I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 684

Ying Lili squinted his eyes and stared at him, and said: "Your influence in the light novel industry has become super strong. You are simply the leader recommended by each [light novel name]. The Writers Association has won many county-level universities. The young writers who enjoy the award are very upset, and the debate around you has started to stand one after another. I even heard that the writers of "Akutagawa Ryo" are going to invite you to the TV station to debate about literature. Ue, Sugi, Lao ,thief……"


The cold wind from the balcony quietly blew this stunned figure, whose body seemed to have lost its color. Now, his reputation has indeed expanded rapidly... and even expanded to the point where he can be seen on TV and break with the writers who enjoy the Japanese Akutagawa. Wrist...

Such good deeds and status...not every light novel writer can enjoy.

When Li Yan's thoughts were chaotic, one of the things that worries the most is his volume 12, which is about to be released, how much sales will be worn down by such news...

Surprisingly, for Jump and Sanhe Library, who are familiar with the market and public opinion operations, such a strategy is quite effective.

On March 21, the ever-calling "Super Academy War" final volume was finally postponed, and was sold in designated major bookstores at nine o'clock in the morning.

The sales volume of "Super Academy War" in the first week of the 12-volume release was 67,536 copies, which steadily ranked first in the March sales list.

This popular hot-blooded novel that had been planned for the fourth season of animation a long time ago has finally come to an end in two years of serialization...

After the Jump incident, Uesugi’s book fans naturally felt quite dissatisfied with Uesugi’s attitude in the interview. However, when the cover of the final volume was determined to be the new Hengning Ning’s painted painting, relying on the high quality of the past, the final volume was eventually rejected. Loyal fans bought it, and set the highest weekly sales record for a single book that exceeded the sales volume of the seventh volume.

Among them, Jump’s advertisements drove many new readers to join. Some readers skipped the middle plot directly, purchased the final volume to determine the final plot content, and then decided whether to purchase this series of works in full. Such a skipping phenomenon is It is quite common in the reading material sales market.

In March, such a unique phenomenon happened: No matter what Uesugiyan said before, the prickly remarks disappeared after the final release of Volume 12.

After being abused for several volumes of the plot, the final ending turned out to be Happy End.

The 12-volume plot completely reveals the origin of the darkest elves that endow humans with superpowers. The complete world view is finally unified, and the combat description and design are still very good. The true strength of the alliance chairman is finally described. The most anticipated The battle of rivals drove the climax of the entire plot. Basically, he did not commit any mistakes that could not contain the excessive expansion of the power system, and filled all the holes that should be filled.

After the end of all world explorations, superpowers completely disappeared in the human world, and replaced by the bud of a new era of science. In the final volume, the love between Xin Heng Ning Ning and the male protagonist was finally completed after torturing 11 volumes. Zhengguo, the hero finally confessed to Xin Heng Ning Ning and retained Ning Ning, who was hovering between life and death.

When this man first appeared on the stage, he brought a fragrance of orchids to the story, calm, deserted, noble, and gentle.The status and strength of the male protagonist is almost indifferent at all. Until the last battle, the mysterious student council president, who played brilliantly and stood upright, liked it plainly, was tortured by emotion, and was almost written by the author. The deceased president eventually survived. As the hero was preparing to travel again to the country and the mainland he had reached, he met President Ning Ning in the church as the end of the last paragraph.

The characterization and plot arrangement of this drama is excellent, and it has a passionate style and a beautiful love story. It successfully stood out in Japan's light novel market, which is full of foreign harems and campus meat.

In Hitoyoshi City, the cat teacher was happy after taking the final volume in the hands of Takashi Natsume, but after reading the last volume, his back became lonely. As a loyal fan of Ning Ning, he has no complaints about this ending, but is accompanied. The pleasure of reading for more than a year suddenly ended, accompanied by regrets and feelings. After hiding the twelve-volume novel in the drawer, he ate and slept again, and occasionally went to the banquet of monsters. In his life, I only have some interest in the fourth season animation coming out later.

In the cabin, Yan Mo'ai, who had lost part of her memory, finally found this set of novels "accidentally" again, and was able to see the end from the beginning, without being tortured again and again, leaving the bone girl with Yimuli. When the subordinates watched secretly, they all smiled cheerfully.

All kinds of readers in the Metropolitan Police Department, schools, companies, and bookstores, including the "Snow Girl" holding a library book in the Zongwu High School Activity Room, have read the last paragraph of the story.

According to rumors, the first novels of mankind are ancient myths in various legends. The stories in the novels can often evoke the curiosity of intelligent creatures. The novelist may only conceive the story by himself, but he can connect countless readers and himself. Take a trip into this illusory world, perhaps, this is also the inner portrayal of people's deep love for the outside world.

In the afternoon, 3:55.

At the exit of the tram station, Li Yan received a call from Kagurazaka Iris.

