I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 644

Let alone a close friend who returned from Japan suddenly started to learn how to ride British trams and buses, and kept taking notes by her side.Suddenly after that case occurred in the uncle’s house, Rita looked at this white-paper-like Shiina Mashiro and started to solve the case. At that time, Rita almost couldn't recognize this person, she was the same art girl once. ...

Nowadays, after listening to her Zhenbai, I will deny her twice without hesitation. This makes her feel that Zhenbai is further and further away from her...

"Don't mess around, it's white!"

Rita grabbed Shiina's pure white shoulders and exclaimed excitedly: "Do you know what you are doing? You shouldn't change it, and you shouldn't put yourself in danger. In short, you absolutely want to get back. Go to Teacher Chihiro, isn't she your cousin?! Anyway, I will never hand you over to an outsider!"

Aoyama Qikai was in a complicated mood, not knowing how to interrupt it.

However, Shiina's white eyes did not avoid Rita.

"You are wrong, Rita."

Shiina looked at her and said.

"I'm not white..."

"I am also colorful."

"I have no owner, I am myself, I can live by myself."

"No matter how many times the washing machine breaks down and the kitchen catches fire, Qihai and Li will forgive me. This is my starting point..."

A gust of wind blew past, blowing everyone, and also lifted the white cloth covering the oil painting that had been painted for more than a month.

For a moment, Rita felt as if she had been shocked by an electric shock. She stared blankly and looked at her in disbelief.

Shiina Mashiro, wearing a large white coat, stood in front of an oil painting depicting the back of a young man in the same white coat. As if back to back, Shiina’s white body always looked petite on this back, and the large coat was constantly changing. Shaking...

In this scene, reality and oil painting seem to merge into one.Watson and Holmes were proved to exist at this moment.

The golden bangs kept swaying, Shiina's pure white eyes looked at Rita and answered Rita's request.

"...So, Rita, I won't go back to Sakura Village, which treats me as a pet."

Chapter 314

In Tokyo, the warmth of February drives away the cold snow from the streets, and the cold rainy season is officially here.

[Welcome to watch the Tokyo weather forecast at noon. Today is still a day of continuous warming. From 12:00 noon to 6:00 pm, the temperature in Tokyo will remain between 4-15°, which will be more comfortable. The Meteorological Agency predicts that it may be at night There are rainy weather, spring is the rainy season, everyone who comes home late, remember to bring an umbrella to keep warm~~~]

"...Will it rain at night?"

Standing by the subway entrance, Li Yan used WIFI to watch the weather forecast that was broadcast on time at 12 noon that day. Now there was a clear sky with white clouds and blue sky above his head. The weather in the rainy season was overcast and unpredictable. He did not take it with him when he went out. an umbrella.

12:05, a commercial street in Chiyoda District.

In the bustling commercial center area where people come and go, Li Yan used to come to the library here to review and borrow reference books.

Today, Li Yan put on more formal clothes to participate in the one-week sales celebration day of the long-lost Eagle Jump new game "Hunting World".

After two consecutive months of game promotion, the Japanese version of "Hunter World" was finally fully launched last week. In the first week of the game sales list, it temporarily ranked fifth in the game list with 31,235 copies sold.This data does not yet include the digital version and subsequent sales figures released on the DS platform.According to word of mouth, 4.6 points for plot, 4.1 points for operation, 4 points for screen, 4.5 points for fun, and 4.3 points for sound effects. With a full score of 5, this evaluation is quite good.

Sales exceeded the predicted 20,000 sets in a week. As a new action RPG game with a new operating concept, this result is definitely a turnaround for Eagle Jump.

Unfortunately, this new game with Eagle Jump and Uesugi’s full cooperation still lost to the second-ranked "Battlefield Goddess 4.5" by a sales gap of 10,000 sets. This is a matter of course. No matter how unique a seedling work is, it can't have the ability to compete with a lot of criticized old games.

"When I learned about this result, I was content, at least I would not be a sinner who brought down Eagle Jump..."

When Li Yan was walking on the street, passing by the video game store, he saw the game posters and thought to himself.

