I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 599

Li Yan was silent for a while, and he didn't know if it was a wrong skill point. Since he was constantly looking for people, his editing system began to develop in the direction of tracing people. If it is to track and analyze the background information of the other party, This function is a magical tool. The editing system will capture uncertain existence at will, and will refresh once every ten minutes to determine the location of a specific character. It is just that it has no growth advantage for him to overcome dangerous difficulties and make money...

Li Yan constantly relied on the editing system within a 100-meter radius to find two people, while on one side he was constantly walking around the town.

As a result, they were nowhere to be found in the residential area, but when they walked to a warehouse, Li Yan's editing system suddenly reacted.

[Beep beep!

At this time, Li Yan received the prompt from the editing system in front of the door of the No. 92 livestock feed warehouse.


He hesitated, how could Winette or Satania be here?

Li Yan tried to open the door of this warehouse, but it was tightly locked inside. After observing the warehouse, he climbed up in the direction of the water pipe and sneaked in from the vent.

Finally, after finally sneaking in through the ventilation ducts of the warehouse, the editing system was refreshed again and it was determined that there was a specific person he was looking for in the pile of feed that was about 20 meters away.

Li Yan confirmed his position and felt that something was not right.

"Wait a minute, are they in captivity feed bags?!"

Li Yan was shocked, realizing the illogical problem.In any case, it is incredible that girls like them would be placed here.All kinds of memories made Li Yan think more and more afraid, he no longer cared about the three seven twenty-one, and hurried forward.



Li Yan moved bags after bags of feed, looking for them, and shouted in a worried mood in the dark warehouse.

As a result, a black shadow suddenly rushed out from behind the bag and took out a weapon to attack Li Yan. Seeing this, Li Yan immediately threw the heavy feed bag with one hand and hit it frontally. A suspicious attacker.

In an instant, the bags in the warehouse suddenly collapsed, looking embarrassed.

"Slow, wait!"

Just as Li Yan pressed the opponent and was about to inquire about the whereabouts of Satania and Winnett, a familiar girl voice came from the warehouse.


Li Yan was taken aback for a moment, and as a result, two flashlights found their side, and one of them was holding a flashlight, which turned out to be Tsukinose Vennette April.

"Senior, as expected... why are you here, senior?"

Weinet looked at Li Yan in surprise and joy, and walked over to ask.

"Venete..." After Li Yan saw clearly that it was Vinnette in the dark, his heart was immediately relieved, at least nothing dangerous happened.He was obviously relieved and relaxed.

However, he always felt that this deja vu...

He was silent for a moment, and his mood became a little nervous. He pointed to the middle-aged demon whose nose was smashed by the bag and asked, "Vinette, it would be great if you are fine... I will not mention anything for now. , Why did you hide in the warehouse, what happened? By the way...who is this person?"

Vignette looked at the person lying on the ground, his face suddenly changed.

With an extremely embarrassing and worried look on her face, she explained in a low voice, "...Senior, that demon is my father."

Inside the warehouse, the smell of feed is permeated, and the exhaust fan is constantly rotating.In the dark warehouse, Tsukinose's household flashlight illuminates the sitting position slightly, and everyone sits together here.

It was the first time that Li Yan saw the three of Tsukinose's family. After visiting the Hu Taoze's house last time, he did not visit Tsukinose's house as planned. As a result, he encountered such a misunderstanding.

But as expected, history is similar, and he encountered an awkward situation this time.

"This one is my father and this one is my mother. Mom and Dad, this one is what I mentioned before, Li Yan, who has been taking care of our seniors all the time outside."

Weinett sat beside Li Yan and politely and thoughtfully introduced Li Yan to his parents.

Li Yan was a little surprised. According to Weinett's independent and mature personality, he was a little bit more childish when calling his parents.

"When you meet for the first time, please advise..." Li Yan bowed to them with a polite and awkward smile, and said.

After all, Winnett's father, who was sitting in front of him, had a blessed face, now his nose and face were swollen.Vinette’s mother appeared to be younger, with a more cheerful and peaceful personality. His mother’s blue hair color and father’s purple eye pupils happened to be passed on to Vinette. Now they encountered such a misunderstanding, they didn’t seem to blame him. meaning.

"Haha, you really deserve to be a young man. The strength is great, but it doesn't matter, it's just a small injury... No, the nosebleed is going to come out again..."

"You are so true, why didn't you take a shot without seeing clearly."

"No way, I thought it was the group of people who chased over, and they were still opening where Vinette was hiding..."

Li Yan was a little concerned about the content of this red nosed father and this mother wearing a hat.

"Hiding... Why are you hiding suddenly?"

Li Yan asked suspiciously.


Upon hearing this question, the Winnett family quickly became quiet.

"That... Senior, the Demon Realm doesn't know why, so suddenly it is about to go to war with the Heaven Realm... It seems to have something to do with Gabriel..."

Vinette explained, but she could see that she did not have a clear understanding of the development.

"...I know about this, so I came to look for you. The four of you suddenly left without saying goodbye and left the room. I thought things were strange, so I followed it up and asked about your situation."

Li Yan looked at Vennette and asked: "I probably know about Gabriel, but there are still many things I don’t understand. What happened to you, Vennette, where is Satania now? ?"


Vignette hesitated for a moment, lowered her head in shame, and said in frustration: "Actually, like the senior, I don’t really understand what happened, but a few days ago, the church bell suddenly rang and everything went wrong. Suddenly it changed. The Demon Realm soon sent someone over and brought Satania and I back to the Demon Realm who were buying breakfast. It is said that other students who returned later were also forcibly taken back, saying that it was to ensure that we would not be affected by angels. Assault and capture..."

She quietly grasped Li Yan's sleeves with her hands, and she continued to say: "During the day today, every student was gathered to the square of the town to be tested by the elders and some demons. Here we find the body of the ancient demon in the legend, awaken the demons of the old era, to protect our devil’s own hometown, and resist the invasion of angels..."

She and Satania stood there babbling and trembling, and as a result, everyone else left, and she and Satania were selected.

The 47th of the Demon Pillar [Byrne], and the former leader of the Demon Legion [Satani Gia]...

This is the name of their two spirit deities.


Li Yan has heard the names of the devil mentioned in the two bibles. Byrne is a powerful, kind and neutral demon among the demons. Not to mention that Satagina is a fierce enemy of angels. No wonder he once knew that Satania was When he was a devil, this name made him feel familiar.

In the end, the four juniors he knew were not only angels and demons, but also the legendary...

At this moment, he had a headache. No wonder Satania and Vinete disappeared immediately.

History and time are often like a prank, bringing together the blazing angels and the great devil who once confronted them, but now they are sent back to the grievances that they had previously understood to be fruitless...

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