I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 620

She revised to about 60% of the progress, and saw that the few pages she had reviewed were already marked for revision.

"It's terrible Japanese grammar, is it really okay to write novels like this..."

Alice looked at Li Yan's manuscript with a complicated expression, and thought.

Basically they are minor mistakes, but she has read all the first to 11 volumes she purchased, but she has not seen so many wrong sentences and mistakes. Probably there is a very powerful editor who has revised the manuscript for him.

This is simply to maintain inspiration, regardless of grammar.For the rigorous detective, it is really unacceptable.


Alice turned her face to look at the pile of plots and set outlines on the side, especially the arrangement of the battle plot has been carefully arranged with flowcharts, thinking: "This novel is really written very seriously, just after reading this Half of it knows how much effort has been spent to conceive these plot settings..."

Therefore, the story written is very interesting. Whether it is the emotional route of the characters, or the unexpected and reasonable circumstances of the battle, the quality of this plot is high and the tension is full, as if it can be in the mind Intensely expressed in general.

Even a smart person may not be able to think of these, at least Alice admits that she can't write it...

Alice held up the first draft, looked at the outline carefully in the dimming light, and thought with some incomprehension: "The design plot is rich and meticulous, and I can't understand how these plots were come up... Novelist is really a contradictory and incredible profession..."


I don't know why, Alice recalled the busy back of the one who had to review the novel until two o'clock because of the delay in writing a novel.

Why is there such a person willing to keep advancing in this general way?

Alice's mood gradually calmed down.

"If you can find a profession like a god in the world of nothingness, I think there are only two professions that can be done most directly in the world. One is a detective and the other is a writer... Only a detective can become the god of the dead, a god. I have a notebook. Only writers can use stories to shape a whole new world and become the god who dominates a world, whether the carrier is words or painting..."

Alice sat alone in the quiet and lit room, meditating quietly.

A little bit, she is a little envious of another career that can fulfill her dream.

Just at 8:35, the basic work was done.

Out of the spirit of contract, Alice forced herself as Neet out of the network for half a day and was in a state of part-time work, but she had done part of the work first and read the final volume of a popular light novel first. When the employer who was shopping came back, it seemed boring now...


Alice yawned, tears in her eyes, lying on the table and resting for a while.

"Huh... why suddenly I feel that I have really started to act as an assistant..."

The purpose of her coming here is actually not that she really wants to be Li Yan's assistant...

Quietly, lying on the table motionless, letting the sun shine on her light and soft body, at this moment, when she is not touching the Internet, she is like a kitten, using her hands and a mocha bear doll Surround your own face.

Vaguely, the uneasiness that pervades around is getting stronger and stronger.

She clearly understands that this world will not harm her, but she doesn't know why, once she closes her eyes to rest, or walks out of the vast world outside, she feels that she will be hurt.

She knows that her life experience is unfortunate, and she is unable to change this situation. The powerless people silently bear the consequences of powerlessness. This is also a world law she has realized.

"..." Alice raised her head slightly between her arms, squinting at the stack of manuscripts.

After being out of work for the time being, Alice stood up and began to read the books in Li Yan's bedroom. After finding no suitable books, she went to the living room and looked for them. The bookshelves here are basically comics, Uesugi Yan's own works, light novel books five or six years ago, as well as dictionaries and teaching tutorial books of Dongda.

"For boys, don't they have some ergonomics?"

Just as Alice was reading the book, the doorbell suddenly heard the sound of the door.

[Ding Dong.


Alice heard the doorbell, she stood up, got a few books from the bookshelf, walked to the door barefoot, used a stack of books as a footstep, and looked at the situation outside through the cat's eyes.

Standing at the door is a girl with a cute and serious look and a single ponytail. She has a suitcase behind her. She seems to be carrying something in her left hand. From this high school girl In terms of facial expression analysis, he seemed to be an acquaintance of Li Yan, and that faint smile seemed to trust this college student writer.

Alice quickly found the girl's information from her memory bank.

It seems that this girl is named Aoyama Nanami, and she is in the second grade of high school, and she seems to be Shiina Mashiro's classmate and roommate.

The stage play for the two people at Shuimei Art Academy’s Academy Festival is quite famous, and she has also watched the story of Slashing Ghosts where both of them can perform so imposingly.

However, just as Alice was thinking about whether to respond, suddenly her cell phone rang.

She took out her mobile phone and looked at it, her face changed a little. As a result, this pretty girl stood on tiptoe on a stack of books, showing a smile.

"Is Senior Li at home? I am Nanami. I am back today. I brought you some Osaka specialty products."

Aoyama Qikai asked with a smile.

"Mr. Li Yan is not here."

A deserted girl's voice suddenly came from behind the door.

With a click, the door was opened, but it was not Li Yan who appeared at the door, but a girl with beautiful and somewhat dazzling black long hair, wearing a brown bear pattern and shorts, only twelve or three years old, and a quiet face. .

Such a temperament and body, almost perfect Japanese loli.

"Huh?" Qingshan Qihai looked in his eyes, and was stunned.

"Hello... Mr. Li, I went shopping this morning, I will stay here to watch the house..." Alice said, standing at the door, calm and old-fashioned.

However, before the words finished, Aoyama Qikai's itchy hands made Alice's face pale.

Without exception, as long as there is no woman who does not want to hug her...

"Slow, slow..."

Aoyama Nanami didn't hear Alice's voice at all, and hugged the girl who exuded a good smell, showing affectionate laughter, and kept touching her head and said, "Wow, what a beautiful girl, and a Japanese doll. The same, where are you from? You won’t be Senior Li’s relatives. The body is also very soft, just like a doll..."

"Wait a minute, I am not a kid, please let go!"

Alice is in pain, especially when her cheeks are sunk by the opponent's chest, she feels completely gray...

"Sorry, sorry... I scared you, so what's your name, what grade are you in now?"

After Aoyama Qikai was satisfied, he let go of Alice subconsciously, and then asked with a smile.

Alice was holding her mocha bear, her cheek was pressed with a round blush, and she looked at her with some fear.

"Really... why do you have to hug me when a girl sees me, I am not a mascot..." Alice thought aggrievedly.

However, she quickly recovered her calm, saw the opportunity to reveal her existence, smiled again, and said, "Don't look at me like this. I am sixteen years old. If I don't believe it, I still have a student ID to prove it. "

Aoyama Qihai accepted the student ID with some surprise, and his expression changed when he saw that the other party was indeed a freshman.

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