I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 688

"However, you must have the ability to participate, my younger brother. This is what I feel after tasting the articles you wrote for a year."

The girl smiled gently and commented on Li Yan's article.

"..." Li Yan blinked, making a pop in his heart.

The tram moved slowly, and the wood-colored carriage was quiet. Toko Amano thought back quietly, and said in a low voice: "For the past year, you and Xiaoling are very well-behaved. You always provide articles with stories. I tasted, indeed, compared to Xiaoling’s article, your essay lacks a certain degree of professionalism. However, from the first time to the latest chapter, the taste is great...even I am afraid to taste it later. It's not delicious."

"Senior Sister..."

"Okay, you're almost at the stop, you should be ready to get off the train, this time you can't stop wrong for me." Tooko Amano looked at the tram stop, smiled, and interrupted Li Yan a little.

At a tram station, the air outside was filled with the smell of soil, and the breeze blew Li Yan who walked out of the platform and the Amano-senpai who sent him off.

The elder sister in black cotton-padded clothes had some mist in her breath. As she was about to leave, suddenly Li Yan stopped her.

"Senior sister."


Toko Amano turned his head slightly, and when he was about to go back, he let out a curious cry.

Li Yan was silent for a moment, his eyes fell on Yuanzi’s face, hesitated for a while, still asked what he was confirming, and asked: "...Is my article really so delicious? I have always had this or Such an inadequate author, compared with Hagi Village, has absolute awareness in the examination paper scores. Such an article that does not rely on excellent writing... will it really be recognized as orthodox literature?"

After hesitating for a while, Toko Amano smiled and said, "Hehe, why do you think so low about yourself? It's really delicious, and the most precious thing about your article is that it is shaped very carefully. I I’ve never failed to write anything, and even Xiaoling hasn’t done it at this point. My younger brother, your attitude towards the article is really good."

"Literature is not a noble thing. At the beginning, there was no such thing as a class. It's just that people are accustomed to categorizing like this... I personally still think that works written with heart are the best, no matter what kind of writing. And self-cultivation, if there is no emotion in it, the text will not live, and the taste will not be strong. It deliberately emphasizes how many words, famous sayings, and philosophies have been remembered... Human beings record historical and spiritual emotions. I'm so restrained, I still can't understand it."

Toko Amano stood on the wet platform and explained.

She tilted her head slightly, thought for a moment, and then said with a smile: "Now, brother, you have worked very hard, and you don’t need their biased opinions next, just write with your heart. If you can overcome this barrier, If you can’t, I hope you can maintain your passion for writing. Just like that, you’re a writer. No one can deprive you of such achievements.”

The sound of the tram began to sound, and when Toko Amano heard it, he hurriedly returned to the tram with his schoolbag.

Toko Amano’s meaning is very clear. She does not want Li Yan to be locked up by this kind of secular shackles. Writing free of interest and emotion is of no value. She does not force Li Yan to participate, so she gets on the bus again. In front of Li Yan’s eyes, it was like she was preparing to hold up the Japanese Sukemura Prose Awards.

The wind increased.

In the hunting wind, Li Yan's clothes swayed, standing quietly on the platform and watching the car door closed tightly. Tooko Amano, who was standing at the door, turned around and looked at him. This senior sister showed a faint smile, gradually left.

His mood is a bit sad.

The elder sister who was specially recruited by the University of Tokyo, this true literary girl, was the first to admit his efforts in literary writing.

It is not that he does not want to work hard. It is just that he has never been connected with traditional literature in the plot rendering and shaping of light novels.

Japan Sukemura Prose Awards……

Standing in the empty station, Li Yan looked at the last tram that the senior sister left, before a thin rainbow after the rain, the lonely figure finally hoped... His own article is not without the textual value in the true sense...

Chapter 331 Contradictions with Ying Lili

[Japan Sukemura Prose Awards] is the most prestigious national literary competition in early April.

This kind of competition is different from traditional literary competitions. According to Jie Cun Mingtang's wishes, his writing is generally to find inspiration for the work according to the scene, and the author is required to write the best literary plot work in a scene with one person and one scene.

Therefore, among the first batch of selected contestants, they need to stay together in a variety of places known only by the organizer, and create wonderful and literary works within a limited time, because there have been many contestants, in order to In a fair comparison of the winners and losses, a limited-time short story will generally be created on three occasions. In the third game, after ten people must be eliminated, the top three will be selected from the ten.

Therefore, this kind of competition has real practical benefits for the publishing house. Many writers who can enter the second game and the competition can receive invitations and excavations from Japanese publishing houses. Therefore, this kind of literature has always been Competitions are fiercely competitive, and many popular modern writers and rookies have been unearthed, and the gold content is quite high...

Eri Sawamura looked more dignified as she looked at it. After reading the rules and origins of this literary creation contest, she turned her head and said loudly to Li Yan: "...This is impossible, Otaku Lee, let's not do anything else Mention, you simply can’t do it with “limited time”. For a thief like you, you will definitely lose in this kind of competition!”

