I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 579

In the darkness, Ying Lili continued to walk, but in the dark woods, the figure did not move.

He just quietly looked at Ying Lili's back.

Telling her these things was to prevent... his worst plans.

Walking in the woods one after another, Li Yan noticed that behind him, there seemed to be a shadow following him.


Li Yan was about to turn around and shoot, turning his head to look.

However, unexpectedly, that figure was not other resentful spirits, nor was it the mercenary hired by the underworld company to look for the gangster's eldest daughter Katori, but the haunting Miss Bai Ju who could hardly distinguish good from evil.

"Don't let that sister know me."

Bai Ju stared at him and said coldly.

"..." Li Yan was silent soon.

"Now, are you going to go down the mountain and leave here?" Bai Ju asked, walking behind him.

She has no entity, even if she looks like a real living person, but the rain did not wet any of her body, she just passed through.


Li Yan said.

Bai Ju's eyes were faint, and he said, "Now I didn't plan to care about you anymore, but I praised you for being smart before, and now I think you are like an elm head."

"So what's the matter?" Li Yan didn't mind, maybe it was just the mouth addiction of this ghost woman.

"Speaking of it, I have also listened to what the hell girls said to you. They don't seem to want you to come here... I always care about why Kurosawa becomes more unstable when you come here. I always feel... You have many connections with Huang Quan."

Bai Ju looked at him quietly, and said: "If my guess is not wrong, it will be more difficult for her to go down the mountain if you are by her side. Although this mountain is full of resentment and danger, it will not be swallowed completely. The guests who broke into here, this time you are obviously very entertained by the hell side..."

The drizzle fell on the ground and also on Li Yan's face.

"The irony is that you did save the blonde sister after going up the mountain, but it was also because of you that made it difficult for her to go down the mountain. I hope my judgment is wrong... What will you do next, brother? "

Bai Ju asked with a sullen smile.

Li Yan fell silent and did not reply.

"Otaku Lee, why are you walking so slowly in the back, now we have to go faster..."

At this time, Sawamura Ying Riri realized that Li Yan was falling further and further behind, and then turned back to remind her.

Li Yan recovered and looked at Ying Lili, but when he looked back, Bai Ju was no longer there.

...These words are almost the same as Lianhua and Yan Moai's judgments.

He also has a feeling, as if he stepped into this mountain and looked at the darkness of the mountain, the darkness of this mountain seemed to be watching him...

Li Yan looked at Ying Lili, but in the end, he quickly followed and returned to Ying Lili.

Do your best to break through, even if the hell below his feet really desires his flesh and soul so much, he will try his best to escape here together...

Entering into a tunnel again.

After walking into this tunnel in the heavy rain, Li Yan and Ying Lili were relieved, at least not having to suffer from the rain anymore.

However, this tunnel does not have any lighting equipment, and the tunnel is quite long. Although Ying Lili said that this tunnel can be passed by walking straight forward, the invisible darkness is still somewhat dangerous after all.


Li Yan touched the wall and the ground again, and said, “This tunnel always feels like it was left after mining. There are still cinder and gravel on the ground. It has been extensively developed...”

"Yeah, it was not unpopulated here before."

Ying Lili twisted her clothes, tossed her hair, and explained: "This was once a famous hot spring and cultural tourism destination. The cable car equipment has been preserved, but I listened to... However, no matter when, it seems that there is no peace here. This mountain has always been a very famous suicide sanctuary."

"... Ying Lili, that Katori classmate... have you noticed that she has the thought of committing suicide before?"

Li Yan stood up and asked.

Sawamura Yinglili nodded slightly, and explained: "Yes, I was aware that she would be horny a long time ago... She is a girl I knew before I met Ren Ye, and she always went home together in elementary school."

"...By the way, Lun is also my childhood sweetheart. I don't know if you know him or not, but let's not talk about him for the time being. I used to worry that others would know my interest in home, not to mention that I started it very early. I have drawn a fan book, and if it is spread, I will definitely be like...cough cough, I will be rejected by everyone."

Ying Lili coughed abruptly, and carried away the information that Li Yan thought was black history.

The two began to walk carefully into this dark tunnel.

"But, Katori knew... After she knew it, to prove that she couldn't speak out, she also started watching anime and drawing books, just to keep the friendship between us."

In the darkness, Ying Lili's voice became a little lost and said.


Li Yan heard this and roughly understood why Ying Lili was willing to take such a risk to come here...

Ying Lili went on to say: "The most obvious thing is that I asked Lun to help with the sale at that time. I obviously sold out all the books. For the book painters who have been in the business for seven or eight years, this is a delightful thing... …Just like when the eighth volume of Otaku Li was sold at its best, this is the pride of our creators, who should overcome everything and work hard towards the goal again..."

"However, I saw Katori that she couldn't laugh at all. At that time, I became scared. She would go this way..."

Sawamura Eiri touched the wall and whispered.

All of a sudden, at this point, the tunnel was quiet.

Li Yan listened to the movement in silence. He seemed to hear the faint sound of crying, accompanied by the patter of rain, reminding him of the crying girl in Jiangnan Tears.

He did not have such a good person from childhood to adulthood, and he was not confident that he could understand Ying Lili's mood, but he knew this was an extremely regrettable incident.


Li Yan remembered the good news that he also had a creator. Their joint work "Super Academy War" won the title of [That light novel is really amazing]. So far, he has not told his partner well.

Thinking of this, he hoped to comfort and divert Ying Lili's topic, saying: "Ying Lili, I want to tell you something..."

However, before the voice fell, a sound interrupted Li Yan's words.

The tunnel, gusts of cold wind blowing.

The rumbling voice, Li Yan had heard such a strange sound not long ago, and this unnatural wind.

Li Yan opened his eyes wide, his slightly adapted to the darkness of the tunnel carefully looked into the distance. Inside the tunnel, densely packed, swaying, all kinds of dead spirits poured into the tunnels on both sides.

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