I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 766

Shiina's white eyes returned to color, and the darkness before her eyes gradually faded, turning into a blue sky, green trees, rivers and golden flowers, and Holmes was right in front of her.

The wind blows through Shiina's white paintings. In that painting, a piece of white flowers, blue leaves, and a hazy beauty, a girl with blond hair and white clothes leans on the back of the picture. ...

Volume XV The Home of the Novelist Chapter 367 The Daily Theater Where the Old Reunited

In spring, spring flowers bloom.

The Shinjuku area of ​​Tokyo is a peaceful scene. Schools have opened one after another. Boys and girls in junior high and high school uniforms are walking in the streets. Cherry blossom petals in full bloom on the roadside fall into the air.

Downstairs in the Yiyuan Apartment, a somewhat worn bicycle, a young man in a white coat was waiting alone.

After a long time, he stood here again as a student.

After half a year, time flies like an arrow.

Now this young man who always wears a white coat and trousers is already a junior in the Faculty of Science at the University of Tokyo.

"...Isn't it, isn't it...I'm already a junior?"

Li Yan stood at the door downstairs with a stunned but confused expression. He always felt that he had missed his precious sophomore year, and he was so distressed.

In March in the United Kingdom, he officially returned to a normal life and disappeared for more than half a year. It was originally a little difficult for him to explain how he would explain his disappearance for more than half a year after resuming his existence and all his experiences.However, it seems that someone has already thought out this strategy for him.

That is the "exchange student".

For most of the year when Li Yan disappeared, he was directly changed to go to Oxford University to be an exchange student for a year, so that all acquaintances staying in Japan knew that he had gone to the UK. It was logical and reasonable that there was no news for most of the blank .

Then there is the problem of Yiyuan Apartment.

In March, he tremblingly took the information book of exchange students. After returning to his alma mater in Japan, he re-occupied this apartment building that had left too many memories. Room 405 was still the room of the lazy angel, and Shiina of room 605. Really white, Qikai Aoyama and Rita have always lived there. Kobayashi in Room 506 specially brought home specialties and visited with Conna and Thor.

Everything was restored to the original state he dreamed of.

Tokyo, Shinjuku, Yiyuan Apartment, the landlord, mentor and classmates, and Sanhe Bunko...the circle that formed his new life, all returned to him one by one.

Since she was deprived of her godhood, that lady agent of the compatriots occasionally came to visit and play, which seemed to be a reward for her "overtime work."

In addition...


When the birds on the branches were singing, a young girl with messy hair came down the stairs one after another, looking listless and lacking sleep.

Today, this girl playing with the world is a freshman who started school on the same day...

Gabriel had dark circles under her eyes, and she yawned, but her clothes were no longer high school clothes, but casual clothes. She was admitted to Tokyo No. 1 together with Satania, Winnett, and Rafael. A good foreign language school.

It’s just that, how they passed the entrance examination is unknown. What Li Yan always wanted to complain about was how troublesome it was for a bunch of blonde girls to learn English and Hebrew in Japan. Japanese language universities do not have the advantage... …

On the other hand, Shiina Mashiro, Aoyama Nanami, and Rita were admitted to Tsukayama University in January, the Tokyo branch of a more general university.Anyone with a discerning eye can see that in which university Nankai took the exam, Zhenbai followed which university to stay in Japan. For the prestigious art geniuses, Zhenbai and Rita didn't care which university they would attend.


Gabriel kept yawning, wiped her eyes, and murmured, "It's April, so annoying, it's going to start school again..."

Li Yan looked at Gabriel and asked, "Will you play too late last night? At three o'clock I heard the sad BGM that your character was killed."

"You must have heard it wrong...If I say I haven't used less material, how come I can't beat it..."

Gabriel thought badly.

It is estimated that it is still a technical problem. Novices who can't even play the turn-based system can never figure out why they can't get through the simple difficulty that can even pass the flat cut.

Gabriel glanced at Li Yan. She showed a somewhat concerned expression and asked, "Li, did you come back to Japan when you were studying in England?"

"...No, what do you ask this for?"

Li Yan was taken aback for a moment, he was thoughtful, but he was still negative, and asked rhetorically.

Gabriel's memory always remembered that she seemed to have met him in the street, but it seemed that she missed it without speaking to each other. She always thought this was an illusion memory, and Li Yan seemed to hide something from her.

When she was about to say something, a girl's voice came not far away.

"Gabriel, that's great, you got up early today."

In the words, Vignette brought Satania and Lafeel to this side, smiled, and said to Gabriel.

Under the sky where the cherry blossoms were flying, three other girls who hadn't seen for a long time finally appeared in front of Li Yan.

"Senior, it's been a long time!"

As soon as Satania saw Li Yan, her eyes flashed, moved over and said to Li Yan.


Li Yan looked at Satania, who had not changed at all, and was filled with emotion. Of course he missed this junior very much. He showed a cheerful expression. He looked at Satania and Vinette and La who bowed to him behind him. Mayfair said: "From today, you are all college students."

Satania smiled brightly, with an arrogant expression, and said, "Hehe, then of course, I'm a junior of a senior, how could it be possible to go home to the level of high school, but I worked hard to get in. ."

"Obviously it got in through the devil's relationship..." Weinet thought silently, looking at Satania, who was praised by Li Yan and looked so proud.

"When Senior Li was studying in the UK, we didn't know why we didn't have any thoughts to go to the UK to see you. It was weird." La Feier smiled and said to Li Yan.

"La, La Fei'er!" Vinnette paled with fright, and hurried to stop La Fei'er's words, she suddenly bowed and apologized to Li Yan and said, "I'm really sorry, senior, because we have been busy reviewing. , So I really forgot!"

"But I'm really just curious. After seeing it for the first time, I will feel this way immediately." La Fei Er snickered and explained.


After Li Yan heard it, he looked at La Fei'er with some surprise.

Inferring, La Fei Er still thinks about going to see him, but time and space are in a mess, they don't have such a chance at all.

"Okay, we are going to be late, so hurry up and take the subway."

At this time, Gabriel looked at the phone and said to them.

"Uh, Gabriel... It seems that I haven't heard you take such an initiative to go to school for a long time." Vignette was taken aback and said in surprise.

Gabriel smiled triumphantly. She took out the stewith handheld from her schoolbag and said, "You don't know the root of my hard work in college entrance examination to stay in the world. Japanese universities are for fun! That bald head After I disappeared, no one stopped me from playing games in class, and I had nothing to play when I returned to my hometown."


Winnett and Rafael looked at Gabriel with hesitant expressions.

"Why, what's wrong?" Gabriel realized that something was wrong.

"Actually... the Sunglasses teacher completed his doctorate this year and has been hired by our university as a classroom lecturer. He also sent us a text message just now to let us pay attention to going out."

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