I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 527

Izumi Sagiri showed a wry smile and whispered.

Li Yan was about to leave. However, Hequan Sagumi thought of something, and she was not sure whether it was appropriate to say. In the end, she decided to come down and said, "Ms. Uesugi...Tomorrow is Christmas. Merry Christmas."

Li Yan was stunned for a moment. He looked at the petite girl who always blushed when talking and liked to lower her head, and then said: "Yes, Merry Christmas."

The female creators took turns to take care of the editor of this library, patiently waiting for the core of Sanwa Library to wake up, and temporarily did not dare to tell the family of Kagurazaka Ayame.

However, this time, Li Yan also realized that the situation did not seem to be as optimistic as he and Kagurazaka Ayame had thought about. The group of organizations that organize racing for profit seems to really do everything to force the drivers... …

Therefore, Li Yan had to change the plan with Kusanaru Longhui.

Hospital parking lot.

The dark sky was surging and sparse snow fell on Li Yan's shoulders. He stood beside his supra and took out the driver's license he had just obtained.

"...In the end, the photo is still distorted."

Li Yan looked at his fierce head photo, sighed slightly, and couldn't help but complain.

This time he is going to set foot on a long journey, and he personally promised Kusanaru Longhui to lend him his car to take part in this final race, but only if he is also present...

In any case, to find out who is behind this race, apart from winning the racing championship, there is no other way to know who is planning to hit Kagurazaka Ayame.

"Cough cough cough..."

Li Yan coughed a few times. He looked at his car, and his eyes became sharper. He returned to the car and started to his destination.

In Yamagata County in the north, there is heavy snow at the moment. I heard that the mountain roads are covered with abundant snow, and there is the possibility of avalanches at any time.

Li Yan drove the supra from Tokyo and went north along the highway.

However, at 13:00, Li Yan, who had not taken antipyretics and lunch, finally chose to settle down temporarily in a city in Gunma Prefecture.

"There is still some time, let's eat something first."

Li Yan drove the car, feeling that the situation was getting worse, he thought to himself.

In the end, the vehicle stopped in front of a restaurant near the highway intersection.

[Boom boom boom.

Just as Li Yan got out of the car, a phone rang.

As a result, the name of the caller was: Gong Senkui.

"...Miss Gong Mori?!"

Li Yan was a little surprised, looking at the phone and staying silent.

In the end, Li Yan answered the call.

[Hey, Lee, where are you now?!

Miyamori's eager voice came from the phone. From the background sound, it seemed to be driving, talking to Mai.

"...I'm here in Gunma County." When Li Yan heard this, he always felt that there was something wrong with Gong Senkui at the moment, hesitated for a while, and replied.

[Wait a minute, wait for me to pass, I heard, you guy drove past, it seems to be participating in some dangerous activity, don’t mess around...]


This time, it seemed that it was Li Yan's turn to be dissuaded by others.

Li Yan was silent for a while, and finally, he said, "Thank you, Miss Gong Sen... But, I'm afraid I can't go to your Christmas party this time... Sorry, I will definitely make it up when I come back."

He turned off the phone, and there was confusion in his mind. He didn't know what he was going to do, and now he can only move on to find the answer.


However, as soon as I walked into this Japanese-style ramen restaurant, I heard the quiet and quiet voice of a girl.


Li Yan saw a middle school girl with dark green short hair, red eyes like gems, and a beautiful and deserted face.This strange girl is not surprising, but what is terrifying is that besides this girl who makes him feel a little unique, there are still several acquaintances.

Juri wearing overalls saw Li Yan and let out a surprised voice.

"What a coincidence."

Said a deserted female voice.

Yan Moai stood by the chef, looked at him blankly, and said.

"... Am I going to the wrong place?"

Standing at the door, Li Yan couldn't help but want to go outside, but it seemed that it was too late...

"This one is full, my replacement."

Yan Moai introduced the girl who stood at the door to entertain the guests, and said that she had the same "three nos" on her face.

The shop owner kindly asked Yan Moai to have a table with his friends. Li Yan looked sad, maybe he was the first human being to have dinner with hell girl in history.

According to Yan Mo'ai, Li Yan suddenly understood that standing at the door was a girl from hell he had never seen before.

"Where are you going?"

Yan Mo asked without changing her face.

"..." Li Yan didn't know how to answer for a while.

"In your body, the aura of anxiety has increased again, it is very dangerous." Yan Moai continued.

"...I'm going to Yamagata Prefecture, and then find the mastermind who hurt my friend and ask him to give my friend justice."

Li Yan finally revealed his purpose, looked at her calmly, and said.

Yan Moai was stunned for a while, and then asked, "Really?"

"Miss Yan Mo, what are you doing here?"

Li Yan looked at Ju Li, who was greeting the guests warmly, and asked with lingering fear.

"...There is a person selected by Hell Communications, who is his own employee." Yan Moai said.

"Recently, resentment has been raging and endless... It seems that a holiday is approaching, and the work of hell communication has begun to increase. I don't know why, recently many resenters have tried to pull Santa Claus into hell. What is going on?"

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