I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 673

But now, as long as she thinks of the face that always shows a smile, her heart is already riddled with holes.

At this moment, Shiina Masashi finally lowered his head and couldn't help holding his hand to his heart. He was in pain, and even started to regret what happened to him. This kind of feeling that was about to break apart, why should he understand such emotion...

Victoria on the side looked quietly white.

On the campus, one piece after another piece of dead leaves that did not fall in winter fell from the side window.

The shade of the tree kept shaking and reflections, and finally, Li Yan, who kept recurring in his mind, finally returned to the moment he brought her out from under the table.

——Get up, really white... Now is not the time to fall. Your battle to protect your friends is not over yet. You are definitely more than that. Cheer up, fight for it, and you will definitely get the answer you can get.


Shiina Mashiro stood quietly in this corridor of fallen leaves, was silent for a moment, wiped the tears that had not fallen from his eyes with his sleeve.

"Now, Shiina..." Victoria looked up at her, trying to remind her in a low voice.

"Yes, look for clues now."

Suddenly, Shiina Mashiro's expression was calm, her voice was slightly hoarse, but her tone returned to the original.

Victoria was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Shiina really white with some surprise. This young girl quickly overcame the psychological barrier.

I have to say that Victoria increasingly feels that Shiina is really suitable for a job like a detective or a police detective, although she also knows...how much it costs to overcome such a mentality...

Shiina Mashiro and Victoria began to put on their gloves, took off their shoes, and began to enter the scene.

After checking the footprints and ballistics details that the police had collected for evidence, after constantly grasping more information, in the real white mind, he couldn't help but start to see this series of experiences with his own eyes.

After fighting with enemies with various weapons, Li Yan's injuries seemed to be a little serious, and he stepped back to a corner where there was no enemy.

Since the opponent had a gun, he still attacked Li Yan with a weapon such as a metal rod and a machete, proving that the opponent had the intention to tease Li Yan.

There are two people's footprints in the corner. The 42-size shoe print is presumed to be Li Yan's, while the 43-size shoe print is someone else. It can be seen that Li Yan managed to capture the hostage in the end.

However, the opponent still fired, directly through the two of them...

The sound of a gunshot from [Pound], as if I heard it with her own ears, made Zhen Bai's heart cold suddenly, and she seemed to see that body finally fell in that tongue of flame...

"..." Shiina Shiba squatted on the ground to investigate, watching the hallucinations, and finally closed his eyes.

"I... still believe in Holmes."

As if this were her determination, she mustered up the courage of her life to place this bet, thought.

Although Sherlock Holmes does catch a cold and fever, and occasionally fails, Shiina Zhenshi will unconditionally choose to believe no matter how many reasons.

Although Holmes in the novel has disappeared, he finally returned.

He shouldn't die like this, he should respond to the expecting people and finally return to them.

She opened her eyes and continued to watch the moment Li Yan fell.

As a result, blood splashed on the wall, Li Yan's body hit the clock, and the clock fell down and shattered to the side...


Shiina looked at the broken clock and was stunned.

She walked over, squatted in front of the clock, and watched quietly.

Her eyes have a more keen ability to distinguish colors than ordinary people. The whole clock face fell on the ground, which is nothing unusual, but the really white eyes caught the fingerprints formed by traces of reddish brown spots, which seemed to be dried blood. .


Shiina Mashiro's clear and calm eyes looked at the hour, minute, and second hands quietly, only the minute hand was marked with a trace of blood.

"Holmes...what is telling me?"

Shiina Mashiro said silently in her heart.

7:35 minutes.

Rita, wrapped in a towel, sat in the middle school's teacher's office, holding hot water, waiting for news among a pile of British plainclothes and Japanese police officers coming and going.


At this moment, Shiina Mashiro and Victoria returned to the office, Mashiro called Rita.

"Really white, and...Miss Victoria."

Rita raised her head, looked at them, and responded.

"Rita, I have something to ask you about last night's experience." Shiina Masashi asked as usual, standing in front of her.

"Yes, many details need to be remembered by you, and I hope you calm down." Victoria added.

Rita was stunned, was silent for a while, nodded, and said, "Well, I see."

She actually wanted to ask Zhenbai and Victoria about Li Yan, but it didn't seem like the time to ask.

"Why did you disappear suddenly yesterday evening?" Zhen Bai asked, looking at her.

"... Yesterday, according to Li's intention, I still didn't go to Saturday's remedial classes. After all, the teaching of Shuiming Art School seemed too simple."

Rita said quietly.

However, yesterday afternoon, Zhenbai went out to Forrest’s mansion as always. When she was taking care of Alice by herself, she received a call from the head teacher of the art class, asking her to go to school to supplement and sign the transfer. School documents, and in a hurry, the head teacher deliberately drove over to pick her up.The voice on the phone was indeed the head teacher, so Rita didn't think much about it.

Then, Rita followed the time agreed on the phone and went downstairs to wait, only to see her head teacher, the middle-aged teacher Kawauchi, to pick her up.

The voice, appearance, and even the habits were exactly the same. Rita lowered her guard and got into the car of Teacher Kawauchi, thinking that with the protection of adults, she should not be attacked by that group of criminals.

But, who knows, as soon as he entered the school, Rita was covered by a drug-sprayed towel by Teacher Kawauchi, and soon fell asleep.

"In this way, I have been imprisoned in the school." Rita said.

Shiina Mashiro and Victoria understand that the so-called "Kawauchi-sensei" is mostly that brain in disguise. It is rumored that the leader of the [Jester Rogue Group] is good at disfigurement, not only can change his appearance, body shape, and even his voice. Imitation perfect.

The reason why I can’t do it on the road is that on the one hand I am worried about being detected by passers-by. On the other hand, Rita is sitting on the co-pilot. It is easy to be detected when I do it. Rita has a certain level of vigilance. Rita is easy to escape, so she can only really take her to the school, and then take advantage of her mobile hand.But at that time, when the activities of art students were the most intensive, any items that had to be taken away in a hurry would cause vigilance, so I had to wait until the night to send out the successfully captured Rita.

Rita's words are quite consistent with the clues provided by Alice, but Rita did not tell Alice what she was going to do when she hurried out...

Zhenbai and Victoria have not been able to reason about why Li Yan, who came back at 7:46, could so quickly infer that Rita had gone to school and disappeared that night.

"Perhaps... Lee (Holmes) also knows the internal situation of the police. If they call the police, Rita will be transferred faster, so at that time, only Li Yan (Holmes) himself could set out to deal with them."

The two girls thought of this together.

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