I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 686

Li Yan and Hagi Ling at the door thought of the same place together.

The waiter at the restaurant took the towel and asked Li Yan politely what meal he wanted. Hagiura Ling hurriedly walked over, and after explaining clearly to the waiter, did he bring Li Yan over.

Hagiura Bell frowned at Li Yan and asked, "What's the matter with you? Why do you make yourself like this?"

"Senior Sister sent a text message, saying that the situation here is urgent, isn't it entangled by some gangster?" Li Yan looked confused, and was completely confused about the meaning of the text message.

"Hmph... Li Xuedi, I must have called you out because of a serious problem."

At this time, Toko Amano-senpai, who had never answered or interrupted, smiled sweetly and said.

"?" Li Yan was taken aback.

While Hagi Suzu was standing on a chair and helping him dry his hair and coat, this senior sister got into the book slowly and said to Li Yan: "Actually, it is really related to you, me and Hagi Suzu. Happiness."


Hagiura Ling stared at the senior sister in amazement, always feeling that this sentence was a bit chilling behind her. If this sentence was heard by outsiders, it might not be the same as this pair of college students talking about the illegitimate daughter.

Li Yan didn't think much about it, and asked, "What's the matter, Senior Sister?"


Toko Amano showed a troubled look. This girl who is a little thin and reveals an indescribable sense of beauty rarely has this general look. She took out a list from her schoolbag and handed it to Li Yan.

Toko Amano sighed softly and asked, "The new president of the University of Tokyo has changed. Have you heard of it?"

"...?!" Li Yan's expression was startled, and he could see that he was completely busy with work and life, and he was completely unaware of the more important changes in a university.

Toko Amano said: "The new principal is now dealing with the various expenditures of the University of Tokyo. Now the Japanese government is gradually reducing its funding support for universities. Therefore, the plan to reduce unnecessary expenditures has recently been submitted to the Academic Affairs Office and the Student Union It's on."

Li Yan looked at this notice sent by the University of Tokyo Student Union, and his face suddenly changed.

"The literature department of the three of us is in danger of being abolished. Such a thing is tantamount to destroying our home."

Toko Amano looked at Li Yan's notice of abandonment and said sadly.

Li Yan and Hagi-Mura Ling both fell silent. In fact, the two of them did not feel the sadness that Toko Amano said. After all, the two of them were forced to join by this senior sister. There was nothing else. In the case of partial participation, he stayed in the department.However, they naturally couldn't say such words, and they couldn't do anything that hurt this incredible senior sister.

"The reason for the abandonment... I will see."

Li Yan continued to look down and saw that the notice of the abolition of the Ministry clearly stated that “the participant failed to achieve any achievements related to literature and could not prove the progress of the related activities of this community department”, and there was almost no refutation. Li, after all, in addition to setting up a [Tonghao Reading Website], the three of them are reading, eating, and drinking tea, which consumes 100,000+ yen of the University of Tokyo's expenses every month.

"We are abolished..."

Li Yan and Hagi-Mura Ling looked at this insightful reason together, thinking.

"So, since the students will use this kind of reason to dissolve our abandonment department, we have to respond at this point. Everyone, I ask you to come out today. I just want something..."

Toko Amano finally stepped into the topic, this beautiful and quiet beauty showed a faint smile, planning to tell them both of her plans.

However, at this time, someone disrupted her party.

"Yuanzi, what a coincidence."

The voice of a lazy woman passed to the back of Li Yan and Hagi Ling, and Toko Amano stopped speaking.

But then, Li Yan put a girl’s white arm on Li Yan’s shoulder, and a faintly fragrant breath lingered in front of Li Yan’s nose. More importantly, Li Yan was surprised to find a supporter appeared beside him. When she was on the chair, she slightly pressed her abdomen and thighs on Li Yan, a pretty female college student with a ponytail.

This is a pretty-looking female college student. Her beautiful face exudes the gentle and virtuous temperament of a housewife, and her voice is peaceful. What makes people care about is that the smiling face exudes an unkindness. The chill.

"Aoko?" Toko Amano said to the girl in a daze.

"It's been a long time, Yuanzi."

The girl said with a simple smile.

"..." Li Yan's face was awkward and pale, and his cheek was completely pressed by the visitor's wrist.

"Senior sister, who is this one?"

Hagiura Bell looked at the woman curiously and slightly dissatisfied, and asked in a low voice.

This woman named Qingzi noticed Li Yan and Hagiura Ling, smiled, chuckled, and asked, "By the way, these two are the members you are talking about? A child and a loan shark. the same……"

"Huh?!" Hagi-mura bell suddenly exploded, showing a fierce look, asked.

"Don't be impulsive, Hagi Village." As soon as Li Yan heard the visitor opening his mouth, he pricked the pain of the two of them. First, he tried to stabilize Hagi Village.

Toko Amano didn't have any dissatisfaction. She introduced it calmly: "Yes, these are my lovely juniors. They are all excellent students in physics, very powerful."

"This is Li Yan in the first grade. He is an excellent international student. The only student who passed the written test and interview that year."

"This one is Hagi Suzu, a genius of IQ190 (Hagi Suzu: 180). He is only one year younger than us. He is also a classmate with Li Yan. He is currently ranked first in grade point. It."

After introducing Li Yan and Hagi Suzu, Toko Amano introduced this young girl named Aoko to the younger generation. She smiled and said, "This is the second year of Kyoto University, president of the Literature Club. Tianzhong Qingzijiang, everyone get along well."

"Is that right?"

Aoko Tanaka looked at Li Yan and Hagi Ling in surprise, and poke Li Yan's cheek with her finger.

"It's great, Yuanzi, it sounds really amazing, but isn't this one really a kid who jumped over? And..."

Aoko Tanaka smiled and looked directly at Li Yan with an awkward face at close range, with a kind smile, and asked: "This foreign student looks very good. I always feel that I want to spend some money to buy it..."

"Sister, please don't make such a joke!" Li Yan retorted immediately.

Hagiura Ling frowned, always feeling that Li Yan seemed to be drifting away from the path of physics...

Aoko Tanaka stood up straight, folded her hands with a smile, and said happily: "Yes, yes, I am actually really happy for Yuanzi from the heart. It would be great to have the support of you lovely juniors, although it sounds far away. Zi’s Literature Department is more like a scientific research institute..."

"But, Yuanzi, you should always challenge this time. As a literary girl who only reads but not writes, there are these two younger generations who need to be cultivated. This time you shouldn't run away, right?"

Aoko Tanaka showed a slight smile, looking at Tooko Amano and asked.

Toko Amano was silent for a moment, nodded, and said, "Yes, so, please tell me what to do about the registration for the event."

"...Of course, you have to face it well."

Aoko Tanaka smiled, turned around to leave, and said.


Li Yan and Hagi Ling were both there, not understanding what they were talking about.

"By the way, I am worried that Yuanzi, you are still just dealing with it. It is impossible not to win the first prize, so..."

Aoko Tanaka, who had been away for half a meter, turned back immediately, lifted Li Yan's chin with her hand, and proposed to ask: "If you lose the big prize, you can pass this junior to me, how about?"

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