I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 573

The time limit is 10 minutes, and the location is within this shrine building on the east side.

It is the first time for Li Yan to come here. I have to say that the Japanese dolls here are densely packed, everywhere, some are extremely realistic, some are dirty and broken after time washing, in the world's climate in heavy rain and thunder and lightning. It looks very strange.

This scene always reminded Li Yan of Lianhua's doll house. He even realized whether Lianhua, who was related to the doll, was also imprisoned in this area.

Naturally, there are ways for Li Yan to win, but it also seems difficult under certain conditions.

"If you don't make a mistake, relying on my experience in dealing with ghosts this year, you should be able to find it."

There was lightning and thunder. In the long corridor, Li Yan stared at the group of dolls placed around him, silently thinking.

Suddenly, Li Yan, holding the candle, quickly found a strange scene.

On a wall, there was a pool of blood that hadn't dried up, and a broken foot...


Li Yan squatted down, lit a little more with firelight, touched the blood stains and the burnt marks on the wall, vaguely aware of a serious problem.

This leftover limb was shot down by live shotgun...

"Who the hell did this...has that group of mercenaries who came in fight infighting?"

Li Yan not only frowned when he looked at the terrible stump.

If it is a ghost, Li Yan still has the power to fight consciously, but if it is a group of humans with guns, it is more difficult to survive... Cruel humans are almost always Li Yan's most fearful existence.

However, the candlelight flickered, and Li Yan saw not far away and dropped a shotgun.


The cold wind blew this Japanese-style corridor with no end in sight, and the candles kept shaking and dizzy.

Under contemplation, Li Yan walked to the shotgun, knelt down and picked up the shotgun that had been loaded with special salt bombs. This gun was probably the one whose bones were dragged into Shenyin. Poor people dropped.

The candle flame kept shaking, and suddenly, in front of Li Yan, who was crouching down, stood a broken leg. The whole body was transparent and the body with blue skin seemed to be looking down at him.

In an instant, Li Yan backed away, suddenly raised his shotgun with both hands and pointed it at that person's head.

With a [sudden], the candlelight was blown out, but in the darkness, there was a loud noise of [pounds], a flash of fire flickered in this corridor, and it was plunged into darkness, and no sound was heard.


Thor, who had been waiting in the hallway, suddenly heard the gunshots and was shocked, and immediately followed Li Yan's smell.

"Li, are you okay?!"

Thor pushed open a Japanese sliding door and asked in surprise.

As a result, the scene was a little unexpected.

"Miss Thor?"

Li Yan turned around and looked at Thor who had rushed over with some surprise.

At this moment, Li Yan carried a slender double-barreled gun on his back. There was still a trace of gunpowder in the air from the muzzle. On the other side of Li Yan, the white-haired girl who appeared was already sitting on the table, looking like In 7 minutes, this mysterious girl's game was over.

"Why, I always feel like I can sense me, go straight here..."

This young girl is a little unbelievable now, muttering in a low voice and disappointed.

Naturally, Li Yan would not answer this question. If you win, you win.

When I first saw this white-haired girl, the [editing system] in Li Yan's consciousness had already sounded the alarm, and he did not respond to the prompts of the editing system. The sound of [beep beep] in Li Yan's consciousness kept beeping. In his mind, he could quickly ascertain the location of this white-haired ghost girl.

However, there are still difficulties. His editing system cannot accurately locate it. Li Yan still needs to judge by himself that the Japanese doll in this Japanese style will be the incarnation of a ghost...

So for Li Yan, relying on the editing system's ability to find people, he is naturally quite willing to play this kind of ghost game that is most proud of.

"Since I won the agreement, please follow the previous promise, Miss, and tell the whereabouts of the other girl from hell and my friend."

Li Yan looked at the white-haired ghost girl and said.

Another shortcoming of ghosts is that they are quite easy to be unbelievable, not to mention the souls that cannot die in such a murderous place.

"...As you said, let me tell you everything I know."

The white-haired girl did not do this, and said after a moment of silence.

She also saw the gunshot, and the head of the resentful spirit was blasted off by this person without saying a word... Faced with a cruel and decisive person, she did not have the mind to be stunned with a soul head. The risk of bombing is against these two strangers who are unknown to the hell girl, especially the men...

"The blond-haired sister is very powerful. She is almost the human with the strongest desire to survive. However, when she came to the mountain, there seemed to be an older sister wearing glasses who planned to drag a few people together to commit suicide. I plan to borrow the old-fashioned camera found in that coffee shop to rescue everyone. This may be the key to her death..."

The girl said calmly, as if she was not lying or joking.

"She has already gone down the right passage of this doll house. It will take about half a day. I don’t think we should be optimistic about the situation now. By the way, that girl from hell, if you go down, Maybe you can find it..."

The white-haired girl smiled. After she had finished speaking in a gloomy tone, she looked at the gun behind Li Yan and said, "So, are you really in the same group with that group of people?"

"Almost none of that group of people can come back alive... Isn't it suitable to bury such a person here?"

Under the shining of a candlelight, shining on this dark and powerful young figure carrying a weapon.

What color is his soul...

Maybe Shiina Mashiro would say it was red, as exuberant as a flame.

But since the war where he slaughtered ghouls with his hands, he understood that he was not that kind.

His soul...maybe dark. If he must be covered with blood in order to protect a person, his soul no longer deserves to be described as pure...

Li Yan fell silent. In the end, he shook his head slightly and said, "I am not their partner, although it is difficult for me to be the bad guy in everyone's mind... Maybe, my soul will eventually degenerate into a demon. Maybe..."

Under the fire, Li Yan pushed open a tightly covered box inside the tunnel.

This box was very special, and Li Yan and Thor soon noticed it.

Unlike other lifeless iron boxes, this iron box was stored in a very brightly colored position, and a faint white light was always revealed in the gap, as if the imprisoned person inside did not give in.

After pushing the lid of the box, the young girl soaked in the water of the black river in the yellow spring appeared in front of Li Yan.

The black and beautiful hair was soaked in the black water, and the sleeping girl with her eyes closed tightly breathed slightly. Although she was in a mess, she still did not lose her grace and grace.

"Miss Lianhua..."

Li Yan looked at her with complicated eyes, and finally, he stretched out his hand and touched a hell girl again...

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