I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 507

His eyes were as calm and straightforward as snow outside the window, and he said: "Teacher, when I first met me, he cared for my future and showed me the grace of preaching and karma. He is a strict teacher, although People in the university are very afraid of him, but I know better than anyone that Professor Ogura is an excellent and noble teacher who is hard to see in my life, and is a teacher worthy of the respect of my life."

"However, this is the first time...I see him falling into such a situation. I feel that I have an obligation to share the worries for the teacher as much as I can. Although I do make my own decisions, I don't think my decision is a kind of ignorance. Sensual."

Li Yan looked calm, turned his head to look at Ogasawara Runko who was following the wire fence, and explained.

"That's the case, but you are too naive to act like this." Ogasawara Runko suddenly became a little colder and said.

Li Yan was a little surprised, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Ogasawara Runko's eyes seemed to be covered with white snow.

In her memory, she saw herself worrying about the eyes of too many people, too many people's interference, too many involuntary, which led to nothing, sitting in the tram station seat, crying, and being forced into desperation.

"Although I and you have known each other not long ago, this time I invite you to play baseball. There are some social principles and principles that I hope to teach Mr. Li."

The indifferent eyes of this woman glanced over.

"In this world, don't tie things that are not yourself to yourself. Of course, I understand what kind of person you are, but like the cold of winter, people who are in confusion and darkness need firelight. It happens to you. The name is two Chinese characters for fire... You don’t have enough fire to illuminate them. Eventually, you will burn to ashes."

Ogasawara Runko put down his bat, looked at Li Yan, and said, “The kindness of your teacher, as a student, as long as you live up to his expectations, you’d better do your own thing. Don’t be too emotional and try to Anyone who completely releases his heart, if he does not learn to protect himself and invests too much, he will eventually be scarred. This is the experience I have accumulated in society bit by bit."


Li Yan listened quietly, with no room for rebuttal.

After all, this truth is not wrong, he himself always claims to be a qualified social man, and even after rebirth, he continues to fulfill the belief that he should live only for himself.Naturally, he knew that Ogasawara's words were indeed for his own good.


Another reason that cannot be refuted is that he still denies Ogasawara's theory, and it seems to deny the theory he once trusted deeply.

After all, people who have experienced being regarded as a different kind by school teachers and can only rely on learning to protect themselves, also deeply know that the quality of teachers is important to a person's life...

Somewhat funny is that now I think of Professor Ogura, who I feared, but he is not so kind, even that kind of warm and respectful affection lingers in my heart and cannot be dissipated.

"What's wrong, do you have a skeptical attitude toward my words? I can continue to listen to your opinions." Ogasawara Runko felt the silence on the other side for a long time, and asked with a baseball bat.

"...I do need to make a statement. I have not opened my heart to anyone. I am not so enthusiastic and natural. So far, the people I have opened up are people who I am willing to entrust my heart to. "

Li Yan took the baseball bat, looked at Ronko Ogasawara, and asked, "I have something to ask, but, just now, Miss Ogasawara herself said that society relies on strength to speak, so do you want to gamble with me... Make a promise with baseball, Miss Ogasawara?"

Chapter 265 The animator and the home run (2)

12:15 minutes.

"You need to hold your hands like this, you don't need to use too much force, yes. Then, the waist should be moderately relaxed. When hitting, you need the back foot as a support point. Using the strength of the waist to connect the arm, you will directly hit the ball at an oblique angle of 25 to 40 degrees. If the strength and timing are well grasped, you can hit the ball farther, win first base, second base, and even home run results..."

While explaining the principle, Ogasawara Runko taught Li Yan the correct posture and tips for hitting baseball.

Li Yan studied the basics very carefully, but after about a few minutes of learning the basics, he was about to start a duel with a girl who had played baseball for more than ten years.

"...Oops, don't you just swing the stick?"

Li Yan listened carefully, and found that playing baseball has a lot of rules and disciplines. For a while, he was a little unsure whether he could master the key to batting so quickly.

"Well... you really look like a complete layman, do you really plan to compare?"

Ogasawara Ema asked.

"...How do you know if you don't try it."

Li Yan's expression was extremely complicated, and he said this sentence that his younger generation Aoba used to say.

"But, didn't you say that last time, have you been exposed to baseball?"

Ogasawara Runko glanced up and asked.

Li Yan hesitated and said in a low voice: "In the third year of high school, I did use it once, but it was used by the other party to attack me and was snatched by me..."

This time, Li Yan gave a statement to Ogasawara Ronko, who has absolute confidence in the baseball field, and directly used to assist him in observing and helping Anbara Ema as his winning conditions to force Ogasawara Runko to accept it. The result was successful in causing Ogasawara Ronko. interest of.

However, the conditions put forward by Ogasawara Runko showed some confidence, that is, Li Yan just announced all his identities.

In this game, Li Yan couldn't help but clenched a few points of the bat. He didn't know why. Facing Ogasawara's "self-protection theory", he also hoped that he could deny this one too absolute. Too lonely theory.

"It's better to put your hands away a little bit."

Ogasawara Runko looked at Li Yan's posture from one side, and then said.

She stepped forward and adjusted the position of Li Yan's arm. This adjustment was almost like a ballroom dance, requiring constant contact with the opponent's body to adjust the posture. Gradually, when Ogasawara held Li Yan's ribs with both hands, Stopped.



Ogasawara Ronko silently thought: "How do you feel that you want to touch more, what's the feeling? It should be the basic posture just now... Let's not talk about the sense of touch, it's like being close, smelling Li's The taste is a little bit overwhelming. I almost wanted to say that he tastes good...So, I will be regarded as abnormal."

"Ms. Ogasawara, how about it? Is this posture standard?"

Li Yan didn't think so much. He realized that Ogasawara was not adjusting, and he turned his head a little while looking at Ronko Ogasawara who was looking down at his waist, and asked.

"...Yes, that's about it." Ogasawara returned to his senses, closed his eyes a little, and let go of his hands.

She stood in a safe area, and then said to Li Yan: "I will give you three balls for a little practice, then let's start."

The triumphant and contemptuous expression of this witch-like girl is obvious, sincerely like a manor looking at the eldest lady of a hillbilly, with a confident smile, looking at Li Yan, S's smell is quite strong.For men with the M attribute, this is simply not a beautiful expression.

"Okay, thank you."

Li Yan didn't care about his face either. He did need to practice a few times. After all, losing the game would not be a good thing for his teacher, him and Ema.

As a result, Li Yan pressed the start button. Soon, at a standard distance of 18.4 meters, the pitching machine began to operate. Then, when prompted, an ordinary straight ball with a speed of 120 kilometers per hour was thrown out with a loud sound.

"Mr. Li seems to be exercising, the muscles are not well distributed, but quite well-proportioned. However, he underestimates the sport of baseball, which is very talented and requires a lot of daily practice to become a baseball player. Foot strength, waist strength, eyesight, arm strength, and the computational ability of the human brain... are all quite tests. The first shot depends on how far his swing trajectory is from the real ball..."


While Ogasawara Ronko was still thinking, a clear hit of the ball rang out in front of her, and there was no moment for her to react. Li Yan had already used a standard swing to hit the posture and put her life first. A straight ball he encountered flew out.


Ogasawara Runko shocked all of a sudden, opened her eyes wide, and looked at the flying ball in disbelief.

The first shot was the ball that was 120 kilometers in the middle. Without adapting to the diagonal hit, it just flew the ball to third base.

Ogasawara Runko was speechless, staring blankly at where the ball fell.

"Coincidence, or..."

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