I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 571

Must, he wants to speed up the pace to explore this "land of the dead" with Thor. He really can't predict how long Ying Lili will be able to support in this space...

Ghosts don't know how to be afraid, and their bodies are hard to touch. Li Yan and Thor quickly ran towards the mountain peak. Soon after they experienced some twists and turns, they came to the palace of the gods on the top of the mountain.


Li Yan turned around and suddenly closed the door behind him tightly.

"This bunch of damn bastards..."

Li Yan panted and listened to the scalp-numbing ghost calls outside. After fighting and running all the way, he couldn't help but cursed while panting.

But soon he regretted it a little, and he cursed a little bit of incompetence, because the group of evil spirits that blocked them was originally not in the world.

This one looked like a shrine used for worship. Some corridors were very dim, and some corridors were full of candles. He gradually had an inexplicable hunch that the time of this place might have been fixed in a certain place early. For a moment.

"Li, there seems to be a very strange iron box."

Thor looked at this strange room curiously. It was dim, only the dim luster was scattered on an iron box, then he pointed to the box and said to Li Yan.


Li Yan was taken aback for a moment and looked over.

Indeed, there is nothing in the entire huge palace room, only this box with a totem is placed in it.

He and Thor walked over and started investigating this unique box.

However, after a while, Li Yan was in a corner of this box and saw a black kimono corner pressed on the side of the lid. It should be said that this kimono is too familiar. The petal totem of the kimono is just like The standard and costume bundle of Hell Girl.

"Miss Lianhua, Miss Yan Mo?!"

Li Yan was stunned, and quickly grabbed this lid with both hands and lifted the entire heavy lid.

In the box, in a pool of black water, a black-haired girl was quietly sleeping, it was Yan Moai who had been confirmed missing by hell.

Li Yan and Thor felt a little chill when they saw this.

"Miss Yan Mo, wake up soon..."

Li Yan stretched out his hand, intending to lift her from this imprisoned iron box.

For an instant, it felt like an electric shock. The moment Li Yan touched Yan Mo'ai, his consciousness...No, it was as if the whole body was dragged into a confused memory world, the whole body was suddenly shaken. Let him show a complex expression of astonishment at that moment...


In the dim memory world, it was constantly shaking, and finally, like an ancient movie screen, several key figures appeared in the pale world.

In a Japanese mountain village in the Warring States Period, a girl with talented abilities was born in this village.

One day, the girl sitting under the tree picked up a dead butterfly, but the butterfly was resurrected in the girl’s hand, flapping its wings and dancing, flying more and more in the eyes of this petite girl The farther...

In Li Yan's eyes, the movement of this dancing butterfly is so fascinating as the rebellious butterfly once seen...

In the pale memory, only butterflies have colors.

--see it?This kid is a monster.

——Everyone will suffer disaster because of this monster's reincarnation...

Not far from the memory, the whispering and discriminatory eyes of the surrounding villagers began to gather on this ordinary and poor little girl.

However, the memory in front of Li Yan's eyes gradually turned into a vibrant and colorful world.

After encountering the rejection of the village, surrounded by indifferent villagers, only one person was willing to stand on her side. It seemed to be a teenager, older than her.

——I will always protect you, love.

In the world of colorful memories, the young man with a vague face, who seemed to be quite handsome, promised Yan Moai with a smile.

The love at that time seemed to be convinced.


When Li Yan had no choice but to spy on the memories of the hell girl, in a blink of an eye, the flashing memories in front of him began to shake again, becoming unstable...

Soon, in a blink of an eye, this memory in Li Yan's eyes became paler and darker.

Yan Moai, who seems to have grown up, was blindfolded and put on white clothes, standing under a torch held high by the villagers, walking step by step into the pit.

"..." Li Yan stood by the side of the crowd like an audience of the villagers, witnessing this slim girl passing by him with her head down, and she didn't understand what happened in the middle.

However, the tragic scene was staged.

With three crisp sounds and blood splashing, the girl's parents and herself were tied up, brought to the deep pit, and executed by the villagers hitting the back of the head with a shovel.

Li Yan stared blankly in his eyes, feeling cold all over, as if falling into an ice cave.

However, this is a memory, and he is powerless. To him, all of this is like something outside the body, the air is generally untouchable.

... He suddenly understood what was going on, it was a human sacrifice.

——Sentaro, this time you will atone for your sins.

——In order to redeem the sin of concealing the mountain god in the past six years, you have to bury this unknown guy yourself.

As a result, this man who claimed to be able to protect her for the rest of his life was really in fear and did so according to these villagers...

Falling into the pit, seeing the man who buried her alive with his own eyes, blood and tears were left in those eyes.

—— [I have always believed in you... You said that you would protect me, I have always believed in you, and deeply believe in you!

——I hate you, all of you, even if they die, they will not let you go!!

It seemed to hear the resentment in his heart that was close to madness, resounding in Li Yan's ear, deeply piercing the heart of this "specialist".

However, it is not clear whether it was a memory error. In an instant, the memory was confused, and the figure of Yan Moai who was buried alive with a shovel suddenly became Li Yan himself without knowing it.

After being unable to remember that person's face, some people with similar characteristics will be subconsciously replaced with the vacant position.

In this scene, Li Yan realized something.

Is there anything you can do, even if it is a sweet dream...

Li Yan dropped the shovel and stretched out his hand to catch Yan Moai.


Li Yan stretched out his hand hard, opened his eyes wide, and shouted at Yan Moai in the pit.

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