At 10:25 in the morning, in the living room of Room 505 of the One Yuan Apartment in Shinjuku, Eiri Sawamura once again came to Li Yan to sit. She was wearing that green coat and knelt down on the cushions. When Li Yan planned to participate in this competition, he was completely defeated by simply reading the work written within a certain time limit.

Speaking of it, Ying Lili is also really unclear about how Li Yan suddenly decided to participate in this literary competition in Japan. She has never seen Li Yan interested in such a serious competition.


Li Yan suddenly raised his head from a pile of dictionaries and essay collections, and wanted to refute it, but strangely, he didn't know how to refute Ying Lili's point of view for a while.

"This...In short, I will try my best to write it out." Li Yan put down the book and after thinking about it for a long time, his expression changed several times, and finally he could only make a promise of "as much as possible".

Sawamura Hideri put down the materials of the [Japanese Sukemura Prose Awards], sighed slightly, supported her cheeks with her hands, and said boredly, "Yes, yes... Since you have decided, your work is finished anyway. , It’s not impossible to temper it..."

She took out a bunch of drawings from her parcel and piled them on Li Yan's desk. She also planned to work hard when she was inspired in Li Yan's room.

Since the end of his novel, Li Yan's writing career has temporarily come to an end.As a commercial work, in the face of this total sales achievement in the industry, there is no doubt that it is the best in the industry.However, a writer who lives by writing can never get rid of one of the most basic quality-preserving factors, that is writing.

From the perspective of the editorial department and Ying Riri, as a light novel, I don’t need these at all. However, it is just such a person whose Japanese national language is weak and relies on words to eat. When he writes it down, he will give him a dislocation of his identity. , And a strong sense of crisis.

Li Yan's narrative method has always been in an awkward position, and this situation has lasted for two full years of his writing career.

Since I am a writer, I should have mastered a more clever writing style and explanatory style. What's wrong, he has been criticized the most, but it is the most basic writing and vocabulary use.

The mood that has been denied, even Li Yan, has enough sadness, almost to describe it as suffering.He didn't write his writing solely for the sake of making money, but hoped that he could really be recognized in words.

Now the school sisters and the small literature department they founded are in danger of being abolished. Whatever they say, Li Yan will not let go of the school sister and let her support the future of the club by herself...

This may be an opportunity to overcome the bottleneck, or perhaps it is also an opportunity for him to find the answer himself.

At the time of parting, senior sister, I hope he can define himself as a writer...

Li Yan couldn't help putting down the book and sighed softly: "Huh..."

Eiri Sawamura heard that something was wrong, she frowned slightly, did not stop the brush, and asked in an unceremonious tone: "Why are you sighing?"

When Li Yan heard Ying Lili's tone, he was initially a little irritable, and replied in a somewhat dissatisfied tone: "You got it wrong, so concentrate on drawing your comics."

Eiri Sawamura heard Li Yan's anger, and Li Yan rarely counseled her like this. She immediately got sharp eyes, glanced at him, her voice became a bit louder, and said, "Hold on, you are in a bad mood. Don't use me as a punching bag, I obviously want to care about you... Hmph, let's not talk about it, whatever you like."

Li Yan suffocated and saw Ying Lili losing his temper. He regretted that he couldn't hold his breath. After being silent, he faced the partner he trusted most and said, "Sorry, Ying Lili..."

Ying Riri said nothing, wondering if she was still angry or not.

Li Yan hesitated a few times, his mind was confused, and finally revealed his thoughts to Ying Lili, and asked: "Well, Ying Lili, I want to ask you one thing... Do you think of a guy like me, Is it a writer in the strict sense?"

Eiri Sawamura finally stopped painting, but she still didn't look at Li Yan, and asked casually: "What does this mean, what is going on with your self-denial suddenly? Haven't you finished a work... Wait a minute, are you still thinking about Jump until now? How do you think about Wenqing?"

The breeze blew Li Yan through the balcony. The eyes of this young man were silent. He could not touch the word Wen Qing. Even when he was melancholy, he could not see that he was a book writer, and said, "I I've always worried that I won't be able to write new things one day."


Sawamura Ying Riri finally raised her head to look at Li Yan curiously.

Li Yan's face was a little more dazed, and he said with a bit of bitterness: "After I finished writing a work, I began to feel this way. Will I be able to meet the expectations of the readers and whether I can still write? Produce works of the same level. Ying Lili, your sketches and oil paintings can be exhibited in the city hall. If I write novels outside the scope of light novels, they will be nothing."

Ying Lili frowned and said, "Ah, the light novels at the beginning were not classified in this way. Good works will be popular everywhere, so don't think too much."

Li Yan looked at her and continued: "Perhaps this is the case, but in fact, according to the publishing rules, if Japan hadn't had a theme of light novels, with my current writing style, I wouldn't be able to publish it at all. I was just trapped here. In a cage, I was not enough in basic skills at the beginning. Later... if the era of light novels changes in the future, Uesugiyan will probably disappear soon."

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