I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 635

The literary girl with an angel smile.

That fallen murderer who once again showed a cruel and crazy smile...

Li Yan's expression had never been so complicated, trembling, turned around and stared at the darkest figure.


Victoria on the side noticed something was wrong, and asked with some care.

However, that person is like a sculpture, motionless...

Chapter 310: The Same Kind As Gray Wolf

Li Yan stood unconsciously in this slightly dimly lit corner, with a cold breath permeating this strange street.

Finally, the back of that woman turned her head slightly in an inadvertent move.


Li Yan was taken aback for a moment, and his whole body was slightly shaken.

This passerby tourist is not someone he knows, just a little bit similar, the profile and back are too similar, but obviously not the same person.

He didn't look closely, and he got it wrong...

A false alarm caused Li Yan's deep and focused eyes to relax slightly.


Li Yan lowered his head slightly sadly, looked at the ground, and thought.

It was almost a nightmare, but fortunately it was not true.

There are many Chinese tourists here, and it is a famous tourist area that combines Chinese and Japanese styles. He originally happened to meet an old person this time, but it was not a coincidence every time.

"Huh~~~~" Li Yan breathed a sigh of relief and thought.

He originally thought that he had let go, everything in the past no longer exists, he has ushered in a new life, everything is still too late, everything is worth his grasp, to cherish... But until the touch Uneasy, he realized that he didn't seem to be fully prepared yet...



Victoria had been calling for Li Yan to make Li Yan come back to his senses. He looked at Victoria who was sitting on the side with a little mist.

"...What's the matter, Victoria?" Li Yan asked, undecided.

At the moment, Victoria, wearing a lady's hat and a little bun-faced Duanli with a pink hat strap tied to her cheek, looked up and looked at him with a somewhat worried expression, and asked: "I should ask this sentence, right. Li, what happened to you just now, did you see anything?"


Li Yan was taken aback for a moment, then he understood his gaffe, hesitated for a moment, and explained: "Just now...I just admitted the wrong person. I thought it was someone I knew, but it seemed to admit it."

Victoria felt that Li Yan had not lied, and the reaction just now was indeed an admission of the wrong person.However, she always felt that this response wasn't just about meeting someone she knew, it was simply the response of someone he thought it was impossible to see.

In the dim and long street, the swaying lanterns turned the street red, and the dim red light shone on Li Yan, flashing and dimming.

Li Yan's mind didn't seem to be completely settled.

Victoria looked at the figure in front of her, always feeling some doubts.But she also understands that there are some things that she shouldn't delve into.

But after that moment, she didn't understand why, Victoria felt that Li Yan was somewhat similar to her.

When Victoria was holding a pipe, smoking a cigarette, and thinking about which one was similar, Li Yan smelled a smell, but after looking over it, after seeing Victoria eating dessert, he started to close his eyes and hold the pipe. Smoking.


Li Yan froze for a moment, staring at Victoria's pipe.

What is this, what's the matter with Spark, is this a special effect or is there really tobacco burning?

This is a girl who is like a doll and dressed in gothic aristocratic clothes, smoking slowly, so elegant and comfortable, there is an indescribable mystery and magic.

Although it looks like an artistic act, Li Yan doesn't think that other people will simply appreciate such loli smoking.

"...Victoria, can you tell me what your pipe is burning, is it the latest simulation toy?"

Li Yan, who was sitting aside again, stared at the pipe in astonishment and asked.


When Victoria heard this, she turned her face slightly to look at the other party, then closed her eyes, and unexpectedly blew a thick cigarette into Li Yan's face, so that the tobacco-flavored breath had an indescribable good smell, but Li Yan also smelled nicotine from it.

"!" Li Yan felt cold. This Swiss girl actually smoked real cigarettes in the no-smoking area on her own, obviously still a minor smoking!

The flames of the Victorian pipe wearing Gothic costumes and sitting in a relatively concealed resting seat were too obvious. She obviously didn't know there were such rules. She really rarely went out, let alone there are such and other rules in this era. I thought that Li Yan was curious about the types of tobacco she smoked, and then introduced it: "Li, do you also smoke? This is the more famous tobacco [Sapis] in Switzerland. It contains a small amount of nicotine, but it tastes very good. Eat it. After the dessert, this kind of tobacco is the best..."

The smell of tobacco quickly spread, and more and more people noticed the situation here.

Li Yan nervously prevented Victoria from continuing to smoke, and said, "Wait a minute, put out the tobacco soon..."

After hearing Li Yan's dissuasion, Victoria frowned, and covered her pipe in dissatisfaction to avoid Li Yan, and said: "Wait, what are you talking about? Is there any reason for the servant of the district to say? It's really boring after dessert. I'm dead, I like to smoke while thinking about things, don't care about me."

"No, it's not a big reason. In short, you should put out the cigarette first. If you take a picture after being seen by someone, you will get into trouble. Don't say it. If the police and others misunderstand me and instigate you to smoke, I will..."

Li Yan's face turned pale and immediately explained the stakes.

However, in Chinatown near the Chinese New Year, crowds are raging, and there are patrolling police officers riding bicycles everywhere.Li Yan looked around vigilantly, but at this time, in the vast crowd, he found a patrolman looking around, patrolling, and starting to come towards him.

Such patrolmen saw several when they entered Chinatown...

"Oops... just know there are police patrols around here..."

Li Yan looked in his eyes and understood that the green smoke and sparks from Victoria's pipe were too obvious in this dim sky.

Sure enough, the police smelled smoke in the crowd and started looking for Li Yan.

Li Yan found it bad, and finally took the pipe directly from Victoria's hand. In order to cover up the smell of the cigarette on Victoria's body, he diverted his attention from the police. He directly held the pipe and pretended not to know anything and was smoking the pipe.


Suddenly, Victoria, whose pipe was taken away, was almost stunned. The emerald eyes directly reflected Li Yan's figure.

"Li, what are you doing..."

What happened suddenly? After she had just introduced Swiss Tobacco, Li Yan seemed to be very interested, so she grabbed it and took a look...

Just now, the English was too fast and brought Chinese intonation, almost all of it made it difficult for Victoria to understand, only the first two sentences and the words "trouble" and "first" were understood.

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