During this period of waiting period, Li Yan has always been worried about some problems when this work was released, and even prepared to expose himself as a scriptwriter when sales are sluggish, so as to save sales. Fortunately, This most dangerous situation did not happen.

This one can be called the last hole card, absolutely harmless to him, after all, his readers learned that he spent months writing game scripts, and think about the riot scene that happened when fans shake hands. He couldn't help but shiver.

Although a psychological burden has been eliminated, there is still a problem that cannot be ignored at the moment that plagues Li Yan who is out.

It may take more than seven o'clock to get back to the apartment today, that is, Alice and Victoria, who stayed in the dormitory, are responsible for the dinner today.

——[There is no need to order takeaways at all, don’t underestimate me, sometimes I cook something to eat when I’m hungry at night. Although I can’t handle the washing machine, I still have a little cooking skills. I remember it in the refrigerator Let's have the ingredients. I'll just cook it tonight.

—— [Okay, okay, I’m not alone here, isn’t Victoria there? If one doesn’t work, two people can work together. Just go out and have fun, and we’ll be in charge of dinner.

Before going out, Alice met at the door and made such a promise.

This one seems to have been sitting at the computer for too long, stretched her waist, stretched for a long time, some messy knee-high black hair fluttering in the wind, that development secretly exudes a beautiful young girl's body It was quite conspicuous, and Li Yan couldn't help but wonder again that it was Alice's charm, or that he himself had the hidden attributes of preferring Lori.After Alice wiped her eyes, she swept her own dinner with Victoria with this lazy and confident expression.

Until now, Li Yan didn't know whether his decision was accurate.

It’s just that Alice, who wants to behave well in front of someone again with a confident smile, is looking forward to it again. After all, if the cooking is very simple, it will not be difficult for the two girls to do it...

In the crowded street, Li Yan was holding his mobile phone and looking at the mobile phone map navigation while thinking, suddenly, a familiar voice came not far away.

"Pre, pre-senior!!!"


Li Yan returned to his senses and raised his head to take a look. As a result, at the door of a bustling anime-themed store, he saw a coser girl in Greek costume holding a propaganda promoting a certain mobile game.


"That's not me, I'm here! Really, why do other people think of me as that role? I'm here, senior!"

Cool breeze Aoba, wearing dark blue overalls but with a baby face, squeezed out from the crowd on the side of the store entrance, shouting in pain and embarrassment.

"It's been a while, senior." The cool breeze Qingye finally squeezed out of the crowd with a well-behaved smile, bowed to Li Yan, and said politely.

Li Yan finally saw the cool breeze Aoba, his eyebrows opened and he smiled, but then he quickly remembered that he was rushing to write works for a while, and he had missed Aoba’s happy or sad line several times before. This period of time he hadn’t Accompanying Aoba to spend the time worrying about the test results, feeling a little guilty, explained: "It is true that I haven't seen you for several weeks, Aoba... Well, sorry, I haven't contacted you recently. I have been Busy……"

Liang Feng Qingye shook her slightly rounded head, and said, "No, I know the pressure of seniors, so I don't dare to disturb seniors' study and work. I also know that today I will definitely be able to gather with you on the celebration day."

Li Yan felt relieved a little bit. It was really cool breeze Qingye. In addition to possessing some S-shaking attributes, his personality would be impeccable. If he changed to the blond double ponytail, he would definitely break off friendship for a while.

"By the way, senior, I have a picture I plan to show you as soon as possible, the first person."

Liang Feng Qingye lowered her head, while talking, took out a photo taken by a digital camera from her schoolbag and handed it to Li Yan.


Li Yan took the photo with some curiosity. As a result, in front of his eyes, standing in front of a list with a picture of Liangfeng Qingye, pointing to the name of the 305th [Liangfeng Qingye], showing a happy smile... …


A ray of light flashed in Li Yan's mind, he couldn't help widening his eyes and asked.

Cool breeze Aoba smiled shyly, raised his hand to make a hello gesture, and said, "Yes! Yesterday, the United States released the rankings. I asked my mother to accompany me to see the results. At first I worried that if I failed the rankings for the first time, I would let him Senior is disappointed. Now, Ryofu Aoba, a freshman in the Fine Arts Department of the University of the Arts in Japan, says hello to the senior."


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