I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 563

The man responded and stepped aside.

Sawamura Sayuri, who had walked a lot, finally found a place to sit. She sat aside, but she still saw this person hiding in the dark constantly sending text messages. She seemed to know a lot of people, sending new year congratulation text messages. I'm too busy.

She looked sideways secretly, always feeling that the faint figure beside her was a bit familiar.

On the top of the crowded mountain, the time has reached 5:10. Sayuri Sawamura, who has drunk too much sake, is full of fatigue at the moment. She never thought that she would watch the sunrise by herself... No, by her side There seems to be a stranger with a good fate to watch the sunrise of the new year together...


Sayuri Sawamura closed her eyes, leaned back on the chair, and took a short break.


In the hazy dream, I dreamed that I seemed to have returned to my high school era.

In the rain, she was busy hiding from the rain, but she didn't know where to hide in a loud noise.

The feeling of loneliness and helplessness in dreams will always be stronger than normal...

Suddenly, a hand stretched out, grabbed her already soaked arm, and pulled her into the dry world, not cold nor alone.

"Ahem, miss, wake up soon, it's almost sunrise."

Suddenly, a shaking caused Sayuri Sawamura to open her eyes. She was stunned for a moment and realized that her head was accidentally leaning on this person's shoulder.


Sayuri suddenly raised her head.

She didn't know why, she didn't have time to be shy, she always felt vaguely familiar with this person's voice.

The sun on the Tokyo skyline gradually lifted up, revealing Xiaobai's fish belly, and all those who were waiting sighed with emotion, and the darkness around was also illuminated.

Sawamura Sayuri's eyes gradually saw the person's face clearly.

Around, Yinglili, Kasumigaoka Shiba, Liangfeng Aoba and Yasahara Ema are almost nearby.

Takashi Natsume, Mr. Kitty, and others who climbed up the mountain to watch the sunrise in Kumamoto Prefecture, and Nanami Aoyama with their family in Osaka, and in the UK, it is noon at this moment, and Shiina Maki who stopped painting, sat in a seat Under the deserted shrine, two hell girls whose gods hide in the world...

At a moment, everyone picked up the phone and called their first call in the New Year to the first person who wanted to pay a New Year greeting.

[Boom boom boom!!

When Li Yan saw the most critical moment, the phone in his hand finally rang. He had just answered it, and only then did he slightly realize the situation beside him. After taking a look, he suddenly showed a surprised expression.

The mountain breeze was blowing on Sayuri's bangs, and finally, a smile gradually appeared from the corner of that surprised mouth.

"Happy New Year, Senior Lee/Uesugi/Holmes/Senior/Old thief! (Guess who gets the call first)"

On the phone, in reality, Li Yan heard the new year's blessing in unison...

Chapter 284

January 9, this is a very special date.

Hitoyoshi City, a beautiful suburban area.


On the second floor of the residential building, the "Lucky Cat" who has been obese like a ball of rice cakes is staring at the calendar intently.No matter how many times it was confirmed, it didn't believe its eyes very much. Has it really reached the 9th today?

"That's right, today is indeed the 9th!"

Teacher Cat immediately flashed his eyes and said.

Immediately afterwards, there was the sound of opening the door from the hallway downstairs, and the voice of Takashi Natsume.

"I am back."


Teacher Cat turned his head violently, as if going crazy, stepped directly out of its four short legs and ran desperately outside the room.

It just so happened that Takashi Natsume had already reached the top of the stairs on the second floor. Who knew it was a group of monsters that came on him with funny eyes!

"Welcome back!"


Suddenly, a muffled sound resounded through the second floor.

Aunt Tazi looked around on the first floor with some curiosity, but soon there was a painful cat cry, and the usual roar of Takashi Natsume.


"Teacher Cat, this is too dangerous!"

Natsume Kishi sighed. After returning to the room, he looked at the cat teacher who had been staring at him behind him and had a bag on his head taken out. He took out a novel in his school bag and said, "Tawdanuma, he bought it. , I finally got it from the bookstore in the city, and I did everything for you, Teacher Cat."

Today is the release date of the tenth volume of "Super Academy War".

In the bookstore in Chiba Prefecture, Yukoshita Yukino and Yuihama Yui were still chatting, accompanied by the irritable Higiya Hachiman, waiting in line to purchase the tenth volume of the new Henning Ning to attract customers.In the first week of sales, you can basically see how many people will be the fan of a light novel.

In a bookstore in London, England, there was a blond mixed-race girl staring blankly at the shelf of new books. It seemed that she could only wait a week for mailing from Japan...

"Sure enough, I bought it, great, great!"

The cat teacher suddenly showed a happy face, immediately jumped over, took the novel from Natsume Takashi, and went to Natsume Takashi, and said, "Natsume, thank you for me, the kid from that temple."

"...Really, it doesn't seem to be grateful at all." Natsume Kishi reluctantly looked at Mr. Kitty's round butt, thinking.

"Oh, this book always feels a lot thicker, isn't it a light novel? Now this one is not light at all." Teacher Mao noticed the special features of this book and measured it with its front feet. , Said in surprise.

Natsume Takashi sat on the tatami and smiled and said, "Yes, I heard that this volume is an extended version. It seems that the 10 and 11 volumes are bundled together, and the price is 2.15 times the original.

"2.15 times?! Is that guy Uesugi robbing?" Teacher Cat asked with wide eyes.

"This is also impossible. It can be seen that the senior has always paid attention to the needs of readers to speed up the progress of the story, including your Monster Readers Association. Isn't it always rushing and harassing him? However, even if it is increased by 15 % Price, the first batch of novel books in downtown Kumamoto is out of stock."

Natsume Takashi explained with a gentle smile.

Teacher Cat snorted, squinted, and turned to the first page, saying: "Well, that's it. After all, that guy seems to have increased by 1.15 times the number of words, so the price is about the same for the time being. People who write stories in this country, He is the only one who dares to ask for prices, which is really arrogant."

It looked at the catalog, and suddenly felt distressed and annoyed, and said: "That guy, it looks like he intends to end the college war as soon as possible. He obviously intends to write a novel, asshole, stupid. How could he write a novel like this? After the second part comes out, I won’t read any ghosts written in the next work. It’s not a superpower, it’s not Ningning. I will definitely not buy it!"


Natsume Kishi laughed as he listened to Mr. Cat's evaluation of Li Yan.

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