I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 712

In this world full of competition, future, reputation and money, he decided it would be better not to speak out.

This corridor was like a dream in the tranquility. The two young girls followed Li Yan. For some reason, an inexplicable feeling made them feel paradoxical, wandering alone in the long, long and somewhat lonely blank corridor.

This figure who leads the way always feels familiar.

Nanami felt this mood, let alone Shiina really white?


Shiina Shirai opened her mouth slightly, staring at Li Yan's back, and followed along.

She didn't know why, there was always something in her heart that she wanted to read, but she seemed to have forgotten the important things. She kept following along, trying to catch something, but she didn't know how to do it.

In the impression, a figure in front of her was as hot as flames, as cold as ashes, and as shining as light, but it seemed as dim and melancholy as if it was about to extinguish... Many colors flickered in her eyes.

This kind of nostalgic mood, she can't remember where it came from...

"It's here, Room 605."

Li Yan took them to the door of a room, interrupted Shiina's thoughts during the speech, and turned back and said to them.

Shiina was taken aback for a moment and looked at the door number blankly.

Aoyama Qihai held the two novels tightly, nervously, raised his head and looked at the door of this room. Uesugiyan lived inside.

Li Yan saw the nervousness of Qingshan Qihai. He also thought about something. He proposed to ask: "Mr. Uesugi and I also met on a smooth river, so I went in a little bit and asked him if he would meet you. You can wait at the door, OK ?"

"Uh... um! Good, okay. Excuse me, senior." Qingshan Qihai raised her head and looked at Li Yan with her eyes wide open. She was full of mood and hoped to tell the author about her dreams and novels. , As a result, she didn't expect Uesugiyan to be able to see it casually, and she was dumb for a moment, and then she had to agree.


Shiina on the side breathed softly, but couldn't say anything for a while.

As a result, Li Yan glanced at Zhen Bai and smiled at them, then knocked on the door twice, unscrewed the door and went in.

Qingshan Qihai, who was waiting in the corridor, retreated slightly and became a little uneasy. When she inadvertently turned around and looked around, she saw a deep and vast ocean in the distance outside the corridor glass.

"so beautiful……"

Nanami's eyes lit up, and she smiled and said to Shiina Shiro: "Come on, really white, it's the sea!"

Shiina, who was standing motionless at the door, came back to her senses. She turned and walked over. She followed the meaning of Aoyama Qikai and looked at the sea.

The sea breeze was blowing on the two young girls who were a little embarrassed. When the girl's hair was floating, it seemed to add a freshness and beauty to this quiet seascape.

This building has a view of the sea on both sides. It is an area in short supply. It has always been the residence of friends invited for various literary awards. The beautiful scenery is naturally impeccable.

Qingshan Qihai breathed the fresh air, and was in a good mood. At the very least, the signatures of her and Zhen Bai had already been signed, and it was worth tossing all day.

"It's so good, so good... Fortunately, it's really white. You also read Uesugi's book. Sorata and Senior Ren have always laughed at me for how I like such novels, saying that I am like a star chaser, so I can't understand this book The advantages of the book. It’s weird. It’s very good, isn’t it? But it’s very lonely. I was the only one around who liked to watch it. It’s obviously selling well... But I heard that you are really white because you want to be this book. An illustrator, I only started with comics, and I'm still like you, hehe."

Qingshan Qihai put his hands on the edge of the window, leaned his chin on his arms, admiring this beautiful night scene, chatting and talking, with a happy smile on his face.

Shiina nodded, and said, "I understand."

Aoyama Qikai smiled and said, "Yes, Zhenbai will definitely understand it. But... I'm very surprised at Zhenbai why you understand. I don't mean anything else. Zhenbai has always been taken care of by others, and now Sora is taking care of you. , You are so powerful, you shouldn't realize that kind of mood..."

Seven Seas affirmed Zhenbai before, but then she didn't quite understand why Zhenbai liked such a story. Obviously, at least seven of the ten girls would not read novels on this subject.Most girls like to watch Otome or Youth Campus...

