I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 584

The whispering voice still didn't stop.

In a corner of the street, a bald man wearing sunglasses watched the lights in Room 405 come back on. Finally, he was silent thoughtfully, watching the changes.

Chapter 291: The Spark in the Palm

A rough and dirty hand pushed open the rusty door.

Here is the control room of the cable car station closest to the bottom of the mountain.

There was a mist of water in the house, and the moonlight passed through the broken glass windows, illuminating the messy interior.

Li Yan carried the double-barreled shotgun and walked in. When his foot stepped on the ground, a burst of choking smoke and moldy smell filled the air.

"Cough cough cough..."

Immediately, the girls with rhinitis and even the spoiled girls without rhinitis coughed.

"Li, what are we doing here? Don't we plan to leave?" Ying Lili took out a tissue, covered her nose, and frowned.

"It's better to be safe..."

Li Yan turned around and said to Ying Lili and others.

He knew that the closer he got to the exit, the more he had to pay attention to every step he took, so he never gave up searching for the information here, and tried his best to learn about the true face of Rishangshan, a spiritual mountain.

Ying Lili and the other girls also had no choice but to follow Li Yan's advice, and then look for any available props or clue files in this place.

However, just as everyone was ruining the cabinet, Ying Lili soon found an ancient data file that had already been oxidized and turned yellow.

"Well, what is this?"

Ying Lili looked at the data in his hand ignorantly, and saw a more accurate mountain map data, marking the buildings on the mountain, including the previous secluded palace, the lake on the other side, the doll shrine, and the palace on the water. The places are clearly marked.

However, the map drawing is a bit complicated, and the labels in some places are completely incomprehensible.

"Ying Lili, what did you find?"

After other people searched this house and found nothing, they began to gather at Yinglili.

"..." Li Yan also realized what Ying Lili was studying, and moved closer to her voice.

However, after only a few steps, the outstretched hand happened to pass over a girl's hair, and her whole body accidentally bumped into a girl with her back to him, and quickly stepped back.


The girl in front seemed to be frightened again.


Li Yan's body clearly felt a fresh fragrance hit, and his chin touched the other's long hair. The touch of his body made him understand for the first time that the girl is made of water, and the sense of sight is quite soft, and his heart is full. jump.

But now, shouldn't he be questioned again, reducing the reputation he had already lost?

He was ready to apologize, but he didn't know why, but the girl in front didn't make a sound.

"Yi, what are you doing, your grades are so good, help us see what these icons are?"

Ying Lili's voice rang at this moment.

"Yes, it is!"

Ya Yi hurriedly responded and walked to Ying Lili's side.

"Hug..." Li Yan understood. It seemed that he had met the quiet girl who had never seen each other before and planned to apologize.

"It's okay, your eyes hurt, I can understand, don't take it to heart."

This young girl interrupted his apology quietly, said with a smile on her mouth.

The two mistakes were forgiven by this girl. From the conversations of other people, it can be seen that this woman named Yayi is indeed gentle and kind, and can be trusted to some extent.

"This...this picture..."

However, it seems that this Mei, who is called a top student by others, can't understand even holding a map.

This is not the way to go.

Li Yan heard the key message, the precise coordinates of the mountain on the sun, and the places that Yinglili still didn’t understand after walking through this mountain. This map does not seem to be a normal type of travel guide... if it is based on him The Rishangshan data collected on the Internet can basically be inferred to be an engineering drawing.

The information on the tourist attractions of Rishangshan has almost disappeared from the Internet, but he reasoned that this Rishangshan was once a tourist attraction, so there must be a large number of surveyed terrains. The establishment of cable cars and highways must understand the precise topographic structure. Most of this tourist attraction is developed. Within a short period of time, it was unable to maintain business operations due to various problems and had to withdraw in a hurry.

Even if it was too late to pack everything, even such expensive equipment was thrown away, and perhaps the surveyed engineering maps were not taken away.

Faced with such potential value, Li Yan finally stopped being silent. When the girls were at a loss, he reached out and asked for this map.

"Ying Lili, give me that map."

Li Yan said.

"...House...Li Jun, you can't see it now, and it's useless to leave it to you." Ying Lili looked at him with a little surprise and said.

"I said before that my right eye can actually see things in some way, but the wound is there and I dare not open it... There is no other way. I have to see if this map has any potential value... …"

Li Yan said while removing the bandage.

In an hour, he can restore his right eye to use once.

Ying Lili's face was pale and wanted to stop it, but Li Yan had already removed the bandage. The blood-stained white bandage was shocking to the people around him. Under the shining of a flashlight, these eyes with dried blood faced each other. With the map, Li Yan covered his left eye and opened his right eye slightly to check the map in the dim light.

The pain hit his consciousness for a moment, but the long-lost light appeared in his eyes.


Li Yan sighed silently.

His blurred eyes gradually saw this map clearly, watched it carefully, and remembered it in his heart.


A group of people around did not dare to say anything.

The night wind blows on this control room, and this scene in the night makes people feel the silence and shock in their hearts...

"……what happened?"

Li Yan noticed something was wrong.

This map indeed marked extremely important clues.

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