I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 665

[Jester Thieves Group], committed a major theft against Rita’s uncle in the UK and stole the precious [Dark Sapphire] from the Einzworth family. At the time of the incident, it happened that Shiina Shirai and Rita visited the merchant’s home together. That priceless gem was given to Rita by Uncle Rita, who had no children, as a symbol of the successor to the Einzworth family. This serious problem happened to the family of close friends. The incident, as reported by the BBN video, Zhenbai successfully assisted the police in cracking this cleverly designed criminal case.

What the media did not report was that in the follow-up operation of the police chasing down the other members of the reported [Jester Thieves Group], the British police shot and killed a member of the gun, which completely inspired the cruel and powerful means. The criminal gang, naturally, after receiving the message of revenge, Zhenbai and Rita were secretly sent to Japan as important protectors. They were protected by the British and Japanese police. Rita entered the Shuming Art Museum as a transfer student.

The London police secretly negotiated with Zhenbai. Sooner or later, the possibility of revealing his whereabouts was expected. The London police also trusted two British girls to elicit the minds of the notorious international robbers and completely dismantle the murder that has been in Europe for more than ten years And bandit organizations for thefts.

However, the police are unreliable at all. The apartment building protected by Alice and Victoria has been in peace, except that they choose different school and school every day, and they are secretly protected by the police. The Stranger gang easily took advantage of the loopholes.

"Today, it has been raining."

Shiina's voice was delicate, and she began to recall the previous experience, and said.

"I will go home from school with everyone, what Qikai wants to tell me..."

"It looks like she is very happy..."

"But, a black car rushed towards Rita, who was walking in front, and I didn't pay attention to what Qikai said..."


As a result, Zhen Bai realized that the black car that appeared suddenly had an attempt to return, and pulled Rita, who had not reacted, behind the telephone pole. He originally thought that he would rely on the narrow street terrain to protect everyone and prevent the opponent from attacking.Unexpectedly, there was a motorcycle behind the black car. The car did not hit it, but the motorcycle bypassed Zhenbai and Rita and ran into Qikai.

With only four or five seconds of reaction time, the surrounding plainclothes policemen had no time to react. They really saved Rita subconsciously, but at that moment, she realized that the sudden attack of that gang had the target of injury from the beginning. Seven Seas.

In the scene when Zhen Bai turned his head, he witnessed Qi Hai being knocked into flight...

In her eyes, it was so clear that Qikai had no idea why she was hit by this motorcycle.

At that moment, the surrounding world seemed pale, silent, and almost the entire spiritual world of Zhen Bai was crushed...

Under the gray drizzle sky, the Japanese plainclothes police hurriedly reported to the police headquarters and called an ambulance after stopping to no avail.

The green mountains and seven seas fell on the wet street, and the blood slowly spread out from the stagnant water on the ground...

Shiina Mashiro knelt down on the rough road, rubbed a layer of skin on his knees, and held Nanami in his arms.


Qihai, who had injuries to her legs and ribs to varying degrees, felt weak and she felt her body trembling constantly. She took out her mobile phone in the wet rain, and immediately thought of asking Li Yan for help.

——[Yesterday... I succeeded, and I have been hired as a trainee voice actor... In this case, I have the opportunity to complete your work together...]

"That's enough, really white."


The night wind blew the curtains and made a shaking sound. In a dark room, Li Yan squatted down, grabbed the true white knee, and stopped Shiina true white who was passing by carefully while shedding tears.

"If you save Qikai, if Rita is attacked again, the result will be the same. The other party will wait for you to choose. No matter what you do, the result will not change..."

Li Yan looked at her seriously in the dark world and said.

"..." Shiina's really white and flawless cheeks were wet, and his tearful eyes stared at Li Yan blankly.

"Although I have made you grow, I have never asked for you to become like Superman. Humans have limitations, spiritually, physically, and consciously... I never said that you can't fail. truth."

Li Yan's expression turned gloomy, but he quickly returned to his calm look. He squatted halfway in front of Zhen Bai. It was difficult for each other to see each other, but he could know each other's mood and expression at the moment.

Li Yan stretched out his hand and said, "Get up, it's really white... It's not the time to fall. Your battle to protect your friends is not over. You definitely don't stop there. Cheer up, fight for it, and you will definitely get the answer you can get. "

The cold wind blew the two of them, and the young girl who wrapped herself tightly looked at Li Yan calmly.

I don't know why, Shiina Zhenbai once said that Li Yan's color was red, but gradually, she always felt that she had made a mistake. Li Yan's color... should be white.

Zhen Bai shrank under the table, like a fearful kitten, hesitating.

However, in the darkness, that hand believed her, right in front of her, the palm of the legend that can break all difficulties...

In the end, Zhen Bai quietly stretched out her hand from the towel, making a choice among conflicts, stagnation and progress, hope and despair. In the end, her hand was placed in Li Yan's hands.

In this way, she was led by this powerful hand.

Li Yan looked at the true white, his eyes with strict concentration like a sharp blade gradually became gentle, and said: "I also made mistakes, and even made mistakes not once or twice. I also made fatal mistakes, but it is because I have been It’s been so many times before you end up like that. One day, you can surpass me."

"..." Shiina Zhenbai raised his head slightly to look at Li Yan, the golden bangs swaying slightly in the gale.

Li Yan asked, "Tomorrow, I will go to see Qihai again, do you want to go there together?"

Shiina was silent for a while, and shook his head timidly, tears falling from the slight shaking of his head.

Zhen Bai today still thinks he has harmed Qikai.

"Then I'll go by myself. You will take a good look at this house and wait for Qihai to come back..."

As Li Yan was talking, he suddenly realized something was wrong. His eyes didn’t know why he took a glance. Although it was a little dim, he couldn’t see clearly, but after the reflections of cars illuminated the room, Li Yan inadvertently. Seeing that Zhen Bai had just wrapped this bath towel after taking a bath, the water droplets from the girl’s wet hair flowed from her cheeks to her neck, walking along the delicate collarbone towards the edge of the vacuum rabbit wrapped in the bath towel... …


This guy has no clothes!

Li Yan didn't know why he wanted to look more, but his reason still urged him to close his eyes tightly, in pain.


Zhen Bai was still waiting for Li Yan to say something further, but didn't understand that Li Yan closed his eyes and said nothing.

This expression seemed familiar. When she asked Holmes to choose clothes and dresses for her, it seemed that Li Yan had such a peculiar reaction, as if she did not wear any clothes.

This time, didn't she put on "clothes" properly?

Early in the morning, the morning was all unimportant courses, and Li Yan, who had taken a half-day vacation, once again came to the nursing home.

Li Yan walked alone in the empty corridor with his back to Chenguang, carrying a bag of fruits, and headed to Room 335.

However, since Li Yan thought about it yesterday to now, there has always been one thing that deeply troubled him.

What happened to the illusion of seeing Qi Hai that time...

The scary thing is that according to Zhenbai's experience, it is quite in line with the illusion he saw at that moment, as if he could observe the future.

This is really absurd...

Even if he can see ghosts and have experienced so many things, monsters, gods, angels, demons, hell girls... If a spiritually powerful human being comes into contact with these existences because of fate, it's fair enough, but suddenly so accurate for no reason. Seeing the near future, the nature is definitely different.

This kind of ability, Lungu until now, only the gods and spirit mediums with the help of the power of the gods can achieve.

Until, he did not believe that he could do this.

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