I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 557

Eiri Sawamura showed a somewhat helpless expression and had to compromise and said, "Renya, you really lack exercise. You are still a man... Then let’s take a few minutes for the time being, but you can’t let the people over there wait. Too long."

Finally, the two people carrying the books from the printing company sat down to rest.

Sawamura Ying Riri lowered her head while resting and watched the snow under her feet quietly. It was still nine o'clock in the morning, and there was enough time to go to Gangdong District by car.

However, when she was carrying the notebook with An Yilun, she was almost exhausted, and the physical strength of the boy who was called was slightly weaker than her. At this time, she inexplicably recalled Li Yan's figure.

If Li Yan was there, he would definitely arrive at his destination easily...

During the rest period, the voice of a deserted woman came from the street.

"Ah...you are here."

Ying Lili and An Yilun also froze for a moment, and followed the voices.

In the wind and snow, a tall, well-proportioned girl with beautiful long black hair slowly walked out of the snow and mist, and it was Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu who came over.


Ying Riri was shocked and looked at her in astonishment.

"Senior Sister, why are you here?" An Yilun also asked with some surprise.

"I just went to a warehouse company."

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said calmly.

But Ying Lili's expression became more complicated when she heard it.

"Student Zecun, I suddenly have something to tell you. Can you go to a quieter place with me?"

Finally, Kasumigaoka Shiyu turned his gaze to Ying Lili's face, and asked calmly.


Ying Lili fell silent, and her azure pupils responded to Shiyu Xiazhiqiu without saying a word.

The two girls had been walking along the road by the river, and finally they came to a densely wooded scenic spot by the river.

In winter, some trees in the cold temperate zone do not drop their leaves. A thick layer of white snow accumulates on the leaves. As soon as the cold wind blows, the leaves will fall on the leaves.

The two young girls confronted each other in this empty space under the tree.

"Come on, what's the matter?"

Ying Lili asked with a straight face.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu was silent for a moment, and asked, "Today is the day when Mr. Uesugi officially submitted his second work. Perhaps some people think that such a move is not a big deal, but for the author, it is the most stressful time... you Why do you want to deceive Uesugi teacher?"

"If this question is asked by the otaku Li, I will explain it, but I don't have to explain it to you, an unrelated person, right?"

After listening, Ying Lili coldly retorted and asked.


Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's eyes suddenly turned to anger.

"Not to mention that I am very tight now, if there is nothing else..."

Sawamura Yinglili didn't intend to continue the conversation. She originally planned to learn about Li Yan from Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, but felt that Xiazhiqiu Shiyu seemed to question her, and after speaking coldly, she planned to turn around and leave.

However, suddenly, a huge force directly grabbed her arms on both sides and pushed her hard against the snow.

"It hurts!" Ying Lili said with pain.

"You guy seems to have no regrets at all, do you know what you are doing?!"

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu pressed directly on her body, grabbed her collar fiercely, and asked with anger.

"Damn, what happened to you guy suddenly?!"

Ying Lili suddenly became unfamiliar. She and Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu were at odds very early. When Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's body was unstable, she directly fought with Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu.

As a result, in the woods, the two young girls fought and fought together in the snow-filled woods.The cold wind blows by the river, and the snow on the trees keeps falling and rustling.

However, for the two young girls who were in a panic, Kasugaoka Shiwa stretched out her hand and grabbed Yinglili hard. Yinglili just planned to fight back and break free, but the look of Kasugaoka Shiyu made Yinglili suddenly realize something was wrong .


After the fight, the snow-white cheeks were covered with mud, but at this moment, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's eyes were full of tears.


Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu stubbornly grasped Ying Lili by the collar, and asked hoarsely and angrily: "Why, always you guy..."

"Why are you always so lucky..."

Ying Lili dumbly listened to Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's low voice, and the fight subsided.

Under the white woods, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was so weak that she leaned her head on Ying Lili's chest.

In the summer, a high school novelist who was in trouble because of the sluggish book sales hid quietly in the room for a while, and was reprimanded and ridiculed by readers, and could not hold the pen to write the last volume. That was after emotional loss. Greet her career loss.

At that time, a dark horse appeared in the light novel industry, which slightly attracted the attention of girls.

Although it is a hot-blooded novel, when she was bored, she tried to understand the interest of recent readers and bought a copy. At the beginning, she did not attract her. However, in the middle of reading, Xin Heng Ning Ning joined in. This book suddenly changed a level.

There is no direct girl fight, there is no you or me, there is only ignorant love, delicate expression, unclear understanding of life and love, as well as emotional remnants and regrets, a series of stories unfolding in an instant hit In the thinking world of Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu.

For the first time there is a light novel that will let Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu discover that love light novels can be written like this...

That is, at the party on the anniversary of the establishment of Sanhe Bunku, Kasumigaoka Shiyu took Uesugi's book, with a longing mood for the first time out of his spiritual predicament, and re-attended the company's party.

But I never thought that I had opened a paler evil fate...

The memory that flashed in my mind was finally fixed in the darkness, the soggy back of the homeless standing in the rain.


Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu quietly closed her eyes and yelled unwillingly in pain.


Five minutes later, under the wind and snow.

Standing in the cold snow, Li Yan holding a bag containing a specially heated tin can of milk, only Xiazhiqiu Shiyu was missing.

I don't know what happened, but he always feels that something bad has happened.

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