I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 521

Li Yan, who is familiar with anime, was not only surprised by this voice, but it was the first time I saw a puppet clerk with such a quality, and I couldn't help feeling a little bit inside.

[Beep beep beep——!!

However, Li Yan's consciousness system suddenly reacted.

[Work: "White Box"

Evaluation: A+

Suggestion: A work that tells about the production of animation. It is quite professional and true. It is one of the few workplace stories that convey the inspiration and pursuit of dreams of middle-aged animation.

"White box? I remember..."

Li Yan remembered something.

However, just when the clerk of this cat puppet was planning to publicize it, a girl voice with an Osaka accent came from behind.

"Sakaki-senpai, please wait a minute!"

Qingshan Qihai, who was wearing brown bear costumes, was flushed with red ears, hurried out and called the cat puppet employee.

"Huh? What's wrong, Qihai sauce?"

The girl employee with the surname Sakagi asked curiously.

"Sorry, this...this is my senior with Zhenbai, and this child is my neighbor, they are just following Zhenbai..."

Qihai was a little embarrassed and shy, and explained.

This girl with the surname Sakagi realized it, and then said to Li Yan and Kang Na: "I'm sorry, I don't know, it turns out to be a friend of Qihaijiang and Zhenbaijiang..."

"It's okay, it's not a big deal." Li Yan said with a polite smile.

"Senior Li, and Conna, good morning."

Qing Shan Qihai bowed, smiled, and said hello to Li Yan and the others. When they talked, they carried a ball of heat.

"Good morning!!"

Conna raised her hand and shouted.

This habit of greeting is probably learned from the palace.

"Good morning, I will disturb your work." Li Yan said while looking at Qihai.

"No, we welcome seniors to come to play at any time. Let me introduce you, this is the senior I met when I was interviewing the voice actress, senior Sakagi Shizuka, senior, this one is the neighbor and senior of Zhenbai and I, Li Yan, It's a foreign student from a foreign country. He has always taken good care of me and Zhenbai. This one is Xiaolin Kangna, a foreigner from Ireland."

Standing in the middle, Nanami briefly introduced each other with a smile on his face.

"It's nice to meet you, but I can't take off my headgear outside at work, sorry..."

Sakagi Shizuka said to Li Yan and Conna in apologetic voice.

After all, taking off the mascot's headgear in front of the child is undoubtedly a great injury to the child who believes in fairy tales.

"It's ok……"

Li Yan hadn't spoken yet, and Kang Na on the side showed a curious and suspicious expression as she listened.

"I! I remember, your voice is like the magical girl Lili Nai!"

Conna's eyes sparkled, and she became a little excited, looking at Shizuka Sakagi and said.


Qingshan Qihai and Li Yan were taken aback, neither of them had heard of this anime character.

"...Yes, you guessed it. Actually, I am the magical girl Lilina, really a clever child, but you must take good care of such a secret."

Shizuka Sakagi thought for a while, then leaned down and spoke to Conna in the naughty and mature tone of the magical girl Lilina.

"It's exactly the same!" Connor was dumbfounded and said in surprise.

"...Seiyuu are all monsters."

Li Yan listened to the professional dubbing, and he was about to change into another person's voice, and he thought to himself.

"It's amazing~~~~ It's the real thing!"

Kang Na, who showed longing eyes, held her cheek and said with deep emotion in her heart.

While Shizuka Sakaki was playing with Conna, Nanami smiled cheerfully and whispered to Li Yan, "Senior Li, Senior Sakaki is not like me. She is already from the seiyuu firm Akagi Production. Officially signed a seiyuu."

"...That's really amazing."

Li Yan had heard of this firm and said.

"There are currently 300,000 seiyuu students in Japan, but...only 300 of them can officially become seiyuu. Out of 30,000, only 300 can support themselves..."

Aoyama Nanami introduced the situation in the voice actor world with some emotion, saying: "Although Sakagi has become a voice actor, she has not made her official debut yet... I heard that several opportunities have failed due to tension and various reasons..."

"...I've heard of these too."

Li Yan once understood the cruel competitive environment in the voice actor industry. The elimination rate is almost one in a thousand. It is crueler than Kao Dongda. The salary is also pitifully low, which is not directly proportional to the effort. However, he once introduced new The audition job for game was given to Qikai, and even the resume was handed in for her, but Qikai declined.(There is indeed an interview seiyuu named Qihai in the new game play)

"However, Senior Sakagi is still working hard and is actively training every day. I am relatively inferior. Before joining the firm, I dare not take any jobs easily. Besides, some of them are guaranteed by my predecessors. opportunity……"

Aoyama Nanami smiled, and before Sakaki Shizuka was not aware of this, she asked in a low voice, "So, Senior Lee, if possible, give Senior Sakaki a chance to debut... I don’t know why, I really want it. I heard the voice of Sakagi-senpai in the animation or game..."


Li Yan was slightly taken aback.

At this time, Kang Na pointed to Li Yan and said: "Many humans can be magical, Master Li can magical."


Li Yan was stunned and didn't understand what was going on, but he felt strange looks around him. He always felt that he was a serious middle-aged and second-year young man. He shook his hand hurriedly, denying and saying, "No, no, I never talked to children Say something like this."


Conna immediately became puzzled, tilted her head to look at Li Yan, and said in a puzzled way: "But... Master Li can really do magic, burning sparks all over his body, and even Niederhogg can beat it."


Li Yan was speechless.

Now, the surrounding atmosphere is really embarrassing...

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