I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 577

She is extremely afraid of ghosts.

However, now I seem to have begun to realize why Li Yan is unwilling to tell her the truth.

It’s better not to say something like this...

After all, how much suffering and danger Li Yan has gone through, the more she thought about it, the more she felt that that figure was hiding too many incredible secrets.

In the afternoon the day before yesterday, Katori began to suggest that he would take his classmates from the art agency on a trip.

Ying Lili was still suspicious of the legend called Rishangshan. However, she finally chose to believe Li Yan's reminder and explicitly rejected Katori's invitation. She also persuaded students from other art agencies not to go there because of the weather.

However, even Ying Riri, one of the two beautiful girls in the private Toyonosaki Academy, sometimes cannot resist the temptation of profit with her own charm value, and she cannot prevent her art club classmates from following Ka to take out the door.

Ying Lili, who was suspicious of her friend she had known since elementary school, could only leave on her own excuse and go to that small town for a walk.

She always hoped that Li Yan could help him here. During that period of loneliness, she realized how much she had depended on the strength of this old thief.

However, on the one hand, she was not sure whether Katori would really go for a short-term vision, on the other hand, she had already made up her mind that she didn't want Li Yan to be in danger again because of herself.

As a result, at the coffee shop, when the old shopkeeper learned of her thoughts, he lent her this set of old-fashioned cameras that can eliminate spirits, and a German-made zero film...

It seems that as a painter, she has a considerable advantage in capturing fast-moving objects, and she is also handy in handling.

Yesterday morning, after everyone had breakfast, Yinglili remained vigilant and did not eat breakfast.

When everyone got in the car and headed to the tourist destination, finally, Ying Lili, who was not in the car, was stared at Katori when he was about to get in the car.

[If you come together, how great it would be, why don’t you want to be with me...]

Obviously human, but in front of Ying Lili, the expression of Katori's resentment at that time was like a ghost that made the pores horrible...

That is, at noon yesterday, after unable to wait for them to come back, Ying Lili finally set foot on Rishangshan, looking for them.

In the heavy rain falling from the sky, Ying Lili was slightly sad.

Thinking back to this, she was almost caught by the resentful spirit. If it weren't for the two girls in kimono who appeared suddenly and sacrificed themselves, she would not be able to rescue the three classmates by her own strength.

In the thunder and lightning, Ying Lili wandered through the ancient road in the woods, looking for the last person, Katori.

"Katori, don't do stupid things..."

Ying Lili held the camera and thought in silence.

As a result, when she came to a river, Ying Lili was on the grass and saw an object reflecting the light of thunder.

She hesitated, hung the camera on her chest, walked over, knelt down, and found a slender short blade...

"Who dropped the thing...Is it the group of gunmen who are also looking for Katori?" Ying Lili thought curiously.

Suddenly, on the opposite side of the river, there stood a witch ghost with a black gauze covering her face and holding the same short knife as Eiri's hand.


Suddenly, Ying Lili was shocked, ready to reach out to touch the camera, but unexpectedly, her body was completely unable to move.

The maiden on the other side raised the short knife in her hand and began to cut off the aorta of her neck. However, Eiri's body and hands seemed to be disobedient, as if facing a mirror, holding the blade of the knife in disregard. On his neck.

"No, no!"

Ying Lili was frightened, and immediately used her other barely able hand. At this moment, she couldn't help but hurriedly grabbed her hand on the handle of the knife, and had no time to follow the camera switch to support her uncontrollably arm...

In the thunder and lightning, Ying Lili became frightened. The sharp blade had touched her skin, making her utter painful noises.

As a result, when she turned her face to look, she vaguely saw a cyan arm grabbing her hand and controlling the knife to cut her...

"Help, help!!"

For a moment, just like a certain person's dream, Ying Lili called out which person's name when she fell into despair.

"Save me, save me... Otaku Lee!"

In the darkness, the grass behind him clashed, and when Ying Lili yelled out, a hand suddenly grabbed the arm of that ghost hand.

After this powerful arm forcibly removed the Miko's arm, it began to cradle the Miko's ghost neck behind Ying Lili.

In the darkness, Li Yan directly erased the neck of this ghost witch.

Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!

As the ghost behind Ying Lili splashed with black blood, the murderous demon figure took a step forward and threw the flame-bearing blade towards the witch on the other side, and pierced it directly into the witch's chest. Burn the opponent.


Ying Lili, who was paralyzed on the ground, stared blankly at the figure that had eliminated the two spirits.

"at last……"

The spark-burning body turned around, and almost all of Li Yan's joy, sorrow and joy appeared on Li Yan's vicissitudes of life. With his living partner, he leaned down and hugged Ying Lili.

"Finally I find you……"

In the darkness, the trembling figure burning the sparks prayed in the black rain. Fortunately, the flame of his hope was not extinguished mercilessly...

Chapter 289


Under the eaves of a building, Eiri Sawamura looked through the pictures taken, her expression a bit complicated.

"what happened?"

Li Yan, who took a break together, noticed Ying Lili's face, looked up at her curiously, and asked.

"How should I put it... I always feel that you shouldn't use such a weapon, Li, the otaku, you should use your guns and sea salt bullets..."

Ying Lili sighed slightly, looked at Li Yan with a slight contempt, and said.

There was no sign of dawn in the dark night. It should be said that this place has been night since they came here.

Ying Lili, who was born after nine deaths and ran away, once reunited with Li Yan and cried out on Li Yan. After experiencing physical and mental torture, she seemed to be able to meet Li Yan again. She seemed to feel that she was already Woke up from the nightmare.

As a result, soon after Ying Lili explained the matter, by the way, he handed over to Li Yan the deling camera that was lent to him.

Li Yan tried to use it several times, and the result was not as efficient as Young Lili, a dexterous painter girl. More importantly, when Young Lili saw the photos taken by Li Yan, he even caught Miko's grievances up close. All kinds of photos of Ling's open hands revealing the looming chest part...

The photos of various poses, either the plump breasts that are ready to emerge, or the more unspeakable parts, she narrowed her eyes and stared at Li Yan, who had no idea what was happening. She always felt that this guy’s shooting skills were the same as those of the comics. Some otaku squatting under the Cosplayer's skirt to take pictures are similar.

"It can be used as a hell version of the photo album... Why does this guy shoot all the way to the Miko's chest and buttocks?"

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