I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 677

"This guy killed us miserably. There were a total of twelve companions. In the end, only two or three were able to act. Basically, they were almost abolished. If it were not for your sake, I would have Kill him. You have seen that Mr. Li’s life is up to you. So, as long as you obediently listen to us and draw ten paintings, the Jester Thieves Group will definitely guarantee that you can Leave here with peace."

Lucas said with a smile, looking at Shiina.

Shiina Mashiro's tightly clasped bracelet gradually loosened.

Shiina was hesitating. She didn't know what to choose at the moment, her body trembled, and she asked in a low voice, "...So, Holmes, what should I do?"

"I don't know what to do now... Holmes, what do you want me to do?"

Li Yan lowered his head and said to Shiina Zhenbai in an extremely painful tone: "True white... is enough. Now we have no chance of winning at all... We have to save ourselves next, it is enough, we have to live Coming down, it can only meet their needs, really white, I still want to live, you have to survive, so..."

"Holmes wouldn't say that."

Shiina Masashi released the hand that was holding her head, and at the same time pulled the buckle, looked at "Li Yan", and said, "I found you, the real Miss Lucas."

Chapter 327 Na, what color do you want to become (volume ending)

——[What color will I become...]

Under a blue sky and a snow-white cloud, the girl has been immersed in the inner world, praying silently, asking this question.

In an instant, Shiina Shiro was like a lonely and deep exorcist. In her calm face, those clear eyes looked directly at the victim of the false cross, pulled the clasp, dropped the picture scroll in his hand, and sprayed quickly in the picture. When the white smoke came out, the girl stepped aside, took out the thin gas mask from her pocket, and put it on.

The anesthetic spray containing ether is the last weapon that Shiina Mashiro obtained through Victoria and the Swiss socialite Mrs. Forrest. She herself was the last bait to eradicate the "Jester Bandit".

"what are you doing?!"

The British man who had a fierce look and had been pretending to be the boss realized that something was wrong, but a large amount of anesthetic gas had poured into his mouth and nose in an instant, no matter how big his body was, he had not yet got a pistol. When he fell on his knees, he couldn't help coughing violently, and gradually fell into a coma and fell to the ground.

"...Cough cough cough!!"

Shiina Mashiro saw the opponent fall, and the effect was 3 seconds before and after, just like the data provided by the MI6 that provided the item.


Shiina's consciousness was also blurred, and she was breathing under the mask filter with some uncomfortableness.

Her previous actions of deliberate hesitation and fear were pretended to test the authenticity of Li Yan in front of her. However, the tears in the eyes of the girl standing in the thick white mist were genuinely bred in grief.

"Holmes...not here..."

Shiina's white eyes dimmed, but she still didn't believe that Li Yan had an accident. That Mr. Holmes with incomparable ability would never really disappear before her eyes like this...

Shiina Mashiro ventured here in the dark, just to bring back the complete Holmes.She deeply understood the criminal's psychology. They wanted her to draw ten paintings, and they would definitely try to contain her in some way.She once studied [the boss Lucas] who has been forcing her to submit in the studio. This boss is a cautious action. According to the data, it is rumored that he (she) is smart and powerful, but he is also very suspicious. genius.Therefore, the closer to success, Lucas must be nearby to observe her every move alone.

So in the end, she only took this item, and the signal, came alone in the black rain, and personally dealt with the culprit who hurt Qikai and Holmes.

"Ahem..." Shiina was really white in a white mist, couldn't help coughing a few times, and walked towards the leader Lucas disguised as Li Yan, to handcuff her up.

However, under the dim light, when Shiina Shiro walked to the cross, she suddenly found that the iron chain entwining Lucas's body was wrapped around the wooden stake intact, but Lucas himself disappeared.


Shiina really understood something.

In the white mist, one hand held a thin needle tube, and silently pierced Shiina's neck. Shiina was painfully covering the wound. When she retreated, a stick came out His hand grabbed her neck and pinched her tightly!


Shiina Zhenbai made a painful sound and grabbed Lucas's hand with both hands. This hand was still like Li Yan's arm, not disguised by plastic or other artificial muscles.

"Have you noticed that you have lost your strength?"

"Yes, I have the same idea as you, and I plan to use this method to arrest you thoroughly, Ms. Shiina Mashiro."

In a white mist, this one was covered with blood, Lucas with Li Yan's face and voice stared at her evilly and said.


Shiina Mashiro had weak hands and looked at this familiar but false face in pain.

Lucas stared at the prey, full of arrogance and contempt for the successful strategy, standing in the mist of ether without exception, pinching Shiina Mashiro, and saying: "In the extreme training of magicians For drugs like this, I have corresponding antibodies. If only the drugs used by British agents could work, I would have died several times."

"..." Shiina Masashi looked extremely painful and still pulled Lucas' arm away. This criminal was more unexpected than she had imagined. He was able to disguise perfectly, but he was immune to various drugs.

"By the way, Ms. Shiina Mashiro, how did you know that I am a female? This is information that is not recorded in the British agents and FBI data."

Lucas pressed Shiina Shiina against the cracked wooden wall. The moment her white back hits, it shakes a piece of dust and sawdust. She loosened her neck slightly, curiously. Asked.

"... It's weird that Rita goes to school with you."

Shiina was panting, staring at each other with undaunted eyes, and said calmly: "Passers-by witnessing is not an absolute reason."

"You have a chance to subdue Rita directly, but you don't."

"You don't have the strength to suppress Rita, you are probably a woman."

Although she deceived Rita by pretending to be the head teacher, Zhenbai still felt that Lucas kidnapped Rita in the school and added a lot of unnecessary trouble to herself. The only explanation is that she was about 165 in height and maintained As far as Rita is wary, Lucas is not sure to subdue Rita, indicating that Lucas is very likely to be a woman.

When Lucas heard this, his face became complicated, staring at Shiina Shiina, and asked in disbelief: "...You guy is really Shiina Shiina, the girl who was raised in a greenhouse since childhood... The information I collected in London tells me that you are just a girl who is too weak to wear clothes."

Shiina Mashiro stared up at Lucas without yielding, and grabbed Lucas's hands with both hands. It is a pity that this face is the face she admires most.

"Holmes... Where is Holmes?"

Shiina Masashi asked in a slender and hostile voice.

Lucas was taken aback for a moment, and then he knew what it meant to be true. He grinned and said mockingly: "Holmes...hahaha, you idiot still call that Eastern man Holmes!"

She had a terrifying expression and said grimly: "Idiot, didn't you listen to us? That guy killed us miserably. He beat 11 of our partners to be useless. We didn't have such enemies. I plan to give him back to you alive in the end."

"he died."

Lucas said something.

The drizzle outside was rustling and rustling.

However, Shiina really couldn't hear anything.


Shiina's white eyes dilated, staring at Lucas, and fell silent.

"He died, but we didn’t kill it. After all, we still have to use him to lead you into the snare. When we caught him, we injected him enough anesthetics, but when we came back here, we placed His car suddenly lost control and rushed out of the road at a very fast speed. Three of my companions fell with him into a cliff of more than 100 meters. There I went to check it, as long as it was a fall. Go down... I can't live anymore."

Lucas smiled sullenly, and said to Shiina Shiro: "That's why I pretended to be his face to attract you, Miss genius."


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