I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 751

Nakano Azusa looked at the group of people in astonishment. The window behind her was filled with a cloud of white water, as if in the mountains and white clouds.

"It's strange, it's really different from the senior sisters I know..."

Azusa Nakano looked at him in astonishment. The undisciplined minister Nakaru Tiani turned out to be very charismatic, and he did not preempt the drums. Only the senior's playing ability became extremely superb, even in professional terms. Very accurate and professional; Senior Miao seems to be just as good, but the Qin Blowing-senpai who can play a good piano even allows snacks after training, which is simply too conscience.

So, this is the strange place.

Almost, this is the perfect light tone department she yearns for...

After practicing for more than an hour, even Zuo and Zi teacher patiently guided the technical aspects. Time passed in a hurry, leaving Azusa Nakano completely unaware.

Naturally, she was in a very happy mood. After drinking the black tea, she still remembered a reality in her heart from the beginning until now, that is, this is not her light tone department, nor is she familiar with the senior sisters, she stood immediately When I got up, I looked worried and scared and said, "Sorry, I drank everyone's black tea and ate the snacks everyone gave. To be honest, I am very happy to know you, but, sure enough, I still have to go back. It’s too late...my father and mother...no, my father and mother may have come to pick me up."

"It's okay, Azimeow."

"Yi Hirasawa" smiled with a lazy expression and said, "Go back well. If you have time, please come here again. As long as this one is around 5:40, we will be here. ."

"Yeah, Azusa, if you feel lonely and don't understand, come here, here can't be without you, Azusa." Qiu Shanmin said with a cheerful smile.


Azusa Nakano was stunned. She always felt that this scene was so warm and charming. In the end, she bowed, packed up the guitar, picked up the schoolbag, opened the door of the activity room with lingering fear, and looked back at the group with warm smiles. 'S sisters and teachers, walked out the door...

It's really like a dream...

5:46 minutes.

After Azusa Nakano came out, he saw the school clock, only at 5:46.

She walked in and went out, barely a minute or a second, but when Azusa Nakano looked at the clock in the activity room, it was already 6:50, which almost made her feel like jet lag.

"So...what the hell is going on?" Azusa Nakano opened his eyes in astonishment, standing in the corridor, looking at the swaying clock, and wondering.

"Yo! Azusa!"

Suddenly, Suzuki Jun's cheerful voice came from the corridor on the second floor.

Azusa Nakano was taken aback for a moment. She looked at the direction of the jazz club, but Suzuki Jun didn't even go back. She carried the bass bag and smiled and ran towards her.

"Great, you haven't gone back yet. I thought I was the only one who was responsible for locking the door and I went home at last." Suzuki Jun said with a smile.

"Well... Xiaochun, why didn't you go back so late?" Azusa Nakano asked curiously.

Jun Suzuki was taken aback for a moment, and curiously asked, "What are you talking about? Isn't it about this time after the club activities are over?"

Azusa Nakano was stunned, she was indeed still wandering in the thoughts of time confusion, and did not remember for a while.

Two young girls are walking on the streets in the rainy season. Azusa Nakano wants to tell Suzuki Jun about the button-eyed schoolgirls, but he doesn't know why he can't say it. Such an absurd encounter is really difficult to adapt to once again, Nakano Azusa also remembered that Jun Suzuki hadn't asked what he said in the corridor before, and he didn't know what Jun Suzuki wanted to tell her...

The hazy rain scene always makes Azusa Nakano feel that the girl's mind is as unpredictable as before.

During the chat, the two soon reached the fork. After Nakano Azusa and Jun Suzuki separated, she took the subway by herself and soon passed the dilapidated shrine again.


Azusa Nakano was silent for a moment and looked at this shrine quietly.The shrine at this moment obviously has a faint light, indicating that a certain god seems to be staying in the house again.

Standing at the door, Azusa Nakano was silent for a moment, stuffed a 500-yen coin into the crack of the door, and then gently knocked on the door three times.She always felt that it would be better to knock on the door in a gesture similar to offering and praying.

As a result, the door actually opened.

"Um... why are you here again?" a transparent young man opened the door and asked in astonishment.

"Yes, I just went home, come here to take a look at you..." Nakano Azusa raised her head slightly, a little nervous, and said sincerely.

But at this time, in the drizzle weather, Azusa Nakano once again saw through Li Yan's figure the beautiful girl with curly hair wearing a round hat, dress and skirt in medieval style.

Niederhogger's slightly serious eyes looked at Azusa Nakano quietly, then he smiled and said hello, "Miss Nakano, we meet again."


Azusa Nakano looked at this somewhat European-style woman timidly, but didn't know what her name was, so she bowed deeply and responded.

"Don't be restrained, Miss Nakano, come in and sit down. I'll let Lilith pour you a cup of warm black tea."

Niederhogg said with a faint smile, she politely stretched out her hand, said hello, and turned slightly, as elegant as a whirling dance.

Azusa Nakano lowered her head and looked at the wooden board at the door. Her 500 yen was gone, and she thought to herself, "Sure enough, did you accept it!?"

There is still a while before going home. Nakano Azusa is sitting in the shrine. She feels a little uneasy, looking for a sense of security here again.

Moreover, this place is also quite incredible. As expected, the transparent gods, the elegant and thoughtful noble witches, and the beautiful flying fairies make it hard to imagine that this is Tokyo.

"By the way, don't you know how to play the guitar? If it's convenient, please play one for us." Niederhogger looked at her and said.

"Yes, if you don't mind..." Nakano Azusa whispered.

In front of Li Yan's eyes, in this ruined wooden house, there was a gloomy atmosphere everywhere. This incompatible girl was sitting there, holding a guitar and playing music. This is a very poetic and mysterious scene. Just like the world after human beings disappeared...

After the beautifully rhythmic music was over, Niederhogger listened carefully and said with a smile: "Sure enough, you talked very well. Human art is really interesting. It's the first time I have heard this style of music, but I feel that It sounds good."

"No, I haven't played so well before. It's just that after seeing Lord Earl several times recently, I feel that I have been affected like this. Thanks to the great talent of Earl..."

Nakano Azusa said shyly.


Li Yan was taken aback, and didn't quite understand what Azusa Nakano meant. What does her technological advancement have to do with him [Earl Lord]?

However, after Azusa Nakano explained clearly "Master Earl under the Moon, Master Earl in the Rain", Li Yan suddenly became confused.

What the hell is this!?

After seeing him in the moonlight, his grades can improve, his creation is inspired, and he can directly improve his realm to a level...

"...The old dominator agent had such a magical power, why didn't I enjoy it?"

Li Yan's eyes widened, but he was still in the fourth volume by Cavinka, and he couldn't write it for a long time.

The academic performance and creative inspiration are okay, but he doesn’t understand the rhythm at all, the pentatonic is not complete, and he can’t play an instrument. How did he affect the musicians...

"Isn't this very suitable for you, Li, in all respects, it looks like you are like the sun. When you burn yourself, there is no light coming back to you."

Niederhogger showed a mocking smile, and after looking at the complicated Li Yan, he spit out.

"..." Li Yan's face was even more ugly, sitting under the lamp.

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