I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 629

The rumbling of the wind made Alice finally couldn't help taking a peek at the window, proving that all this was just a hint of the illusion in her heart.

Slightly narrowed his vision, and then, his blurred eyes gradually saw clearly. On the translucent window illuminated by moonlight and street lamps, a petite figure with a disheveled hair opened the window and slowly entered the house.


Alice suddenly opened her eyes.

With a faint voice, this petite girl finally crawled into the room, unable to see clearly in the dark...

The sound was heard last time, but this time I witnessed it with my own eyes.

[Boom boom boom!!

[Boom boom boom!!

At 1:50, Li Yan's door heard a quick knock.


Li Yan opened his eyes in a daze, got up with dazzled hair and looked at the door. He didn't understand how someone would knock on the door at this time. He got out of bed in his pajamas and opened the door.


At the moment when the door was opened, a little girl who had gathered all the courage to rush out of the bedroom suddenly rammed Li Yan, and the hard head hit him directly on his chest, causing him to get angry and immediately sober.

"Yes... there are ghosts, Li!"

Alice's expression turned blue, she raised her head tremblingly and said to him.

After turning on the lights in the living room and the bedroom, everything went as usual, and there were no traces of ghosts.

In other words, Li Yan knows that there are indeed ghosts in this world, and there are still a lot of them, but when he saw that the pile of PS4 game consoles and discs he had stored under the table was missing, he knew who came in... …

The evil angel downstairs came back late at night and couldn't wait to buy DLCA from Krypton. He had not had time to pass the final level of a game.

"This one……"

Li Yan was silent, searching for the excuses he had made to cheat his teacher from childhood.However, being so teased by the guys around him, his helpless assistant will resign sooner or later...

"This is an illusion caused by the refraction of light and shadow."

Li Yan said to Alice seriously.

"There are always hot girls sneaking out to play in the opposite building. In order to sneak home, I always have the habit of climbing the second floor back. As a result, sometimes there are vehicles passing by and they will be reflected in the mirrors because of this. Occasionally, there will be the illusion of seeing someone climb into the window. Occasionally, people’s emotions will be nervous and even auditory hallucinations..."

Li Yan brainwashed the somewhat numb Alice and continued to explain.

Alice was silent for a moment, and frowned worriedly, "But, I always feel that I really saw something, Lee... don't you believe what I said? That figure is like a demon, so that people can see It’s just horrible."

"No, that's an angel..."

Li Yan thought complicatedly.

"There are blind spots in human thinking, Alice, there are indeed various legends around here, but believe me, the people who live here are the friendliest residents in the world, don't worry."

Li Yan looked at her and said comfortingly.


Alice thought about it quietly, looked at Li Yan's sincere eyes, and finally nodded helplessly, and said, "...huh, what you said makes sense...the so-called human thoughts are indeed very inaccurate. If it is only within the framework of thought, even contradictory things can exist side by side."

She has no evidence to overturn Li Yan's explanation. It would be better to say that in such a period of time, there is no value in investigating this disturbing situation.

"That, Lee..."

Alice's fair face turned slightly flushed, and she was a little hard to speak. In the end, with a bit of shyness and anxiety, she whispered: "Tonight...tonight, we are sleeping on the floor in the living room. How, how?"


In the living room, there are two floor shops across the table. Li Yan and Alice have their heads facing the glass door of the balcony. The moonlight outside is sacred. After the city gradually dims, it seems that the night sky can be vaguely seen. The stars...

Feeling warm in the dark, Alice has not seen such a scenery for a long time.

This feeling is like she and Li Yan's respective beds are flying in the sky, feeling the empty and cold, but also feeling extremely deep and at ease.

For some reason, the disturbing factor disappeared without a trace again.

Gradually, Alice's consciousness became confused, as if she was camping in a quiet woods. Not only was there a mocha bear beside her, there was also one sitting there, burning a campfire, giving her peace And the fuzzy figure of safety...

In the dark, there is only flame.

An old computer.

The blonde loli girl who lives in the garden building is using this machine with difficulty.

The blonde loli girl who lives in the garden building is sitting in the study, using this machine to check emails with difficulty.

The girl in the ancient tradition never believed in such technological products that could easily be stolen by thousands of miles. She likes to use paper documents to deliver all important communications.

When the blonde girl was checking an email from Alice with her pipe in her hand, she was taken aback for a moment, and a word caught the blonde girl's attention.


"When I sleep in room 505, I always feel a glow of fire, and Alice, who has been unable to sleep for long, slept for about 6 hours last night..."

The girl thought a little.

If it were a society that was completely superstitious of science in this era, Alice, as an excellent cyber detective, would doubt such things, and the detective's reputation would definitely be damaged.

However, she will not, but will pay more attention to this particularity.

"...It seems that there is a hidden secret to kill the boredom."

The blonde girl was thinking.

"Mrs. Forrest, I think I found a good question recently. Can I ask you for the preparations?"

Sitting in a sea of ​​flowers in the forest garden, the table is full of books from all over the world. This young girl who has been on the sidelines seems to be ready to start her own action...

Chapter 308

Under the gray sky, the University of Tokyo was dim.

However, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, the free Tokyo University Animation Club, together with Waseda, Keio Private School, and Tokyo Institute of Technology, organized an animation and game-themed animation art event.

Downstairs in an ancient European-style school, in a courtyard street, two girls whispered.

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