I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 618

Which detective in the world shouldn't be [Holmes] as the spiritual support...

The girl’s finger searched all the case descriptions in Tokyo, but no one similar to this appeared...

So, where is the [Holmes] mentioned by Zhenbai?

The legend always wears a curved pipe, a detective hat, and a coat. It looks spirited and weird, haunting dark and light figures...

Alice has a headache.

However, this is not the most important purpose after all. After analyzing a piece of information to no avail, Alice took a short break and opened a can of Dr Pepper.

It was 5:40 in the morning. She knew that Li Yan had gone to rest at 2:10. During the night, it seemed that she was the only one in this world.

The dark Tokyo still has wisps of lights, and the quiet streets are a little bit cold. Alice quietly looks at the window. The gray floors are as mysterious, prosperous and beautiful as the world of comics.

Suddenly, there was a conversation from the neighbor.

"Conna, are you ready?"

"Yes, Lord Thor."

"Today we are going to Yokohama to buy some seafood. Yesterday we saw a certain market offering big discounts. There is absolutely no way to buy such cheap seafood here in Tokyo. We have to go there and wait in line."

"Unbelievable! I have seafood to eat today."

It seems that the people in the apartment next door are discussing today's food purchases. Alice is a little curious about how she might go to Yokohama to buy seafood in Shinjuku, Tokyo.

Her bright black and white eyes were so focused and energetic, she listened quietly.

"Probably... I can come back at 6:30, it will take a while to line up." Thor calculated the time and said.

"Huh?" Alice blinked, wondering how could this be done, even on the Shinkansen.

"Master Thor, do you need to buy some for Master Li?"

"Well... this month's budget is a bit pitiful. It's okay to buy some cheaper shellfish. As long as you don't tell Li, there should be no problem."

Alice heard this and realized that the relationship with Li Yan next door seemed to be good.

"Sure enough, it's a bit strange..."

However, Alice is a little curious. The location is close to the balcony. Since I'm discussing things about going out for shopping, why not choose the hallway, but choose to discuss it on the fifth-floor balcony?

"Then, let's go."

Thor said to Conner.

Alice was drinking Dr Pepper, her dazzling hair being blown by the night wind, she heard the popping sound of the window and looked out curiously...

In the darkness, two figures next door jumped directly onto the balcony...


Alice couldn't help but choke immediately.

She couldn't help but coughed, and when she got out of bed and opened the window to look down, under the shining of the street lamp below, she saw nothing...

"This...what's going on?"

Alice's face turned blue and her hair was blown by the cold wind, she always felt something was wrong.

Is it because of her dizziness, or because of the reflection, but these assumptions are not valid, because the voice of the conversation next door has stopped...

"No, this is impossible. Ghosts do not exist. People are afraid, because they subconsciously believe in such rumors. It is their incompetence that leads to such misconceptions. As a detective, this is not allowed. The wrong understanding is in memory."

Alice quickly recovered her calm. As a detective, her first point, at least, is to believe that there are no ghosts in the world.

However, in order to persuade this, Alice searched Google for the rumors of "One Yuan Apartment Haunted in Shinjuku District", and then the unimportant information that has been difficult to find is revealed...


Alice looked at the documents one by one, and began to shake her belief in being a detective.

There are often unmanned ghost cars around; there are always a few figures floating in the air on the fourth floor of the apartment building; strange things often slap the windows of the surrounding apartment buildings after five o’clock; and the fifth floor once I was seen on fire, but the fire truck hasn't come yet, but the first floor is intact... and there are always people on the side of the road who witnessed walking Japanese dolls at night...

Therefore, this phenomenon has made it difficult for residents to stay in the three apartment buildings on the opposite side... Searching for the previous addresses of these posters, the results are consistent with the fact that they have lived around.

The data, there are no bugs, let alone what she just saw with her own eyes...

5:56 minutes.

[Tick, tick, tick...]

The sound of the pendulum clock in the living room quietly passed into the bedroom.

The sound of the wind outside the window suddenly rang, and Li Yan, who had been tired for a day, was covered with a thick quilt. There was no heating in the room. The weather was gradually warming up near February, and the temperature was completely bearable.

Li Yan, who had been sleeping in the bedroom, vaguely felt something approaching him.

He opened his eyes and looked at the door.

As a result, a body wrapped in a sheet, holding a bear puppet in his hand, unable to see his face in the dim light, hissing and crying, shaking all over, head down, and the figure of a girl with long black hair Crouching on the ground, he hid in his bedroom aggrievedly.

At a glance like this, it's almost like watching a horror movie.

"Wait a minute, what the hell?!" Li Yan's eyes widened, chilling, thinking.

Finally it was early morning.

Alice, who was hiding in the quilt, opened her eyes, and she realized that she was asleep just now?

Strangely, she never knew that she would sleep at other times except three or four in the afternoon.

She crawled out of the quilt, and the sun was dazzling and warm.


Alice couldn't help closing her eyes, tears in her eyes.

Gradually, she could see this clearly. The bedroom that was originally not heated began to emit gusts of wind. In the bright bedroom with a pile of books, Li Yan with dark circles under his eyes was reading at his desk. I spent more than two hours with her.

In the early morning, I slept less than 4 hours. After figuring out what happened to Alice, Li Yan made up lies one after another to round up the rumors here.

Although it is a lie, the truth is indeed not the same.Although it is not very rigorous, it is very useful.

As a result, when Alice listened to Li Yan's nagging explanation, she gradually calmed down from the height of fear with the mocha bear in her arms. During this process, there was an indescribable sense of comfort, like a cold wind in a fairy tale. In the blizzard, there was a safe hut burning with a campfire. Gradually, she was in the bed, surrounded by a warm and shaking warm flame, and fell asleep unknowingly.

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