Shiina Mashiro blinked. She had never thought about this question.

Why do you like to read this novel?

Shiina replied blankly, "Like is like, there is no reason."

Qingshan Qihai was taken aback for a while, and quickly agreed with this statement. It is true. Sometimes there is no clear reason to like a thing.This time, she was also slightly frightened by Zhen Bai’s behavior. She clearly told her to stay outside, don’t talk to anyone, don’t leave with anyone, before Zhen Bai would listen to her and Sora very well, but this time she But after seeing Shiina Shiro over the wall...

Shiina Zhenbai, who has no hesitation, has really refreshed her evaluation of Zhenbai. For the author she likes, her persistent attitude does not lose to her.

"But it's understandable... After all, Zhenbai can fly from England to Japan in order to be an illustrator. She may be very mobile..."

Qi Hai, who was lying by the window, secretly looked at Zhen Bai and thought about this.

Shiina's white eyes were calm, looking at this vast, gray sky without stars, she didn't know what caused ripples in her mood.

A short wait quickly passed, and the door of Room 605 opened immediately.

Li Yan walked out of the room, closed the door, looked at them, and said, "I've been waiting."

"Senior, hard work, that... what did Uesugi-sensei say?"

Aoyama Qihai straightened up immediately and asked nervously.

Li Yan looked at Qi Hai and looked at Zhen Bai for a while. He was speechless for a while. Of course he was acting in a play just now. He was thinking about whether he wanted to reveal his identity. If he did, he always felt like The relationship between the two of them will start again.

However, he doesn’t know if it’s right to do so, what should he do about his past experience, it’s important or negligible... And, will the ruler and its agents really let him start again? This one after another The problems that bothered him gradually calmed him down.

Just like, I cater to my realization that not long ago, as a writer, I should not get too close to the reader...

Li Yan stood in the corridor and responded: "Ms. Uesugi said that he is still preparing for tomorrow’s important game, so he can’t meet and chat with the two of you for the time being. But it’s okay to sign. If you don’t dislike it, I will take these two Go in and sign the book for Mr. Uesugi. What do you think?"

Aoyama Nanami and Shiina Mashiro were both stunned.

Qi Hai was obviously surprised and disappointed, while Zhen Bai was calm, standing next to Qi Hai, quietly looking at Li Yan.

Obviously, this is a regretful reply.

However, Qingshan Qihai also understood that the time he had found was indeed wrong. After a while of silence, with a smile on his face, he handed the two books in his arms to Li Yan and said, "It's a pity... but we can understand, then Please, senior."

In silence, Li Yan took the two books over, looked at Qihai and Zhenbai for a while, hesitated for a moment, and reentered room 605 with the two books.

Shiina Mashiro turned her face to look at Nanami for a while, and saw Nanami's lost look. She wanted to tell Nanami one thing, but the hand that had just been stretched out gradually fell and took it back...

In about three or four minutes, Li Yan came out again and handed two 12-volume texts to Aoyama Qikai, and said: "It's ready. When Uesugiyan signed his signature, he also attached it and wanted to tell you. A word from him. Now he is really unable to see you for the time being, but there will be a chance to see you later, can you forgive him this time?"

Aoyama Qikai opened the book and looked at it for a while. After the name "Uesugiyan" was written on it, he smiled happily and said, "No, it's not Uesugi's fault. After all, we also sneaked in at such an untimely time to sign. Yes, say thank you to Teacher Uesugi for me. Please do your best for future works."

Qi Hai immediately handed it over to Zhen Bai based on the name he had written.

After Shiina received this novel, she hesitated for a while, her eyes looked at Li Yan again.

Li Yan had noticed this more than once. He looked at Shiina really white and asked, "Your name?"

"Shiina Mashiro." Shiina Mashiro said truthfully, holding the novel.

"..." Qingshan Qihai was slightly taken aback. She always felt that it was not good to declare her full name on such occasions, but now this stranger helped them a lot, and she also felt that she was too nervous. No further words to stop it.

"Please advise, really..."

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