I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 717

Eiri Sawamura silently looked at this young man. She used to enjoy the glory together as Li Yan’s partner, but after separation, she realized at this moment that the one with weird personality, paranoia, and fear of readers The influence of the partner is so strong, in the Sanhe Library, the only old thief who can choke Hongzaka Zhuyin with courage and ability.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu asked in a low voice, "Ying Lili, there is still some time, do you want to go to the backstage together to keep up with... What are some words from Senior Li Yan?"

"Hmm!" Ying Lili showed a unique expression of surprise. She thought for a while, shook her head vigorously, and said: "I don't want to, don't disturb him at this time, otaku... Li Yan always feels daze before he writes, absolutely Can't interrupt."

"..." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was taken aback, showing a somewhat surprised expression, looking at the side of the worried Ying Lili, she always felt that Ying Lili knew Li Yan better than she thought.

Just as they were on the escalator, a middle-aged and elderly person who was standing in front of them, his face was cold, his hair and beard were gray, and his age was about to be close to 60 suddenly turned around. There was a pair of reading glasses inside. A pair of eyes like eagle eyes, looking down at them, suddenly made Ying Lili and Kasinooka Shiyu both hairs stand upright.

What's the matter, this terrible old man?!

"Excuse me, do the two little girls know Li Yan who is studying at the University of Tokyo?"

This old man kept his voice as calm as possible, but he still asked with an indescribable sense of authority.

Ying Lili and Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu looked at the old man with pale faces. After you looked at me and I looked at you, they nodded and said, "...Yes, yes, sir."

This one is no one else. It is Professor Kenichi Ogura, an in-service professor at the University of Tokyo and Nobel Prize winner in physics.At present, he has heard the gossip, it is said that two of his disciples participated in this competition with him behind their backs, so he specifically came to see what happened.

"...This terrifying old man is the professor of Uesugi-Sensei (Otaku Lee)!?" Ying Lili and Shiyu stared up, staring blankly at the old man who had introduced themselves. Without saying a word, I sighed in unison.

"I am a third-year student at Toyosaki Academy, Eri Sawamura, please give me your advice."

"I am Shiha Kasumigaoka, a freshman in the Faculty of Letters at Waseda University this year. I would like to ask teachers for advice."

Beside the escalator on the second floor, Ying Lili and Shiyu bowed to the university professor and introduced themselves.

Ogura Kenichi seemed to have a good impression of the two girls, and asked, "Hello, the two little girls are very good, are you friends of Li?"

"Yes." The two beautiful girls were nervous and nodded.


After seeing them nodding, Ogura Yan felt a little surprised.Li Yan is a foreign student. He originally thought that except for a senior student and Hagi Village who got along with him, he didn't have any decent friends. Unexpectedly, he had many contacts outside the school.

He himself considers himself a stateless and is currently an American citizen, but he also deeply understands that Japanese society is exclusive and closed. Li Yan's performance really made him unexpected.

The old professor was taciturn, and after a few simple questions, he walked ahead and went to the VIP seat with the best view with Ying Lili and Shiyu.

As a result, at the door, Hagi Suzu, who had just received the notice, had been waiting at the door for a long time. After seeing Kenichi Ogura, his face was almost exactly the same as the two girls behind the old professor, and he hurriedly bowed to greet him ninety degrees: "Ms. Ogura, you are here!"

Hagiura Bell, who was terribly scared in his heart, trembled and thought: "Oops, why did this demon professor run over?"

"Hagi Village, where's Lee?" Ogura Kenichi looked around for a while and asked.

"Yes, I'll call him over right away!" Hagi Village Ling immediately took out his cell phone to dial Li Yan's number.

Kenichi Ogura was silent for a moment. He remembered the previous girl named Eiri Sawamura who had mentioned Li Yan's adjustment period before preparing for the battle, and then said: "Forget it, let him prepare for the game quietly. Hagi Village, you Didn’t you enter the second round? Although I don’t support you two guys doing something meaningless in your good time, but since both of you are my students, do it seriously."

"...Eh, eh?"

As if struck by lightning, Hagi-Mura Ling was stunned, and opened her mouth wide in shock. She almost heard the unexpected sound of nature from the devil, showing an expression of disbelief.

Kenichi Ogura looked for a seat for a while, and sure enough, he saw a group of people in the back part of the ordinary seat, Miyamori Aoi, Ogasawara Ronko and other colleagues who had met in the company were among them, and his daughter Yasahara Ema was willing to take a leave of absence and came to cheer for his students.


