I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 593

A bit of chilly wind blows in this quiet room, the soft and warm bed is covered on him, the dirty and damaged clothes are also getting a new look, the coat is hung on the hanger, so peaceful , Makes people comfortable.

This was the place he was most familiar with, but after waking up, Li Yan was deeply shocked in his heart and was stunned for an instant.

"……How is this going?"

Li Yan couldn't believe his eyes.

This is his room.

Room 505, Shinjuku, Tokyo.Both the room and the scenery outside the window are exactly the same as the bachelor apartment where he lived for two years.

Li Yan, who got up, looked at the window in surprise, his face was blown by the breeze. Whether it was his eyes or other wounds on his body, he had healed. It really seemed like a hundred years of sleep in the fable, a thrilling battle, falling into The experience of hell is just a dream of Nan Ke.

For Li Yan, who was still fighting evil spirits before consciously looking for an exit, this side was undoubtedly more like hallucinations and dreams.

Li Yan still pulled his cheek vigorously, but the pain caused him to stop immediately, and the shock in his heart deepened. This made him feel cheerful, and he really came back!

"...I'm back, I'm really back!"

Li Yan looked at the room blankly, and couldn't help feeling excited and warm joy.

"Great, I really came back, although I don't know what happened, but I did come back!"

With a joyful expression on Li Yan's face, he muttered to himself excitedly. This time, he was able to escape from the abyss of hell. It was like stepping on shit.

Soon, Li Yan was excited, and hurriedly took out the mobile phone placed on the table, and sent a text message to related friends on the line, announcing that he had returned to the apartment building safely.After all, he himself has been lost in hell for countless years, how many days he himself has disappeared, whether it will cause commotion and uneasiness among friends, these are unknown.

However, when Li Yan was worried about the possible consequences of the strange incident of his disappearance, Line quickly sent back a batch of messages to him.

The response on Line made Li Yan completely unexpected. Almost everyone was surprised by his message and asked if Li Yan had returned to Japan from the motherland to go to school... Only Xiazhiqiu Shiyu asked him if he was right. What weird thing happened again.

"..." Li Yan noticed something was wrong. The calendar on his mobile phone had reached the date three or four months later, but when he jumped out of bed to check the date on the laptop, he saw the January time display...

This kind of feeling is like experiencing a time travel. Li Yan spent three months, even half a year, alone in his consciousness. As a result... only six days have passed in this world.

Li Yan searched the Internet, and also searched for the news that happened these days, as well as all kinds of information that proved the time under the soft sunlight from the window. As a result, his fingers stopped beating...

Li Yan understood what had happened, but the sense of confusion was still so strong, as if he had been abandoned by the world.In the end, the time of the world has not been changed, only his time is changed.

"Huh~~~~ But this is fine, at least if you calculate this way, nothing has been changed, everything is back to normal..."

Li Yan breathed a sigh of relief, and agreed with the result with satisfaction.

However, he quietly looked at the computer and didn't know why. When he saw the notebook, he always felt that he had overlooked an important memory in the timeline.

How did I come back? After I found the exit of hell, when I returned to the world, the key memory was still deprived of the power of hell, or there were other obscure reasons, even the clothes were restored Up...

No matter how he recalled these, except for some chaotic memory fragments, he had no clue.

Obviously he came back, but after realizing more and more doubts, Li Yan felt a little worried again whether he had made any mistakes.

Sitting at the desk, blowing the gentle morning breeze, Li Yan finally decided to put it aside first, put on his coat and prepared to go out to find someone.

He and Eiri Sawamura finally parted in the mountains. Whether Eiri and the others returned to Tokyo safely, he needs to verify with his own eyes.

"Ying Lili, you must be fine..."

Li Yan locked the door of his room, thinking silently.

However, when he got down to the fourth floor, he suddenly became a little confused. Is there a key to the door in his pocket before?

Suddenly, when Li Yan was puzzled, there was a petite figure with blond hair and white clothes standing behind him in the corridor...


Li Yan was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly looked back, only to find that this corridor was empty and there was no one.

At the same time, the bells hanging from the balcony of Room 405 shook in the breeze, making a crisp and sweet sound. The empty room was dark and deserted...

However, Li Yan still felt that at that moment, there really seemed to be a figure standing there...

The border between Tokyo and Saitama.

In front of the gate of the manor, Li Yan came to the gate of Zecun's house to visit.

He was still greeted by Li Yan, a woman in kimono Sawamura Sayuri who hadn't seen him for a long time.


Sawamura Sayuri's expression looked quite surprised.

After the gate of the manor was opened, this woman in a vermilion kimono came to greet him at the door. Under the breeze, Sayuri Sawamura's slender black hair bangs swayed slightly, and she showed a somewhat unexpected look. I couldn't see her state of mind, but she blinked her eyes and asked with concern: "Teacher Uesugi, didn't you say you will return to China on the 15th? What happened that delayed the plan to return to China?"

"Well... it's a long story, but it can be delayed for a few days. By the way, Ms. Sawamura, is Eiri at home?"

"Well, yes, but..."

Sayuri Sawamura looked hesitant, and her slender hands kept squeezing the paper fan. After thinking for a while, she clarified her thoughts and said with a smile: "Actually, it's just the right time for you to come. It's very suitable to meet her now. Teacher Uesugi, please come into the room now."

After Li Yan parked the car in the courtyard parking space, Sawamura Sayuri, who was waiting, stepped out of her feet wearing white socks and clogs, and personally invited him to the mansion as a guest.

At this moment in January, although it is still a cold winter, the snowy weather has gradually subsided, and the emerald green courtyard has become more vibrant. Gardeners and maids have also begun to dredge the waterways and clean the courtyard, which is a little bit more than when they visited last time. lively.

Sayuri Sawamura walked in front, stopping from time to time, chatting with some old women or clumsy newcomers for a while, showing a gentle smile, firmly uniting this small manor in the rich district.

"After the new year, it's another new beginning... Uesugi..."

The two walked on the courtyard path. Sayuri Sawamura walked slowly wearing clogs. When she was happy, Sayuri Sawamura wanted to talk to Li Yan, showing a warm smile, turning her face to look at Li Yan. I was going to chat for a while, but when this one looked sideways, she realized that Li Yan next to her was close at hand. She quickly realized that the child seemed to be taller, and she didn’t realize it until she got closer. ...

Maybe it was because she had never walked beside Li Yan for a long time.


I don't know why, realizing this, Sawamura Sayuri's cheeks suddenly felt hot, and she was speechless for a while.

"It's awful... Li Jun, your special physique seems to be getting stronger... It feels really a headache." Sayuri Sawamura was upset and thought.

Sawamura Sayuri's annoyed expression looks a bit self-satisfied, but the woman's mind is like a deep ocean, which is unpredictable. Li Yan on the side looks at Sayuri, whose mood has changed several times, and is also confused.

"Miss Sawamura looks emotionally unstable..."

Li Yan looked at Sawamura Sayuri with some worry.

After hesitating for a while, Li Yan hesitated again and again before carefully approaching this Zecun who always had a sense of mystery, and asked: "That...Miss Zecun, have you been busy these days?"

"Huh? Why did Uesugi-sensei say that suddenly?"

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