I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 699

Toko Amano hesitated for a while, seeming to be hesitating, but seeing the two younger generations so hungry, he smiled cheerfully and said, "Okay, let's take a break, everyone, let's have lunch here."

One plate of steak, one plate of cheesecake, one plate of lychee rose raspberry tart.

Both Li Yan and Hagi-mura enjoyed eating, but Toko Amano hesitated for a while before taking a spoonful and putting it in his mouth, showing no expression on their faces.

Li Yan and Hagi-Mura Bell in front of him noticed the expression of Toko Amano's loss of appetite. Li Yan asked suspiciously, "What's wrong, Amano-senpai, does it taste bad?"

"No, no, it tastes very good, this one melts in the mouth, with a hint of sweetness, and the taste of chocolate, it is really delicious." Toko Amano explained with a bright smile.

Hagi-mura Ling was taken aback and asked, "Really, I will take a bite too."

After receiving the affirmation from Toko Amano, Hagiura Suzu also took a bite. As a result, her brows furrowed and her face turned blue. She immediately stuck out her tongue and said in a loud voice, "Is there any sweetness, senpai, this There is no taste of chocolate at all, but there is a taste of mustard!"

Li Yan was taken aback. He took a closer look at the menu and found that the introduction of the Lychee Rose Raspberry Tart indeed stated that it was a Japanese mustard version.

Toko Amano sweated slightly on her forehead, she took a bite of the fruit on it, and smiled immediately, and continued: "That said, the tongue does feel a little bit spicy. By the way, this fruit is also very sweet. !"

Hagiura Ling took a piece of fruit with some curiosity, but when she ate it, her whole body was sour that she shook and said, "Senior sister, it's so sour, okay?!"

Toko Amano gave a bitter smile and said, "No...no way...My taste seems to be a little different from others."

Both Li Yan and Hagi Ling were stunned.That's true. When their senior sisters eat the pages of the book, they can always eat with gusto, which is different from ordinary people. If you change it over, if you eat some normal food, will the taste be the other way around... but can't make it? What I understand is, how is the fiber-based paper digested into sugar?!

"What's the matter with this phenomenon, is it a supernatural event?" Li Yan and Hagi Ling, who were dumbfounded, had a cold war and thought.


The group training lasted until three o'clock in the afternoon and came to an end.

"Everyone is in a very good state. By the way, we went to Hagi Village's home to continue the training camp according to the one thing decided at noon. There is not much time to prepare, so we need tonight to the afternoon of the day after tomorrow, a total of two days and three. In the evening, everyone will have a good training together. Remember, gather at Ono Station at 8:00 in the evening."

Toko Amano spoke to Hagi Suzu and Li Yan before leaving.

"Yes." Li Yan and others responded.

Toko Amano looked at Li Yan, and Li Yan was taken aback for a moment, but Toko Amano smiled and said nothing, and turned and left.

On the way back, this time only Li Yan was left.After all, this place is closer to Amano-senpai’s home. After being disrupted by the activity by the senior sister named Qingzi last time, the location was arranged in an area far from the city center.

Today, Li Yan, as he headed for Shinjuku on the tram, looked at the dazzling light through the car window, and fell silently into thought.

Relying on the sunglasses teacher’s statement, [it] will find him sooner or later, so there is not much time left for him to prepare. At present, he has no way to find the old ruler who is watching him, when the opponent will appear, When will he come to him? These are all unknowns.

What he can do at present is only to do all the things he should do well in front of him within the time he can grasp.

When I returned to Shinjuku, the sky was approaching dusk. After four o'clock, the sunset glow filled the sky. Li Yan walked up the stairs, passed the fifth floor of his residence, and came to the sixth floor, quietly watching 605. s room.


Li Yan silently looked at the number plate on the door. It was no longer [Shiina] and [Qingshan], but the name of a stranger.

After separating from Sawamura Eiri yesterday, when he came back, Li Yan discovered this change...

