I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 547

At 9:05, 5 minutes have passed since the opening ceremony of the school festival.

Because Yang Nai was a special guest, he was allowed to enter the backstage. Li Yan could only stay in the auditorium at the front desk, standing with a group of people who hadn't waited for the opening remarks and whispered.

"It looks like something went wrong."

Li Yan quickly learned the situation.

Xuexiaxuenai was probably in the backstage, but Li Yan didn't know why such a problem occurred...

However, at 9:10, the stage cloth that had been closed on the stage was suddenly pulled apart, and the bustling crowd suddenly fell silent.

The lights on the stage suddenly turned on, and what appeared in front of everyone was not the opening oath of the executive chairman of the school festival who presided over the opening, but a rock band formed by a group of girls.

The term girl may be biased, because Hiratsuka is also responsible for the bass performance.

However, the most conspicuous is Yukoshita Yukino, who is wearing a wide coat robe and barely catching the cold in the auditorium heating, seems to be responsible for the instrumental performance, and her sister next to her is responsible for the rock and roll drum part.

This appearance, the handsome and aesthetically compatible band, immediately washed away the dissatisfaction in the audience, and caused tumultuous cheers.


Standing under the audience, Li Yan was shocked by this development.

Playing and singing are like a girl orchestra that has long been formed. Under the constant flashing lights, the beautiful female lead singer music accompanied by the rhythm drove the active atmosphere of the whole opening ceremony.

However, Li Yan saw Yang Nao and Xue Nao in the shadow of the crowd. This pair of sisters could have this opportunity to perform together, which somewhat relaxed himself after seeing the estrangement between the sisters many times.

It seems to be able to understand the weird kind of family relationship that the Xuexia sisters fight and never break...

[Boom boom boom!

Suddenly, Li Yan heard the phone ringing again.

This time it was determined that it was his cell phone that called. He took out the cell phone and checked the caller ID, but it turned out to be the call of Sister Amakusa Shino.

"Hey, senior sister."

Li Yan walked to a quiet place as much as possible and answered the phone call.

However, after hearing the explanation from Amakusa-senpai, Li Yan quickly realized the problem. He quickly turned off the phone and hurriedly started to rush outside the auditorium. As a result, in a dark crowd of audiences, The figure walking backwards is so conspicuous.


Yukino, who played the guitar, quickly noticed that Li Yan in the audience...

Immediately, her eyes turned from attention, and gradually returned to calm.

With the music in the auditorium, Li Yan rushed to the top of the teaching building.

On the phone, Amakusa-senpai told him that some contradictory and helpless incidents occurred on the rooftop, and Higiya Hachiman seemed to be involved.

As soon as he reached the stairs on the second floor, Li Yan heard the girl cry in a low voice.

"Okay, Sagami, don't cry."

"That crappy guy is really annoying!"

"I thought he was not a good person for a long time, scum!"

A group of boys and girls clustered around a crying girl with short hair, slowly coming down from the roof. One of the students who dyed hair, Li Yan knew, was an unreliable guy named Hube Xiang.

Listening to the harsh words, like a ghost twisting in the dark, Li Yan passed the group of people at the top of the stairs.

At the door of the roof, Amakusa Xiao waited for a long time. After seeing Li Yan, she looked a little embarrassed, but she pointed to the situation outside the rooftop.

"Does it have to be like this?"

Just when Li Yan entered the door, Ye Shanzhan fell on the wall with a black face, said Biqigu Hachiman with his wrinkled clothes.


Li Yan looked in his eyes and stood at the door without speaking.

When Ye Shanzhan found Li Yan, he paused, and directly planned to pass Li Yan and go downstairs with the group of people.

Li Yan looked at Biqigu Hachiman who had fallen in the dark and was silent.

Like rubbish, abandoned...

Hearing about Biqigu Hachiman's method, Li Yan naturally felt that it was too reckless.


However, in the end, Li Yan turned his head and looked at Ye Shanxi who was about to leave.

"I want to ask, if you say that to him, do you have a better way to solve this problem?"

Li Yan asked.

"..." Ye Shanyan was taken aback and looked at Li Yan.

"If you don't, can you not stand on a moral high point and make people feel difficult. From beginning to end, I have not seen a time when people who do more will be reprimanded by people who do nothing."

Li Yan closed the door and told his own words to this popular darling of fate without reservation.

Chapter 279 The Girl's Envelope "Reincarnation"

Approaching noon.

On the roof, you can still clearly hear the cheers and songs coming from the auditorium, which sounds like waves.

After closing the door, it seemed that everything in the world had begun to quiet down. Compared with the cheers coming from not far away, it seemed more peaceful at the moment.


Standing on this empty rooftop, Li Yan turned his back to the gate on the top of the building, and began to look sideways at Bichigu Hachiman who was still sitting on the ground.

The cold wind at the heights seemed even stronger, blowing a vast expanse of snow and fog, and even the barbed wire over two meters high on the roof was constantly shaking and making a clicking sound.

"...Actually, you don't need to say those things at all."

The slightly embarrassed Biqigu Hachiman, who had bowed his head, raised his head and looked at Li Yan, and said.

Li Yan stepped on the snow, took a few steps, stood in front of Biqigu Hachiman, nodded, and said, "Yes...After all, you have achieved what you want to achieve, and things are over. But, sure enough. In this way, I can’t help but want to say what I think of when I watch you look like you’re in a scapegoat."

"Isn't this result very good? In fact, nothing has changed..."

Sitting on the cold and wet floor, Higiya Hachiman said with a cold smile.

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