I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 582


"Um, what are you three doing... ahem, uh, classmate Mei, classmate Xuezi, and classmate Bu... is it rude to do this?"

Ying Lili changed her clothes and looked in her eyes, and she suddenly got a headache. In a hurry, she accidentally exposed her nature again. However, after slamming the brakes, she turned into a soft and warm external Ying Lili mode, showing a sweet smile. Said.


The three classmates nodded silently, realizing that they had indeed done something extraordinary, stood up and apologized to Ying Riri.

Ying Riri looked at them and didn't know whether to be happy or to worry. In the art department of Toyonosaki Academy, the three classmates plus her, and Katori were involved in the creation of manga, and they were all cheerful. Concentration, lack of tension, it seems that because of this, they can survive this day on the mountain. However, Katori was once one of them, and now there is no one among the five people here...

"But, Eiri...your friend seems to be hurt now, does it really matter?"

Xuezi with glasses asked.

When Ying Lili heard this, her mood suddenly fell to the bottom. She came to Li Yan, her blue eyes looked at him, and she was silent for a while, watching them, and formally announced the decision, saying, "Everyone, just as you can see Like that, we can’t stay here longer, I didn’t find Katori... Now Li Jun’s eyes urgently need to be taken for care... Now, we are going down the mountain."

The expressions of the three girls became complicated.

Such a decision is absolutely cruel...

However, all three of them knew that Katori had deceived them, brought them to this place full of ghosts and wraiths, and asked them to be buried together... Anyway, Katori's appearance at that time made them feel extremely strange.

To save her, or not to save, they themselves have no opinion.What's more, all three of them were rescued by Ying Lili, who was rushing over with a camera. If you stay here for a moment, it will be more dangerous...

"We... can only do this. If it weren't for Li Jun to rescue me, I might have...So, leave the Katori affairs to the rescue team...I know everyone will feel sorry for this accident. When it comes to horror events we have never encountered before, we are not the protagonists of the game, nor the characters that can be read in comics...absolutely, there must be no more accidents. So, let's go down the mountain first."

Sawamura Ying Riri clenched her two palms more and more, gritted her teeth, and continued to persuade everyone.

"……I understand."

"Originally, we were also responsible for such incidents... and we really couldn't deal with such things, it was too dangerous."

"Katori will become like this, Ying Riri, you worked so hard, but we didn't find out, sorry..."

After the three girls looked at each other, they all agreed to Ying Lili's suggestion.

"……Thank you."

Ying Lili lowered her head and said sadly.

Soon, Mei remembered something, and immediately asked Ying Lili, "By the way, Ying Lili, we heard the movement of people outside, and secretly went out to check, but found no one, but found this one. Box of weird things, do you know what this is, and will it come in handy?"

After this quiet-looking girl finished speaking, she pointed to a black suitcase at the door.

"It's very sinking. I and Yayi worked together to bring this box back." The girl named Bu added.

In curiosity, Ying Lili opened the suitcase and saw a dense pile of black tape.

"what is this?"

"What do you use to roll up with tape? It feels like a roll, and it's still very dry. This box is actually waterproof..."

Ying Lili didn't understand, and asked.


Li Yan, who was resting for a while, could hear clearly.

Originally, he was awakened by the girls around him before Ying Lili came, but it seemed that they were dangling around him, listening to strange words, he thought it would be better if he continued to pretend to sleep... …

However, after hearing Ying Lili's muttering words, his heart slammed and some guessed what it was.

"Wait a minute, Ying Lili, can you touch the box of things you said?"

When Li Yan spoke, he touched Yinglili in that direction.

However, I don't know why, what Li Yan's hand touched was a part of a certain person that was soft and feels particularly good, and seemed to have caught the inner thigh of a certain person.


The comfort that came from the palm of his hand immediately made Li Yan feel cold, always wondering if he had touched something he shouldn't touch!


On the contrary, the black long straight buttocks facing Li Yan was grabbed by Li Yan. She turned her head back, eyes full of tears, hissing screams.

After a small commotion, Li Yan's reputation as a good person by Ying Lili was a little harder to guarantee.

However, he still carefully touched the cargo in the suitcase, and finally, he touched a part of the control panel...

At this moment, Li Yan finally determined that this item was indeed the thing left by the group of hunters.

"So, otaku... Li Jun, what is this?"

Ying Lili asked curiously.

Li Yan said: "This is a high-potency timed explosive. I am afraid that the entire box is contained. It is powerful enough to blow up the bottom of a building."

In the darkness in the room, all the girls turned pale when they heard the word dynamite this time.

"Then, then throw it away!" Ying Lili stammered nervously and said hurriedly.

This group of students who lived well in peace times have never seen a bomb with their own eyes, let alone this box of heavy explosives...

"It's okay. It doesn't start. Generally, you still need to enter a password. Just show the number of seconds to start. Otherwise, even if it falls to the ground or is relatively high temperature, it will usually not cause an explosion.

Li Yan touched a control panel with few buttons, and explained.

After listening, Ying Lili and others carefully looked at the part of the control center, and they were relieved to make sure that they did not move for any number of seconds.

"That's good, it scares us to death..."

In fact, Li Yan didn't explain everything.

He touched it carefully, and as a result, no matter how he touched it, there was only a button that was simply protected by an iron cover. In other words, this box was about to detonate at any time.

Under normal circumstances, it is just for the purpose of breaking things when oneself escapes.

It seems that the hunters in that car are basically sure to be completely wiped out...

The danger factor of this mountain is the most dangerous one Li Yan has encountered in two years of danger. Unlike the huge Shura, and Wan Huajing, he is temporarily unable to see things, but in front of him are the lives of four girls.

Of course, his priority is the safety of Yinglili.

In the end, Li Yan decided to take this box of explosives with him, perhaps as an emergency.

After a group of people prepared for a while, they finally started to walk out of the temporary settlement, and began to walk down the mountain along the traces of the cable car.

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