I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 500


Gong Senkui jumped violently in his heart, and looked over nervously.However, unexpectedly, the person who came in was also a stranger and a strange girl.

The girl who entered the door was quite petite, only between 143-146 visually. The dazzling long blond hair seemed to indicate that this strange girl had foreign ancestry. She was wearing a sports coat with thighs exposed. She was obviously quite cute. But there was a pair of eyes that were almost rotten. After the other side walked into the room silently, he looked at her quietly.

"Are you awake?" the strange blonde girl asked.

"...Yes." Gong Senkui looked at the girl with some curiosity.

"Then please leave. I'm going to wash the quilt and sheets. I can't stand the alcoholic bed." The girl said directly indifferently.

"..." Miyamori was taken aback for a moment, so she didn't know what happened to her since she woke up to now.

"Gabriel, is that person awake?"

At this moment, another voice in the room came over and asked.

At this time, a quiet girl with short blue hair walked in, looking at Gabriel curiously, and looking at Gong Senkui's side, only to see Gong Senkui wake up and smile.

"Isn't this awake?" Weinet said.

"... Another girl, it's weird, what's going on, where am I, what did I experience last night?"

Gong Senkui murmured in a little fear.

"What, don't you remember, you were drunk last night, and then I took you in, and then we slept together last night..." Gabriel explained.

As a result, the words were not finished yet, Vinette’s uppercut hit her soft belly directly, directly hitting the lazy angel suspended in the air, which looked a bit like the Saiyan Prince Vegeta in the animation. The look of a beating.

"Don't say something that makes people misunderstand!" Vinette said angrily.

"But, damn, I... I just said that I slept next to her, otherwise, where did I sleep?!" Gabriel retorted angrily, covering her belly.

Miyasenkui sitting on the bed didn't quite understand what they were talking about, but always felt that these two girls should not be bad students.

"Huh, don’t listen to this guy talking nonsense. When you went out for supper with our senior last night, because senior you drank too much, you couldn’t ask where the senior sister lived. With the password, so at about one o’clock, the senior entrusted you to Gabriel’s care. The general situation is like this."

Vignette gave a quiet smile and explained in detail.

"Ah, it's exactly the same as what I explained." Gabriel said with an indifferent expression.

"It's totally different!!" Weinet yelled at Gabriel angrily.

Gong Senkui suddenly remembered. Indeed, she went out for dinner with the young man who didn’t know her real name last night. There was an unlimited amount of draft beer to drink. As a result, she drank a lot of cheap beer, but she didn’t get anything later. I remember...


Winnett handed the mobile phone she had been holding to Miyamori, smiling and said: "Because seniors have always met drunk women, so I used to use the video function of the mobile phone to prove my innocence. A total of 50 minutes should be You can dispel your worries, senior."

"Although I absolutely believe in seniors, this method will be more appropriate, seniors, please believe in our seniors, he will definitely not do anything to hurt others."

Vignette said with a gentle smile.


Gong Senkui took the phone with some curiosity, but it was the first time that she saw someone so experienced how to prove her innocence...

Early in the morning, 8:35.

A blizzard was blowing outside. After going back to his apartment and taking a hot bath, Aoi Miyamori, who was going to continue working on Saturday, finally drove back to the parking space of the Musashida Animation.


Gong Senkui wrapped her body tightly and walked into the company, only to be slightly relieved.

There was still a while before going to work, Gong Senkui came to a conference room, took out Li Yan's cell phone, and opened a video recorded last night, with some curiosity and anxiety in his heart.

——[Sha Sha Sha...]

Soon, after a picture of snowflakes, recording began.

Time: 00:31 minutes.

After the night mode was turned on, in a dark street, Li Yan seemed to be helping the drunk Miya Senkui to walk out. The lens was placed on his chest pocket, and the lens was a little shaken.

[Be more sober, Miss Gong Sen...] Li Yan tried to wake her up while supporting her.

[Eh...Can't you drink anymore, I can still drink...]

As a result, she heard her own voice soon, sounding drunk and a little unclear.


Miyamori suddenly became a little speechless when he was drunk, and he unexpectedly became like this.

Immediately afterwards, Li Yan finally sent her drunk to the co-pilot, and when she was fastened with a seat belt, she was immediately hugged by this drunk girl!

[Haha...Mr.'s shoulders are really spacious. It turns out that the taste and body temperature of a man are like this... This is the first time I know!Gong Senkui said with a happy laugh, hugging Li Yan tightly.

[Wait, Ms. Gong Mori, let go of your hand for a while... Wait, don't touch it!!As a result, Li Yan's surprised voice came from the shaking camera.

At exactly this moment, the doorknob of the conference room moved, and Gong Senkui hurriedly paused the video. As a result, a young man with dyed yellow hair and a little physique came in, looked at her in the conference room, and asked: "Yo, are you having breakfast?"


Gong Senkui was guilty of being a guilty conscience, sitting upright, looking at this colleague with cold sweat on the milk on the table and a group of sushi sold in the convenience store.

This colleague’s name is Takanashi Taro, and she is the same group of employees who joined the production of Musashida Animation. However, this young man has some problems with his work method, and he still maintains a sufficiently optimistic attitude when he always adds trouble to others. There is no concept of "reflection".

"I always felt strange to hear a man's voice just now." Takanitaro said with a sly look.

"It's just! It's just... watching a series."

Gong Senkui's face was a little flustered, and he quickly explained.

"Is that right?"

"Yes, of course it is."

"Oh, then don't bother you."

Soon, Takanashi Taro didn't think too much, and soon closed the door again.


Miyamori was relieved, but at last the unsightly black history was not discovered.

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