, bright and energetic, and can roughly judge the character of this person. At least, it should not be considered a bad person. .

"Not now, why don't you fight for what the future will be?" Rimi Segawa asked with a smile.

"Um... please stop joking." Miyamori said helplessly.

"Okay, I won't bother you, so you can talk about your work well, come on." Rimi Segawa said with a smile, then went back and closed the door properly.

"Huh~~~~Really, I rarely see Miss Segawa joking like this."

Gong Senkui nagged a little, then turned around awkwardly, apologized and said, "Sorry, I made you laugh."

"It's okay...Miss Gong Sen, I feel that your work is very hard."

Li Yan said to Gong Senkui with some emotion.

However, Li Yan still cared a little about the animator of Rimi Segawa. He always felt that his identity had been seen through just now.

"Yes, but these are no big deal. By the way, we have been waiting for a long time, so let's go to the restaurant you mentioned for dinner together."

Gong Senkui took out the car key and said with a smile.

In a cafeteria, the sign outside was printed: [9:00pm-1:00am SaLe 30 OFF!!], it seems that it is the same reason that the convenience stores sell bento at low prices.

"There will be this store..."

Gong Senkui took a look at the price, it was surprisingly cheap, and after walking into the buffet, the variety and freshness of the food was unexpectedly abundant, and he said in surprise.

Li Yan looked at Gong Senkui as if his eyes were shining, and he always felt that this young girl was no less poor than him.

"It's great that you like it. I am also worried that Miss Miyamori will not like buffets and other places..."

Li Yan walked ahead and led the way, then looked back at Gong Senkui, and said with joy.

"No, no, to be honest, at first I thought Mr. Kashiwagi came so far to eat expensive food... No, it's not that such ingredients are bad. I didn't know about such a place before. , Let my friends know about it next time."

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