I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 524

"145 million (845 million yuan)..."

Kusanaru Longhui was silent for a while and said.

"What?!" Li Yan and Kagurazaka Changpo suddenly felt cold and asked.

145 million...This is almost an incredible figure. It should be said that Li Yan's own manuscript fee plus the adaptation fee for more than a year are not close to this figure.

"This...this is already blackmail. According to the law, this should be resolved through litigation." Kagurazaka Ayame thought about the regulations of civil law in detail, said.

"No... you can see if you look at my house, it seems to have provoke a group that shouldn't be offended." Kusanaru Longhui shook his head, showing embarrassment, said.

"Let’s not say that they have the protection of legal companies and councillors. The arrears regulations signed by my brother are all legal... He even secretly mortgaged his family’s house. Slip inside..."

Ryuki Kusanagi looked sadly at Li Yan and Kagura Saka Ayame, and said, "I have thought about it in the past few days... What they want may not be my brother’s hands and feet, maybe what they want is to force me to participate. That game..."

"...Game?" When Li Yan heard this, he always felt that this name was quite strange.

"It's better not to know this thing..."

Kusanaru Longhui looked at them and said, "My motorcycles are very good, and I have a lot of reputation among motorcycle enthusiasts... Although I haven't engaged in street races for a while, I can only use The method of gambling is to pay off all the debts at once before my brother is not retaliated or goes to jail."


Street car gambling is quite popular in the United States, Japan and Europe. It is the most common way of racing and gambling on street racing. There are more rich second-generation and car skilled people who play this.

Li Yan has learned about this level of automobile culture when checking writing materials.


However, Li Yan knew the concept of "game" when he saw the scars of the grass and the dragon, and the motorcycle he had been cherishing was broken into this appearance.

At this time, Kusanaru Ryuki's wounds were basically bandaged. He stood up and said to Li Yan and Kagurazaka Ayame: "That's it, Uesugi-sensei, Kagurazaka-san...it's trouble for you, really. I'm sorry, but let's stop here. Don't interfere with my affairs anymore. The other group of guys are more powerful than imagined, and the chain of interests involved is quite complicated. You should never get involved..."

In the sleet, Kusanaru Longhui's eyes were a little disturbed. After saying this to them, he stepped back a little bit until he reached the side of the motorcycle before putting on his helmet again and driving away. Up.


At that time, Li Yan and Kagurazaka Ayame didn't know what to do in their hearts. They stood there for a while, looking hesitantly and complicatedly watching Kusanaru Longhui before he had time to take anything from home, and then hurriedly left...

"Sure enough... it still doesn't work."

Kagurazaka Acorus thought quietly, and finally she shook her head and said to Li Yan.

"Although I don't know what to do, I still can't watch Mr. Kusanaru fend for himself... You are not only my author, but also my friends. Even if it causes disaster, I plan to prevent Mrs. Kusana from taking risks. Such a thing."

Kagurazaka Ayame showed a cheer up smile, looked at Li Yan, and said, "Me and everyone in Sanhe Bunku should persuade him to come back. There are always other ways, isn't it, Uesugi?"

Li Yan was taken aback for a moment, looking at Kagurazaka Acorus, a little speechless.

He didn't dare to make claims, after all, as Kusuna Longhui mentioned, one more person involved would be more dangerous.However, he also underestimated his team in the light novel industry...

"It's true, so now I will chase Kusanaru-sensei..."

Li Yan was silent for a moment, then nodded, ready to set off to retrieve the Kusuna Longhui who had just left.

"No, you should go back to rest now."

Kagurazaka Ayame reached out his hand and touched Li Yan's forehead, smiled, and said, "Thank you for coming here under such circumstances. Some have a low fever. Leave the rest to us. You can go back and rest. ."


"Wrap it on me, I can definitely find him, and persuade him to come back and work hard with us."

Li Yan was silent for a while and asked, "Is there any problem?"

"There is absolutely no problem."

Kagurazaka Ayame said with a bright smile.

Li Yan looked at Kagurazaka calamus dizzyly. In the snow, he looked at Kagurazaka calamus, finally nodded and agreed to his editor.

Kagurazaka Ayame's prediction was quite accurate. She said there was absolutely no problem, and there was a high probability that nothing happened.

As a result, the two moved separately, and Li Yan dragged his body with a low-grade fever back to the supra, and returned to his car with a complex mood.

——You are Chinese, are you interested in the light novel industry?

--……Yes, it is.Although I am a foreigner, I have a good command of Japanese and like the second element, so I hope that Sanhe will give me a chance to become a writer.

——The previous editor mentioned you that the previous works have great potential, but you have to know that there is a lot of competitive pressure in light novels... At present, there is no foreigner in Japan. A firm foothold in the dimensional culture, at least... Chinese boys are even more difficult to stand firm.I personally think that creating interesting stories has no borders. If you write really well, the company and I will guarantee your copyright and income rights, then... I started to watch it.Ok?The name is "Super Academy War", the name is a bit weird...]



—— [I have already seen it, congratulations, Mr. Li, I am very optimistic about your work, maybe you have quite a great creative talent.

——[Really, thank you very much...]

——[However, there is one more question. If this book can be published, I need you to publish it under a Japanese pen name, and try not to reveal your identity, so I want to ask, do you have any favorite Japanese celebrities ?

——...Yes, I personally like the Warring States daimyo, Uesugi Kenshin.

——[Yo Xi, then your pen name is Uesugiyan directly, Mr. Uesugi, the contract will be ready soon. Welcome to join our family of Sanhe Library.

More than a year ago, in the summer, Kagurazaka Ayame in summer clothes showed a cheerful smile, stretched out his hand and said to him.

[Boom boom boom!!

Suddenly, a phone call woke up Li Yan who was still dreaming.


He suddenly opened his eyes and lay on his bed, suddenly covered in cold sweat.

Obviously he didn't have nightmares, but for some reason, he suddenly felt anxious.

In the darkness, it was already ten o'clock at night.After Li Yan came back, he took the anti-fever medicine and lay down in the sheets to reduce the fever. As a result, he fell asleep until now...

As a result, Li Yan, who was in a state of anxiety, quickly answered the phone and asked, "Who is it?"

——[It's me, Miyamori.

"...Oh, Ms. Gong Mori, sorry, I just woke up...what's the matter?"

——Last time I talked to you about the Christmas party, Lee, have you decided yet?I have already started looking for a meeting place.

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