I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 601

The drenched figure tried to hug Satania, who had fallen into madness, but a spark exploded in the air and was flew out by this electric current.

Li Yan, who fell in the mud, quickly got up, still trying to stabilize Satania again.

This time, the blow of the electric current flickered constantly under the dark demon sculpture. Finally, Li Yan opened his eyes wide and stretched out his hand to Satania. In the electric current cover, he almost saw his finger dropped. Gone……

Li Yan desperately did not give in, and stubbornly approached Satania.

That's his Satania, not Satanikia!

In front of him, Satania was holding his head and struggling constantly. He didn't understand why, he could see that Satania was crying, crying lonely and helplessly.

It was the same way when she couldn't get up and down the tree...

After that rain, he once told her that next time he would not come over and let her be independent, but sure enough, he couldn't do what he said even more than Satania.

Finally, at that instant, he passed the electric current just like that time, and his whole body smoked tightly and hugged Satania, whose face had become hideous and had four wings.

I don't know why, when Li Yan held this junior who yearned for him, he knew that Satania would not lose herself in front of him.

The girl who hugged her tightly and fell into the pinnacle gradually became deserted and motionless.

"never mind……"

Li Yan knelt on the ground, holding Satania, and patted the back of Satania's head with his mutilated black fingers.


"Satania, you're such a crying...however you haven't changed it now..."


"I'm here to pick you up..."

The hint that Satania received was interrupted. Her bloody eyes gradually faded, but she smelled the burnt smell, and finally choked up and looked up at this one. The face of a senior who was qualified to say this to her.

The black rain, pattering, gently washes the seniors and juniors who will break their appointment no matter how strict the strict requirements are...

Chapter 297 The Strongest Helper

Rain, like a black silk thread, woven into a soft and ethereal net, covering the square.


Weinet looked at Li Yan's broken finger, his face was pale, and he was bandaging his wound.

After Li Yan stabilized Satanya, he finally stood up, turned around and looked at the residents of the square, and separated his body from Satanya and Vinette from the demon residents. , In the wet night, Li Yan finally became the last refuge of two demon descendants.

Satania turned into a demon-like posture and looked at Li Yan puzzledly, sitting on the ground not daring to move.

Standing in front of the demon sculpture of the seven deadly sins, Li Yan is not afraid of the hideous demon sculpture behind him, but feels for the demons who lost their minds before facing Gabriel’s horn of the doomsday and the war crisis of the rewashing of the world. Uneasy and alert.

However, now that the devil didn't stop him from approaching Satania, it proved that they were also hesitating.

Facing this group of hesitant demons, Li Yan understood that the residents of Vinnett and their hometown had not completely lost themselves, and the efforts of the god Jehovah were not wasted...

"What are you doing……"

Li Yan looked at them and asked in the dark and damp square.

In the rain, the demon residents with dull and restless faces were moved and their expressions were different.

Of course they knew what they were doing, Satania's sorrow, and the resistance of the Hu Taoze family. Even if they knew that such an approach would lead to such a situation, after seeing it with their own eyes, the restless crowd became even more conflicted.

"...Let the old demons return to the demon world, can they really lead you to resist or escape the invasion from the heavens?"

With sharp eyes on Li Yan's wet face, he said, "You are so naive to think that when they come back, can this demon world keep its original appearance? Why do demons choose the most extreme and ignorant in times of crisis? The way to protect yourself, once you invite it, don’t try to go back to the present time."

"What's more, for this purpose, it is necessary to use the old demon soul to return and collectively decide who must make sacrifices in exchange for a low probability of safety. This is the so-called fair decision. This is a consequence that no one can bear. No matter how much you bear, the sacrificed people will not return, but the old devil will not leave... With this kind of method of drinking poison to quench thirst, it is not escape and cowardice. What is it? Satania is Satania, Venai It is Vinnett, who is suddenly replaced by others. It is definitely not something that the town has the right to do after a unified decision..."



With the patter of rain, the demon residents present all calmed down. No one can refute this statement.

For the demons who have known the old demonic era, many have predicted this. The old demons and the current demons are no longer what they used to be, and there is a huge gap. This method is the cruelest and most helpless only choice after desperate.

"Perhaps this is true, but we want to try even the worst method. You are a human being. Although you don’t know how you broke in, you can see that you and Satania, Weinet’s two children have a very good relationship. You can’t understand our situation. Who can bear to deal with similar things like this, but the militants of heaven finally found Gabriel back, and now they have to deal with the old angel’s Power, simply relying on us demons who live in a peaceful life can't do it..."

The elder demon squinted at Li Yan and retorted in a slow and slow voice.

He did not dislike Li Yan, who was a human being, suddenly intervened, saying: "War will break out soon. If there is no power of the old demon gods, and return to the old age, angels and demons are the relationship between life and death... We, There is no other choice."

Li Yan looked at the demon old man, and then replied: "I am indeed not a demon, but Gabriel and Satania, a senior of the four girls in the human world. I am a human. But I I don’t care about Gabriel, Satania, Winnett, and Rafael’s identity. My purpose in coming here is just to prevent this from happening."

In the dark, he took out his pocket watch, opened the pocket watch, and showed them four cute and ordinary girls.

In the darkness, this pocket watch was shining with silver light, and everyone seemed to be able to understand the emotions of the four young girls, as well as the precious existence that Li Yan was struggling with.

The blond girl with dazzling hair and sloppy eyes can hardly be associated with the new generation of gods who master the horn of doom...Perhaps, not only in hell, but also in heaven, there are angels who are in the same mood as them to prevent this. The situation spread.

The demons are not individuals who do not want war alone.

"I just came here as their predecessors, hoping to quell all this as soon as possible, and keep them safe in Japan... You are right, maybe we are all weak and I am Human beings cannot compare with the resurrected gods in terms of strength and abilities, but I know better that doing things that torture one's original intention and freedom is often more painful than doing nothing... Weakness does not mean that we cannot resist. ."

Li Yan's words silenced the elder.

"I came here as a senior, hoping to take them back. Whether it's the angel or the devil, I hope to maintain the same life as I used to be. I also hope that Gabriel, Lafeel, Sata Nia and Vignette can be the same as before...protect everything that is beautiful in front of us, we need to rely on our own strength to act."

Li Yan looked at them intently and earnestly, and asked, "Now that there is still too much time, someone told me that there is still a chance to get back to my original life... Next I will go to heaven and bring Gabriel back. , To prevent Gabriel’s resurrection and return life to the path it used to be. To do this, I must ask everyone’s strength to help me go to Gabriel. Therefore, everyone is willing to serve themselves and the people around me. People, bravely stand up and fight for a peaceful life?"

The crowd with torches fell silent.

These principles are not that no one understands, but to be the first to act independently at a critical time and speak all the words that bet on everything. This requires the great courage to set aside everything and simply pursue that elusive hope.

However, nowadays, what many people want to say is said by the first person. There is no objection in the crowd, which proves that many people have the same unbearable and unwilling thoughts like them. The idea is no longer a secret.


Next to the old demon man, a middle-aged demon from a town finally spoke to the elder.

"Let the Hutaozawa family and the Tsukinose family die separately. This practice does not conform to the rules that have been passed down in our town."

"I saw the child of the Tsukinose family from childhood..."

"Although this is the most helpless choice, but without sacrificing others without saying it, the legendary Satanikia Lord will not let us maintain the peaceful life we ​​once had. This decision really needs to be carefully examined..."

Among the residents, more and more residents began to speak their hesitant words. For a while, the crowd became more and more noisy, and the balance of choice began to waver.

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