The sky was still drizzling, and once again traveling to and from Tokyo, Ying Lili, who was standing next to Li Yan, also followed the call curiously.

——Alas, Mr. Uesugi, how are you? Are you satisfied with your current results?

"Um...Miss Kagurazaka, this time I was miserable by your editorial department." Li Yan looked melancholy, and said with a dark face after reading the invitation letters from various writers and TV program groups in his mobile phone mailbox.

——[This is not a problem, there is no need to respond to others. This is the decision of the editor-in-chief. Sometimes Uesugiyan’s name is more appealing to readers than your work itself, well~~~~ Uesugiyan is of quality Guarantee, this will help you a lot for your second work.

Li Yan stopped in the crowded street of the station, and said helplessly: "Such propaganda methods will be avoided in the future... I have received many challenges... and deliberately combined the logic of my 11 volumes of novels. I found out the language problem and used it to mock me. I feel that I have completely angered the public."

——[So don’t respond, it’s okay, they can only find your mailbox, but if you don’t say anything, things like this will gradually be forgotten... By the way, where are you now, why are you so noisy? ?

"I'm outside now, and I am going to buy some materials with Yinglili." Li Yan looked at the majestic and charming bookstore building in Chiyoda District not far away and explained.

——[It turns out that you are really self-motivated. Other authors usually have such results and market reactions after writing, so they should be busy cheating... Now I still have a job, so I will talk about the future work in detail. Come, bye, Uesugi-sensei.

Li Yan put away the phone, he understood that this time the effect was really good, but he always felt that the loss was also great.

"Congratulations, old thief Uesugi."

After hearing Kagurazaka Ayame's reply somehow, Ying Lili stared at the mobile phone a little speechlessly, and made a complaint.


Li Yan looked at Ying Lili helplessly.

[Old Thief Uesugi]'s notoriety is getting worse...

Someone on the Internet listed his bad deeds in the past two years on professional forums, more than 20 in total, seven delayed publication, six deeds played with readers in the plot, and the autograph session publicly announced the new year and fleeing one, with idol stars There are two scandals in Shibuya Rin (denied), one with Kasumi Shiko and one with Chijumura (denied), and one with cartoonist girl Mio Aoyama (denied), the most in the author industry One item of blade record (official certificate)......

After reading one by one, even Li Yan himself felt that the author was really sinful.

"... Am I really as hateful as this is written?" Li Yan thought to himself with shame.

"Don't think about it, as Kagurazaka-san said, if you don't respond, after waiting for more and more time, probably the limelight will pass."

Ying Lili took the shopping list and said.

"Well... First, buy a domestic oil painting collection... After all, it is a high school oil painting contest in Tokyo, Japan..."

Ying Lili stared at the painting direction researched by the art agency, thinking.

According to the traditional competition method, the preference of selection is generally studied first to determine the direction of creation. After all, oil painting pays much attention to the integration of local culture, imitating the colors and tunes of Europe, but there are few successful cases. less.

When Eriri was campaigning for the right of illustration in Sanwa Bunko, she defeated Shiina Mashiro with the manga field she was good at. After Shiina Mashiro entered the manga world, she has been catching up not far from her, and now her field suddenly changed. Ying Lili is likely to catch up with True White in the next oil painting works. She has spent a lot of thoughts on this oil painting competition, as far as possible to touch the back of True White in high school level competitions, which proves Own strength.

"I can compete with Shiina in terms of style and creativity..." Eriri thought.

And Li Yan is the consultant responsible for giving her personal works opinions and suggestions. As a writer who repeatedly breaks through the limitations and has been worshipped by Shiina Mashiro, she always feels that in the field of oil painting, Li Yan Maybe you can make an ingenious suggestion.

Inside the book city, there was a huge crowd.

"How is this going……"

Ying Lili's eyelids twitched, staring at this bookstore for the first time, and asked.

"This is a very popular bookstore in Tokyo. You can buy the most complete variety of books here, so the business has always been very good." Li Yan replied.

Li Yan and Ying Lili walked in a dazzling array of bookshelves. The first floor is filled with all kinds of entertainment books, including magazines, newsstands, comics, popular modern novels, including selections of Murakami’s famous essays, and there are always light piles of books. Novel sales area.


When Li Yan passed by, he couldn't help but secretly searched for the sales area of ​​his novel, and soon saw the pile of library books with the cover of the novel in a conspicuous position.

The latest volume "Fantasy Demon Sword" published by Chishou Village 2 months ago is still surrounded by many people. The perennial sales champion of "Sword Field" that has been popular is also in the best-selling sales, but it is placed in the middle "Super Academy". In the final volume, the readers who bought it were not at all lost to the perennial popular works on the left and right. The pile of library books seemed to sell almost.


Li Yan heaved a sigh of relief. He picked up the light novel in Volume 12 while Ying Lili was staying in the comics section on the other side.

He always thinks Ying Lili is pretty good.

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