I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 744

"Huh?" Azusa Nakano and Heizawa were slightly surprised, looking at Suzuki Jun.

Indeed, I always feel that this experience is more concerned than the content of comics and novels.

"Master Earl said that he is a demon, but the more I investigate, the more I feel that Master Earl is more like a homeless god, the god of creation, the god of punishment... I always think he always wanders like this On the streets, is it because there is no one who believes in, and wandering everywhere..."

Suzuki Jun lowered his head slightly, looking at the ripples of the standing water under the street lamp, and said in detail.

According to Japan’s understanding of gods, faith is a very important existence. If a god loses faith, he loses his abode, loses his power, and easily becomes an extreme god to cause trouble everywhere.

"We are just ordinary people. We can't understand such things at all. I always think what we should do is to return to our own world and stop being involved in strange urban legends..."

Azusa Nakano sighed slightly and whispered.

"Huh... well." Jun Suzuki nodded and lowered his head slightly, unable to refute Azusa Nakano's view.

Among the three girls, there are two wooden boxes carrying guitars or basses. The scenery in the rain also looks quite youthful.

Soon, Suzuki Jun took the bus to go home and left, and Azusa Nakano himself had to take the subway, so in a short while, the three girls who went home together separated like this.

The night is getting darker, but this time, something different is that the last time it rained heavily before exiting the subway entrance, and this time, Azusa Nakano was about to walk between the residential areas and was caught off guard by heavy rain. This time But there is a vacant lot.


Azusa Nakano was immediately wet, but she felt nothing, but her own guitar case was not waterproof, and she forgot to bring a waterproof bag to wrap it up. Upon seeing the rain, Nakano hurried to half of herself. The wet schoolbag and guitar bag are placed in front of you, and the only place not far away from the rain is in a somewhat deserted shrine.

Here is the abandoned shrine where Azusa Nakano has been playing since he was a child. It is not far from the bridge that must be passed back home. It seems that because there are too few pilgrims, the priest who originally lived here is bankrupt, but it is not terrifying. When she was afraid of Lord Earl, she also hid here, and Shirasawa and Suzuki sat with her on the threshold.

Subconsciously, Azusa Nakano always felt that this was a safe place. She quickly hid in, and then looked at the storm and rain with a frown, fearing that she would not listen to it for a while.

A cloud of rain and fog lingers in this quiet place.

She took out the guitar and checked for water. When she saw that it was still dry, the girl with her bangs and chin dripping with water was relieved.

"Great, charcoal..." Azusa Nakano smiled and whispered.

At this moment, the street lights are dim, the rain is rustling, and there is no one in the street. This young girl leaned against the wooden wall of the shrine and was stunned. I don’t know why, she was experiencing the emotion of this extraordinary experience in her heart. A little confused and melancholy, she picked up the guitar and strummed it a little.

Quiet night, a soaked girl high school student, relying on the abandoned shrine in the residential area surrounded by a few trees, playing the first song she created, and the only one currently the girl is slightly tangled Tunes.

"I don't know why, Xiaochun is a little concerned, I also..."

Azusa Nakano was silent, thinking.

However, the misty rain and fog along the river, gradually a figure appeared.

The street was empty, and raindrops passed through the figure of this man. His body seemed to be transparent and not touched by the world.The wide, waisted windbreaker was pitch black, shaking slightly in the dark night.


Azusa Nakano's face suddenly became pale.

The two who hadn't seen them for a week unexpectedly met again in this abandoned shrine.


It seems that this Lord Earl did not expect to meet this girl with a double ponytail here, and stood here for a moment.

"Oops...Oh, why did he hang around here for more than a week..."

Azusa Nakano's expression is a bit complicated. In the final analysis, she still feels repulsive and fearful of this existence out of common sense of her life.But now that she was exposed to this kind of existence time precipitation, she also tacitly agreed with this kind of existence, not to mention the experience that just met and memorized her, it seemed difficult to turn a blind eye.

There are ripples on the river. On the hazy sidewalk by the river, the grass is faint, and the canal makes a crisp sound. The illusory world gradually merges into this girl’s world of music and school. At this moment, her mood is no longer the same. At the time, I was generally afraid, but there was a little more hazy and warm feeling of encounter.

The black ink breath still wanders around this body that is ignored by passers-by, like a hunter who wanders deep in the dark forest for a long time, lonely and dangerous but there is a mystery that is separated from the world, the body is obviously a little thin , But it exudes a strong and unbeatable aura.It seemed to be home.

However, after this "Earl Lord" took a few glances at her, he sat aside with some care, sitting beside the cash box.


Nakano-Zusa was taken aback for a moment, she thought she would be talked to by this "lord earl", but he turned out to be sitting not far from her like this.

She didn't know what the reason was, and looked back a little curiously.

In the dark shrine, the figure quietly leaning against the wall, near the cash box, breathing slightly, as if he had been busy at work for a long time, in the dark and dry place on his side, Azusa Nakano did not Knowing why, I always feel like a little firefly flying in a dark place.

"I always feel... I don't want to pay attention to me, but it seems that it is indeed not an evil soul or a demon. It is unknowingly dragging me to hell here..."

Although Azusa Nakano feels a little relieved, he doesn't know why, and when he thinks of that kind of hypothesis, he trembles.

However, the heavy rain continued and it seemed that it would not subside for a while.

"However, even if the possibility of danger is ruled out... why ignore me, why do you want to sit in this abandoned shrine casually?"

This girl with wet hair thought curiously.

Gradually, Suzuki Jun's hypothesis gradually echoed in Azusa Nakano's mind.

—— [The more I investigate, the more I feel that Lord Earl is more like a homeless god, the god of creation, the god of punishment... I always feel that he always wanders the streets like this. Is it because there is no People who believe in this cause such reasons, wandering everywhere...]


Azusa Nakano was taken aback, and once again secretly looked back at this figure.


At this time, the track network through which the tram was passing a few hundred meters away sounded an alarm, resounding in this quiet night.

I always feel that this assumption is not impossible.

Nakano Azusa also feels that this shrine has been safe since she was a child, and she always feels that there are gods as shelter here.

When Azusa Nakano was thinking, two or three young people in their twenties passed by in the street. They seemed to be caught off guard by the heavy rain. When they passed by the shrine, they looked over here for a while, and the result seemed to be showing [here How can there be a female high (national) high school student hiding from the rain] expression.

"Huh?" Nakano Azusa also noticed that whenever someone passed by, this "Earl Lord" would raise his head and pay attention, always feeling that he seemed to be paying attention to security issues.Although it does seem dangerous here, as long as you shout here, there are seven or eight households around you who will open the windows to see. There have been many precedents. Instead, it is a relatively safe place. Nothing happened in the past two decades. Criminal incident.

However, Azusa Nakano himself did not notice that her shirt was soaked, and she was faintly springing up, and her appearance was lovely and beautiful, enough to attract Li Yan's attention.

After waiting for a while, Azusa Nakano once again played the tune of the light tone part called "Brush Pen~Ballpoint Pen~", and she seemed to start to play a happy atmosphere.

The melodious tunes fluttered in the shrine, and many residents seemed to be listening to it.In the rainy night, it was as if this moment was Azusa Nakano’s solo concert.

Including the banished youth who also listened quietly.

After the end of the song, at 8:06, the rain gradually stopped.

"... accidentally played very well."

Li Yan looked at Azusa Nakano and couldn't help but praise.

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