I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 607

I don't know why, at that moment, Li Yan seemed to feel that his feelings were more uncomfortable than death...

No matter what, he couldn't bear to attack Gabriel. Such a Gabriel became so strange because he saved him...

Suddenly, a powerful spatial shock flew out the hesitant Li Yanzhen.

This time it flew, and the surrounding grassland also fell into the grass. However, in Li Yan's spark, like dry autumn, this grassland started to catch fire.

"What are you doing, human?"

In a strong wind blowing, sparks set a prairie fire, and the gabriel blonde floating in the air danced. She looked down at the figure lying under the haystack and asked.

"I see, you are in the same group with that group of demons... It's so pathetic, human, you have been deceived by the demons."

Gabriel looked at him pityingly and whispered.

"You can no longer return to the world. The human heresy tempted by demons will always endanger the world. Let me free you."

Li Yan fell on the haystack, watching the sky enveloped in dense smoke and the sparks lingering, he finally understood how he was going to stop Gabriel, and got up from the haystack to get it.

"You want my life, just take it... You originally saved this life, Gabriel..."

In the haystack, the calm and somewhat difficult voice of the figure after the injury slowly replied.

In the grassland dancing flames, the figure slowly got up, the flames became more and more blood-red, and the figure broke his ribs when it was shaken. With bare hands, drops of blood fell on the dark burning grass. , A white smoke came out.

Conflicts cannot be avoided.

Li Yan's clothes were hunting in the prairie gale, and the spark was like his will. Li Yan, who had never given up and fought, finally gave up for the first time.

In any case, we must prevent Gabriel from being resurrected.

On the other hand, the battle between the dragon and the devil is not optimistic.


After finding a place to stand, Nidhogg, who looked a little embarrassed, couldn't help but gasp. There was a deep scar on her abdomen, and a drop of black blood fell on the ground.

"It's really tricky, it's like life-killing..."

Niederhogg's tired eyes looked at his wound and thought to himself.

The situation of the ice dragon Orasia and the red dragon is not optimistic. In addition to Thor, this group of dragons seems to be struggling against the four-winged angels who are constantly strengthening. Letting them share the pressure here will undoubtedly make them It just loses faster.

Blood was dripping from the corner of Niederhogg's mouth, and while resting for a while, a girl's voice came from behind him.

"It's not good, it's not good... Nihoud..."

Satania flapped her wings and flew over and hurriedly told Niederhogg about the situation, but forgot Niddhogg's name.


Nidhogg did not respond, looked at her calmly and told her his name.

"What's the matter, Sanya?" Niederhogger quickly made the same mistake. Surprisingly, Niederhogger was not good at remembering names.

"My name is Satania. By the way, Niederhogg, things are not good. Senior, he doesn't know why, so he suddenly fought with Gabriel... and the fight was very intense." Satania Said excitedly.


Niederhogg's face changed and asked.

She turned into a black dragon again, flew to another clearing, and looked at the situation on the side of the temple.

"..." Ned Hogg's face turned blue.

In any case, the attitude of that angel girl was already a god.

The four pairs of wings symbolize the strongest divine power, and almost have crushing power on the seraph. However, Nidhogg can also see that the other party is still in fusion with the power of Jehovah and the soul of Gabriel himself. A stage of great change and extremely unstable power.

However, Li Yan constantly used his physical stamina and the cover of the grassland to avoid it. The flames on his body dimmed and brightened, which seemed to indicate that Li Yan himself was familiar with and mastered this soul mode that was a serious threat to non-humans. .


The same bruised Nidhogg looked at him worriedly.

However, she didn't have the thought of intervening, she stood up, straightened her hat, and lowered it a little, to conceal her sad eyes.

As a result, around Niederhog, the three figures chased her again, and surrounded Niederhog with godly steps.

The three seraphs of the old age slowly stood up, preparing to kill Nidhogg.

"Hum hum……"

Nidhog, who lowered his hat, pressed his hat tightly, and the evil and arrogant smile revealed the sharp teeth of the dragon at the corner of his mouth.

"I don't plan to retain my strength anymore. Will your new god win, or the human being? I like to gamble, so I just bet that the humans will win. It will definitely be a big upset, and I must earn a lot of money... "

Niederhogg raised his head, revealing his hideous dragon eyes, took off the white gloves he was still wearing, and threw them behind him.

"Kill as much as possible, everyone."

She raised her right hand that turned into a huge dragon claw in front of her eyes, a black evil spirit filled her body, that charming and murderous faint smile finally turned into a smirk, and truly began to release her as [Dragon 'S bloody nature...

There is no longer any other power to assist Li Yan, facing the Goddess of Purging Gabriel, no one around Li Yan can be used.

On the final battlefield of the temple, the green grass and the surrounding flames formed a gray scene of ruining the sky and the earth, which was no longer what the heavens looked like.

As a blazing angel, Gabriel held the sword of flame, and his other hand was constantly searching for Li Yan's position, releasing magic, and relying on skilled gods to avoid Li Yan's attack.

However, as Niederhogger could see, the Gabriel power at this moment was chaotic, with looming hallucinations and confusion interfering with her.

As a result, every time he was disturbed by such a chaotic state, Li Yan looked at the right time and smashed Gabriel's protective shield with a punch, shook Gabriel out, and fell to the ground.

The goddess of Purging now has some dust on his face and clothes.


Gabriel kept capturing Li Yan's traces, and was also analyzing his suspicious points.

Very strange...

What's the matter with that flame?

She never knew that human souls would burn, and then burst out this terrifying force, even her protective shield could be shattered...

When did humans have the power to fight against gods...

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