I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 565

Li Yan is very grateful to Ying Lili, who has been in this mood for a year.

This year's creative experience, no matter how many volumes are published, he always stepped on the line to submit the manuscript on the final deadline. As a partner, Ying Lili has been tense to design illustrations. The two are so noisy, like a roller coaster. The same response to so many creative crises.

Li Yan has never been disgusted or abandoned by this partner who has become more and more famous...

"...Well, it looks like the teacher is really happy this time."

Kagurazaka Acorus squeezed his chin with his hand, smiled, and thought of it with pleasure.

Two years ago, the new author who had been burdened with heavy debts and was passed twice for his works. He appeared firm but worried. Now he is a truly acclaimed author. Kagura Sakayama recalls this scene, a sophisticated mind. It is somewhat nostalgic and sentimental, and it is more appropriate to tell this kind of achievement in person.

In the afternoon, there was little snow in the sky, and Li Yan drove the car and quickly came to the mansion.

But, I don't know why, when the doorbell was rang, no one from the Zecun family came to open the door for a long time.

I called Yinglili, but found that Yinglili's mobile phone had been in a shutdown state.

It is now on the 11th, and the New Year celebrations have basically calmed down. According to his understanding of Eiri Sawamura, Eiri will basically stay in the room and work at this moment. If she goes out, she will probably come back during dinner time. .

At four o'clock in the afternoon, it was cold, and Li Yan stood at the door of Zecun's house and waited quietly.

Although it was light snow, the blizzard that fell on the roof of the Supra accumulated a layer of snow. Li Yan, who was afraid of the cold, unknowingly covered his hair and shoulders.

As a result, Ying Lili still did not return, the call was still offline, and the line text message did not reply.After waiting for a while, I received congratulatory text messages from Qianshou Village Zheng, Izumi Masamune, Xia Shizi and others.

"...Where did Ying Lili go?"

In the increasingly dim sky, the street lights were on, Li Yan leaned against the wall, looking at the magazine in his hand, the author and illustrator column registered the pen names of Uesugi Yan and Eiri Kashiwagi. I always felt that it was hard to wait today The way his partner came back.

Occasionally, Li Yan also appears extremely persistent and emotional.

A year ago, his slightly immature personality at that time was regarded as a paranoid existence by Kagurazaka Ayame and Kasumigaoka Shiwa...

Li Yan stood there for a while, and the traffic and the wealthy around him were naturally wary of this stranger driving a modified car, and they looked at him.

At the beginning, Li Yan just kept his perspective away and unobtrusive, but gradually, the vigilance around him became more and more, and finally Li Yan returned to the car and continued to wait.

As a result, at 5:25, this Supra parked for too long and was eventually reported by nearby residents, attracting the security of this block. In the end, Li Yan could only return without success.

Until the end, Li Yan's dream of sharing joy with his partner was also lost.

10:10 at night.

Apartment building in Shinjuku, Tokyo.

[Boom boom boom!

Li Yan, who was starting to write a draft of Volume 11 on his desk, suddenly rang on his cell phone.

The number of the incoming call shows the landline number.

Li Yan answered and asked, "Who is it?"

——It's me, otaku Li.


Li Yan stopped moving the mouse hand quickly, and asked in surprise.

"Have you gone home?"

—— [Go home, what are you talking about, today my home should be empty, my family is on a business trip, if I am, now I come to Aomori Prefecture with my friends from the art club to look for the beautiful scenery and sketching, by the way, practice sketching, today I stayed in the car until just now I moved into my classmate’s private villa and took a hot bath... Sorry, there was no signal along the way. I didn’t see your text messages and calls until recently.

Li Yan was stunned, Ying Lili went on a trip.

He quickly remembered that on New Year's Eve, he seemed to hear her mention the past sketching from life a little bit, but he did not expect to run to the northeast.

A vaguely uneasy mood lingered in Li Yan's heart.

After all, Lianhua had reminded him on the subway. He did not take it lightly. He also called Ying Lili to remind her, hoping that she would not be in some remote and weird places and pay attention to the female friend who painted the book.

Lianhua was extremely evasive about the name of the place at the time, but it seemed that many hell's secrets could not be told, so he avoided talking about it.

"Are you in Aomori? How did you go so far?" Li Yan asked with a slight change of face.

——It's a bit far away, but the scenery in Aomori is indeed quite good.

"...Well, Eiri... Is that girl you helped sell fanzine by your side?"

Li Yan felt a little complicated, and asked.

Soaked up, dressed in a bath suit and wrapped in a scarf, Ying Riri heard it and looked at the freckled high school girl who was not far away. Standing in front of the villa’s landline, she smiled and said, "You asked. It's Katori, she's also here. Katori is responsible for planning and expenses for this trip. She is the daughter of the gaming industry boss."

Li Yan's body, I don't know why, half cold.

Under normal circumstances, this kind of friend's daily travel is not a big deal, but Lianhua's reminder, especially the emerald green eye pupils, did see something. This kind of hint made him feel lingering.

Although he did remind Yinglili, he could not explain a specific and credible reason. How could he persuade Yinglili to keep her distance from the girl named Katori who has a deep friendship, and declared that Yinglili should not go to suspicious and dangerous places. The initiative was decided, and he was taken to a dangerous location without knowing it, and Ying Lili would never know.

Li Yan has always been at a disadvantage in intelligence.

"Ying Lili, where is your address, tell me now." Li Yan asked for the name of the place first to be conservative.

--Ok?What do you suddenly ask this for?

Ying Lili blinked and asked curiously.

"...Perhaps I know that place and want to know about it." Li Yan quickly found an excuse to fulfill his obvious purpose.

——I just know that this area is located in a forest in Aomori Prefecture. I accidentally saw the place name "Hishang" on the rusty sign on the road. I don’t know the situation here. There is a village nearby. , But most of the residents vacated.


When Li Yan heard what Yinglili described, he vaguely noticed something wrong.

——Hey, otaku Li, I always think you are strange, do you have anything to tell me?

Ying Lili was silent for a long time. Suddenly, she keenly sensed that Li Yan was on her mind, and asked immediately.

Li Yan couldn't take care of too many suspicious situations, and reminded him: "Listen to me, Ying Lili, you must pay attention to that classmate named Katori, and, no matter what happens, don't go anywhere with her, you know? ?"

However, under Li Yan's prompt, there was silence on the phone.

——Why do you say that, otaku Li, do you know anything? I felt a little strange about the things I reminded me before. Now, are you hiding anything from me?

Ying Lili looked serious, holding the phone in both hands, and asked in a low voice.

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