For some reason, Kenichi Ogura's mood was a bit complicated, and he immediately sat in the front row, looking at the 100 empty seats in the two areas, and paying attention to the performance of his two disciples.

Not far away, Hongsaka Zhuyin noticed the old man in front of Yinglili and Shiyu. Her expression changed slightly. She naturally knew the origin of this professor. After investigation, she also knew that it was Uesugi’s teacher. She always felt that Uesugi Yan's background is getting more and more difficult... When she simply looked at the professor's calm and sharp eyes and looked down the stage, she could see from the eyes that this American scientist who had a strong influence on Japan Regarding Uesugiyan as his lover, as his own son...

"Uesugiyan’s background is really tricky. No one dares to provoke Sanhe and a national treasure teacher. However, I don’t know how to provoke Hongsaka Zhuyin. We have an appointment first, Uesugim... you You all agree with my strength, so I gave them to me, so let me see, what method do you have to win this round, use your strength to overthrow my definition of you, overthrow me for ten years I have worked hard to get away from naivety and weakness to have current professional judgment."

Yan, however, the cold Hongsaka Zhu Yin's eyes sharpened, staring at that piece of the playing field, his eyes looked extremely paranoid and arrogant in the dim audience.

In the competition auditorium, Ying Riri, Kasumigaoka Shiba, Yasahara Ema, Natsume Takashi and the cat teacher in his arms, Professor Ogura Kenichi, Yukishita sisters, Shiina Mashiro, Nanami, Rita, and those who are hiding in the hanging beams The heads of Baozi were all concentrated in the audience, witnessing the critical moment when this battle entered the top ten...

At 7:45, the players entered the field one after the other. This time, there are really many well-known authors and elites from all over the world, especially Japan-based well-known authors and literature departments.

Compared with the [Akutagawa Award] for mature Japanese first-line writers, the [Jemura Award] is more regarded as an award that the younger generation must cross. The young writers who come out are like stars, with a lot of national and middle school The high school fans shouted his name in unison.

This kind of crazy atmosphere made Ying Lili feel that this scene is not a literary competition at all, but it is really like a journey back to the ancient Roman arena, countless cheers, the central venue is bright, a group of people for fame and future The coming team came slowly, whether it was a sword or a pen, it seemed that the cruel taste of elimination had not changed at all.

The quite spectacular scene, representing the second test of a Japanese literature competition, is so passionate that there is no stereotype of quietness at all.

Faced with such a heated scene, Ying Lili could not move, watching the scene quietly.

Such a frenetic scene is equal to the interest and weight involved in her high-speed game.This shock really made Ying Lili understand Li Yan's situation.


Ying Lili could not hear the shouts of the group of people repeatedly, and the noisy voices gradually couldn't be transmitted to the depths of her heart.

In the audience cheering and shouting, the appearance of a figure attracted the attention of many audiences who knew him well.Ying Lili also saw it. It was a young man wearing a shirt, mask, and hat. The only thing that didn't change was his indifferent eyes.

"Ms. Uesugi!?"

"Uesugiyan came out, and finally he was willing to come out!"

"Come on, old thief Uesugi!"

Finally, in the audience, the people who knew Uesugiyan roared like a landslide.

This figure, as if there was an indescribable magical power, not only rioted in the audience, but also the elites in the line were refreshed, and they all had ghosts.

——Finally willing to come out, Uesugi Yan.

In the team, all kinds of meaningful smiling faces were shining, and a certain invulnerable thorn in the forbidden area of ​​traditional literature was finally able to be pulled out in front of everyone.

Ying Lili, who was sitting in a group of shaking hands, stared at the figure blankly.

"Otaku Lee..."

Ying Lili looked at the figure that was moving forward, but couldn't make a sound. She sat there, looking at each other as if she lost her soul.

The one who asked her to leave and was left in the park clearing by her.

The one standing there was just to snatch her and Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's powerless creator dignity partner from the trampling of Hongsaka Zhu Yin.

It's just that there is no one around him anymore, really only himself...

In the darkness, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu felt the pressure on Li Yan just like Yinglili, but Yinglili looked at it and quickly lowered her head, which attracted the attention of Xiazhiqiu Shiyu.

"What's wrong with you, classmate Zecun?"

The reporter's cameras flashed constantly in the dark. Li Yan heard cheers, but he could not recognize anything in the darkness, but the sounds of [Beep Beep] appeared one after another. It seemed that many people familiar with him came. .

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