Shiina Mashiro, Aoyama Nanami, and Rita disappeared.

Bit by bit, the people close to him are passing by bit by bit, as if going back in time. It is foreseeable that in the end, only himself will be left.

The golden sunset was shining on this lonely figure. I don't know why, but he knew that those people were no longer here. He had been standing here quietly, unwilling to leave like this.

At night, the lights are dazzling and a prosperous night view of Tokyo.

Located on the second floor of Hagi Village’s home, Hagi Village Bell’s bedroom is littered with a large number of articles. Under the guidance of Toko Amano, Li Yan and Hagi Village have been writing a 6,000-word short article in the shortest possible time. Article story.

Hagiura Bell frowned and stared at Li Yan, and said, "I said, you didn't finish it on time."

"..." Li Yan squinted his eyes, always feeling empty in his heart.

Hagi’s room is worthy of being a girl’s room. As soon as he walked in, there was a faint scent. There were many dolls, and bookshelves were filled with various books. The three of them had been sitting on the tatami. Special training around a round table.

Toko Amano tasted the taste of the story written by the two, and at first looked at Hagi Bell, but in the end, she looked at Li Yan on the other side.

"It's already late. Although the competition is very intense, you must take a break. Miss Amano, you should go and wash it first. The bath water is ready."

At this time, the Italian mother of Hagi knocked on the door, opened the door and probed in and said with a smile.

Hagi Suzu looked at the time and was slightly surprised, and said, "Ah, it's almost twelve o'clock..." Hagi Suzu went to bed at nine o'clock on time, even during the college entrance examination. An example was opened once.

Toko Amano nodded and said, "Then today's special training is here. Thanks for your hard work, so let's take a bath in turn, Auntie, sorry, I will disturb you for a while."

"It's okay, right, there's another boy here..." Hagi's mother said with a smile, but she noticed the existence of Li Yan.

Li Yan nodded and said, "Yes, Auntie."

Aunt Hagi Village asked, "Well, if you are a boy, you can't rest in this room. Do you want to go to the guest room..."

"No, this guy must sleep here, next to me!!" Hagi Village Ling pinched Li Yan's neck with one hand, and shouted with a dark face.

Aunt Hagi and Li Yan were both taken aback, wondering why Hagi Bell suddenly became angry.

Hagi’s family was busy until nearly one o’clock in the morning when the lights on the second floor went out.

Li Yan, who fell asleep quietly soon, gradually had another dream.

In the darkness, his hands tightly pinched him who was sleeping on the white bed. This powerful force almost suffocated Li Yan. His hands felt so heavy that he could not move. He could only watch the darkness. The figure in is pinching him.

It's so hard, I can barely breathe...

He finally moved his hands forcefully in a bleak world, grabbed those hands, and tried to break free. Eventually, the surroundings became brighter and brighter, and in the dim light, he finally saw clearly the face that was killing him. .

It was someone exactly like him, trying to strangle him.

The eyes of this one who was immersed in the darkness radiated red light. When the body was shaking, the red light flickered in the darkness like a shooting star, like a beast that lost his mind, and didn't intend to let it go.

Suddenly, he understood his situation. He is a vegetative, a vegetative who has been brain-damaged and has been unable to regain consciousness. Another mad man who wants to kill himself into a stinky skin...


Li Yan woke up from the nightmare again and suddenly opened his eyes.

"Huhuhuhu..." Li Yan got up, breathing hard and covering his forehead.

These days, he has been unable to sleep peacefully, and reluctantly feels afraid of one dream after another.What's going on this time, why did he have such a dream, and have always wanted to live a good life for himself, so that he would be schizophrenic to this point...

His body exudes a faint scent, just like the time he had lived with Alice and Victorica. For some reason, his body was stained with the smell of shower gel used by three women.

Suddenly, a quiet woman's voice asked: "What's wrong, brother, have you had a nightmare?"

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