I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 671

It seemed that the girl had burned a little confused, and Alice, who had been having nightmares, finally caught a safe hand, as if she knew it was her father's hand.

"Great... Dad, you are here..."

Alice was in a state of light sleep and half-awake delusion, and her nervousness seemed a little relieved.


Li Yan was holding both hands by Alice, making Li Yan feel complicated by Alice being called his father.

"I suddenly...suddenly dreamed that I was caught again...I didn't escape."

In the darkness, the girl's voice gradually calmed down, but there was a somewhat fearful trembling tone, and she told him in a low voice.

"It's dark and dark...where no one sees me..."

"Said I shouldn't be born, shouldn't exist... Fortunately it's just a dream, I don't want to go back to that place at all..." Alice whispered softly.

Alice, who had gradually subsided, breathed uncomfortably, as if her consciousness was like a twelve or thirteen-year-old girl, and began to speak in a low voice.

"Dad, I watched both "Holmes" and "Anna Karenina" that you lent me... Sure enough, I still like the omnipotent Sherlock Holmes... Dad, if Sherlock Holmes knows, he will come to rescue me too ..."


While whispering, Alice gradually seemed to realize that this hand was not his father's even when it was burnt, and said: "Daddy's hand... won't be so rough... you are not him, so who are you?"


Li Yan looked at Alice in such a state, and the touch just now told him that Alice's fever did not increase, but it seemed that she was too poor in physical fitness, not in good spirits, and had hallucinations in her consciousness.

Finally, just like a role played in the dark, after thinking quietly, Li Yan finally replied in an English accent, "I am Sherlock Holmes, in order to let Alice have a good rest."

The black rain is getting bigger and bigger and rustling.


"Really, sure enough... Mr. Holmes really exists..."

Under the dim light, Alice's tight face finally stretched a little, and she said intermittently with weak consciousness.

"I have always wanted to see you... I have always had a question for Mr. Holmes..."

In the cold wind and drizzle, the dim February rain scene is colder than the snow.

Alice said a lot of words intermittently, as if she was in a dream, and she seemed to have some consciousness. Although the word order was chaotic, Li Yan understood.

Alice is talking about her life experience...

But the more I listened, the more complicated Li Yan's mood was and the three views were completely destroyed.

Alice’s life experience can almost be described as chaotic and unbearable, and it can even be compared with the tragic life experience of the hell girl...

"I...I want to ask Holmes...Should I descend into this world?"


In Li Yan's ear, the sound of rain continued, beating his heart.

[Tick, tick...]

The pendulum clock kept swaying, and the dim chandelier kept swaying in the heating wind.

He looked at Alice's face, and remembered in his mind the girl who was wearing black European-style mourning clothes and sitting on the huge suitcase when they first met.

[Should I descend in this world?] This thought was too familiar to Li Yan. Li Yan remained silent. In the end, Li Yan replaced Holmes and answered the curse puzzle that had plagued Alice's life.

"Alice, there is no right or wrong in life itself, only your relatives are wrong..."

"Some people say that [genius] is the endless ability to bear hardships and stand hard work. This definition is very inappropriate, but it is suitable for the work of a detective (Holmes's original words). So, Alice... you are a detective, just follow Shiina is the same, maybe you are a detective by nature, but you have suffered a bit earlier."

"Alice, those are not evidence that convict you. People will unconsciously distort the truth to conform to their own reasoning, but this is not a fact. You have to live in fact, and live bravely in order to change the existing tragedy... This is the truth that I reasoned out for you as [Sherlock Holmes], Miss Detective..."

In the black rain at the window, Li Yan watched as Alice gradually calmed down, and once again fell into a dream, listening to the rain quietly.

Li Yan was silent. In the end, he didn't know whether the reason he said could be as wise as Holmes, but the reasoning of the definite existence of life takes a lifetime to prove a truth. He has had a lifetime, then he should have this qualification. Tell Alice this answer...

But when he thinks this way, Li Yan feels a little bad.

Which human will have two lifetimes...

For some reason, he started to perceive things in the world that others couldn't see when he came into contact with the angels, and then he came into contact with and arrived at all kinds of existence and the world...Suddenly he began to see things that shouldn't be seen.

8:45 minutes.


Li Yan heard the sound of the door opening upstairs, so he walked to the first floor of the sixth floor to see the two returning girls.

"Ah, good evening, Mr. Li." Rita said with a smile.

"good evening."

Shiina Masashi was about to open the door, looked at Li Yan, and said hello with a calm face.

"Why did you come back so late?" Li Yan asked with a sigh of relief, looking at the two of them.

Rita lifted the bag in her hand, stood beside Zhen Bai, and explained, "We went to see Nanami sauce and brought some daily necessities. By the way, take her clothes back and wash them. Look, there are Nanami panties. ."

"Well, it's in my bag." Zhenbai said.

"Why did you introduce Nanami's underwear so seriously in front of me... Huh~~~ That, in fact, there is also one in my apartment room that needs your girls to take care of..."

Li Yan squinted, but he didn't intend to tell them that he came here purely to worry about them, so he wanted to tell them about Alice as an excuse.

However, in an instant, the raindrops around Zhenbai and Rita in front of Li Yan instantly became fixed. No, it seemed that time was fixed, but the raindrops that passed by in a flash stopped in Li Yan's eyes.

This time, the sense of sight is stronger than last time.


Li Yan's body remembered this feeling, and his consciousness quickly grasped this moment: He seemed to be able to detect the fragments of the future again.

Here comes again!

In the constantly counter-current time and space, the cities and towns of London in the color of dusk, and the crowded Tokyo everywhere, flickered like shards. In the end, Li Yan seemed to fall into the center of this fragment.

It's like he can spy on things in ancient and modern China and abroad.


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