I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 710

In the end, the speed of the car accelerated, and Li Yan's eyes did not dare to let go of everything outside. As the relatives and friends group and the fan group were getting fewer and fewer, finally, he did not miss the group of figures who finally kept in touch with him... …

Aoyama Nanami took Shiina's white hand and ran along this sidewalk. When he saw the cars passing by, they were all dumbfounded.

The two girls who had already lived in Sakura Villa, both holding a book in their hands, seemed to come over to sign, but they all lost an opportunity because of their late arrival.Behind Rita, Kanda Sorata, Mitaka Ren and other talents came slowly.

Li Yan leaned against the window, staring closely at Shiina Mashiro and Aoyama Qikai.


The expressionless Shiina raised her head for nothing. When she looked at one car after another, she didn't know why, her eyes caught Li Yan passing by.

The two met in such a scene.

The really white eyes were so clear and calm. Her eyes moved along with Li Yan, as if nothing had happened. Watson still recognized Mr. Holmes she had been following...

The literary competition that Uesugi participated in broke the barriers of time and space in the name of a novel, and gathered the forgotten and unforgettable bonds in this competition.

Finally, it was the most thrilling test of Li Yan's writing career. He kept driving along the vehicle, getting closer and closer...

Chapter 343

In the morning, 9:45.

After driving for more than an hour, buses steadily stopped at this exclusive hotel located in the mountains and the sea. This is the hotel accommodation for the contestants.

After getting off the car one by one with simple luggage, they were attracted by this exquisite and luxurious resort hotel.Surrounded by a towering dense forest, the entire building with golden walls must be quite gorgeous at night. Such conditions almost shocked many first-time players.

After Li Yan got out of the car, he thought he had gotten off to the wrong place, and thought to himself in amazement, "What's the matter, is the residence arranged by the organizer for the contestants so high-end?"

The Jecun Reward Contest has all kinds of real meanings...

At this moment, there is a huge crowd, and the players surrounding the bus have been arranged by the staff to their respective residences. The same is true for Li Yan. After receiving the room key, without knowing more details, he can only follow the team to each other. The residence moved forward.


When Li Yan confirmed his house number, he saw the key marked with the house number [Room 605]. I don't know why, facing this number made him feel bitter.

The expressionless Shiina Mashiro, the serious and sunny Aoyama Nanami, and the romantic and straightforward Rita, the looks of the three of them came to his mind.

Li Yan let out a breath, temporarily let go of this melancholy thought, and walked to his room.

Room 605, with its own bathroom and toilet, has a vaguely luxurious and expensive atmosphere. If a tourist stays here for one night, it costs 13,000 yen, which is not something that a poor student like him can afford... If you can afford it, you can't afford such a bottom line.

[Boom boom boom!

At this moment, Li Yan heard a knock on the door.

At this time, Li Yan had not had time to organize his clothes and supplies, so he put aside his work and opened the door to confirm.

"Ah, Lee, it's been a long time!"

A hearty and non-trivial greeting came from this beautiful woman.

Li Yan was a little surprised. The tall woman in front of him was not Senior Sister Amakusa Shino, and who was it.

Behind this elder sister who does not speak is a beauty, speaks a weird person, and acts as a hooligan, there is a Hagi bell with half of his head in the field of vision. On the other side, there is a standing woman wearing thick Strange girl in glasses.

Li Yan looked at Amakusa Sasa and said politely, "Yes, Amakusa-senpai hasn't seen you for a long time."

"Hehe, I heard Xiaoling say that you also participated in this competition before. What a surprise... You just came here now. Didn't you organize your supplies?" Amakusa Shino smiled, and immediately followed his eyes to see the situation in the house. Asked.


Li Yan turned around and looked at the backpack behind him, and said.

Amakusa Shino thought for a while, smiled, and said, "We have all put away. Since we hit him, we will help you organize it together."

Li Yan hesitated for a while, and immediately declined and said, "No, Senior Sister, I will be able to clean up soon..."

"It's okay, we will be very careful to help you. We will never take out your underwear and measure your size." Amakusa Shino showed a warm smile like the cheerful and refreshing heroine of the youth style of Japanese TV series. Said to Li Yan.


Li Yan, Haimura Ling and others were all pale, wondering why they couldn't respond to this straightforward sentence.

"Listen well, Li, senior sister came here to remind you a few words. It seems that your senior sister Amano will not target your opponent at all. I have heard about her a long time ago, and it is true. A genius, but as a non-genius, we must know that every location has its own rules, and the same is true here."

When Amakusa Xiao started Li Yan put toothbrushes, towels, and folded clothes, while others helped to boil water, put books and the like, began to explain to Li Yan what he needed to know about the game.

"?" Li Yan put away his sensitive clothes, and when he heard Amakusa Xiao's words, he was taken aback for a while, then looked back at her.

"First, try not to write prose novels. Second, try to use rare Chinese characters as little as possible. Third, the language organization must be very smooth, and the content must be full and novel. If you can't do these three points, you can't The first round broke through." Amakusa Shino introduced.

Hagiura Suzu added: "This is because the first round of judges read very fast, and it is totally difficult for them to figure out what is too complicated."

Li Yan understood the cause and effect from this suggestion. This situation is almost exactly the same as the entrance examination model.Therefore, according to what kind of situation, what kind of story description is very important. People are alive, and words should be alive. The so-called competition test is the creative skill of the writer.

"One more thing is the opponent. From now on, whether it's me, Xiaoling, or your Amano-senpai, absolutely, absolutely, and absolutely don't disclose the story you have conceived."

Amakusa Xiao smiled, looked at Li Yan, and said, "It's not about trust or distrust, but there are ears on the wall here. If you reveal what you want to write, someone will definitely write stories that are more novel than you. It’s just that, it will also interfere with the creative thinking of others who hear you explain it. If you want to win, just remember these and pass the first round."

Li Yan stood by the closet, was silent for a moment, nodded, and said, "Yes, I understand."

This is the environment of the international level in Japan, and there is no hint of care.In the University of Tokyo’s Amano Literature Department, the situation of Eiriri and Kasiko Shiko within a year, and even the reputation of the light novel industry, did not allow Li Yan/Uesugiyan to make the slightest mistake.

However, Li Yan saw that Amakusa Shino had emptied his luggage, but was still looking for something. He curiously asked, "Amakusa-senpai, what are you looking for?"


Amakusa Shino poked her head out solemnly, looked at Li Yan suspiciously, and asked: "Li, it's so strange, I haven't been flipping through your XX cup. Will you forget to bring it when you come out?"

"What?!" Hagiura Bell and the girl with eyes blushed suddenly, and asked in unison.

"...I don't have anything like this at all."

Li Yan turned blue and replied to Amakusa.

Sure enough, although this senior sister is very good, she still feels better to avoid talking to her in public...

At night, the surroundings are quiet.

Li Yanwo was in his room, and when he was reading, he couldn't help being confused by this situation.

A total of three hundred people lived around, but they couldn't hear a single sound, like an empty city, quite strange.

Li Yan couldn't read the book, so he decided to relax, put on his coat, left the room, and went to the garden outside.

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