I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 774

Li Yan showed that talk about the matter with a smile, got a little closer to Xuexia Xueno, and persuaded him.


This girl with an umbrella fixed her eyes on Li Yan’s face quietly, and she didn’t know what she was thinking. Her pretty and cold figure remained motionless. Finally, she suddenly asked: "Senior, when you tomorrow, have time?"

"?" Li Yan was taken aback.

Immediately, he nodded and asked: "What, what?"

"There is just one thing you seem to be able to do that needs your help."

Under the dim light, standing by the door, Xuexia Xuenao, carrying a school bag, wandered around, her cheeks and hair were covered with crystal clear rain. This one has been standing here with Li Yan. The girl in the dark place splashed with rainwater is beautiful and bright, with a faint smile at the corner of her mouth, her eyes are looking at the rain curtain, and she quietly said: "Tomorrow morning, there will be a kindergarten in Jiangdong to cooperate with the University of Tokyo in social volunteer activities. Seniors in the Faculty of Medicine There is no way to get out. I suddenly remembered that you seem to be very suitable for this job. So, can you accompany me tomorrow?

This girl who seldom asks other people, carrying a schoolbag, turned her face to look at him.

Chapter 371 The kindergarten teacher is an old thief (1)

On Friday, Sunflower Kindergarten in Jiangdong District.

"Good morning, Mr. Xuexia, Mr. Li!"

At about ten o'clock, after Yukino and Li Yan, dressed in casual clothes, were introduced by the kindergarten teacher, more than 20 middle-class kindergarten students bowed and shouted in unison.



Li Yan and Xuexiaxuenai bowed to this group of boys and girls, and responded.

It has to be said that the bright eyes of the children in the entire kindergarten are all staring at the face of this unparalleled and beautiful Yukino with long straight black hair, not just the little boys, even the little ones. Girls can't help but look forward to it. As long as they are human, they will naturally be attracted by this beautiful girl, a deserted beautiful girl with a handsome side.

Li Yan secretly observed the performance of Xuexia Xuena.

Soon, the kindergarten teacher on the side clapped his hands and showed a bright and dazzling smile, and said: "Everyone must welcome brothers and sisters. They are all very good students. Please observe the two new teachers and learn from them. The advantages of, you know?"


The children shouted together with different expressions.

As a result, college student volunteer activities soon began.

This kindergarten is located in a residential area. There is a beautiful yard planted with Taiwanese grass. The lush trees cover part of the courtyard. The classroom is graffiti with various cartoon animals, which has a very childhood atmosphere.


Li Yan watched it curiously.

Xuexia Xuena looked at Li Yan's expression with some curiosity, always feeling that his reaction was a little weird. Isn't this a very ordinary kindergarten?

In his childhood, Li Yan lacked the memory of being in kindergarten. He never went to kindergarten like other children.

At the beginning, both Li Yan and Xuexiaxuenai should get to know this group of children, and probably understand the characteristics of these twenty-odd children.However, Li Yan moved a little closer, because the adult boys and the intuition of the gentle eyes made the children unable to avoid it. Everyone gathered around Yukino's side. The gap was too obvious at first.

"The Appearance Association was already so obvious in the little ghost period. At least one or two interact with me a bit, otherwise I'm too embarrassed..."

Li Yan stood alone in a corner, thinking silently.

He also had to admit that the children might think of Yukino as the Snow White in fairy tales, maybe she just wore white clothes.

"Sister, what grade are you in now?"

A cute and lively little girl pulled the corner of Yukino Yukino's clothes and asked expectantly.

Yukino was silent for a while, and replied, "Now I am in the first year of college."

"University... Freshman, what grade is that?"

A group of children didn't understand the concept of college at all, maybe they had understood the concept of elementary school, and all looked at Yukino with a puzzled expression for a while.

Xuexia Xuena quickly understood, thought about it, and added: “That’s the thirteenth grade. After graduating from kindergarten, there are six grades in elementary school, three grades in junior high school, three grades in high school, and high school promotion. After the new school, they are college students."

"Huh..." A group of children almost couldn't count them, showing unclear expressions.

"I remember, my brother is a college student."

"My sister too!"

"Is that elder brother and teacher over there with a fierce look also a college student?"

At this time, a little boy seemed to be more interested in Li Yan and asked.

Xuexia Xuena raised her head to look at Li Yan, and explained, "He is my senior, if he is in grade, he is a 15th grade student."

I don’t know why. After the children heard the numbers as big as the 15th grade, the discussion vocabulary of "good old" and "uncle" came vaguely from the crowd, which made Li Yan more and more wrong. He suddenly felt that he was getting older. , Slumped on the ground in despair.

"Sister, when I grow up, can I be as beautiful as you?" a little girl asked hopefully.

"Huh?" Xue Nao was taken aback, looking at this girl.

"Meizi, don't daydream about you ugly monster!" the boy roared.

"Shut up, fool Jiantai!"

Amidst the noise, Yukino seemed to have become passive. She wanted to educate the group of boys who were making trouble, but the girls seemed to be strong in fighting back and didn't know how to adjust.

Li Yan saw in his eyes and knew that Xue Nao was really working hard, and the only group that could make Xue Nao have such a patience and behaved so embarrassed and gentle was kindergarten students.

In the chaos, a girl behind Yukino tugged at Yukino's clothes and smiled expectantly, and said, "Hey, sister, when you grow up and become an adult, you will be very happy. Mom, dad and brother are very free. , You can buy anything you want, and eat ice cream at will. Daisy seems to become an adult like her sister."

Xuexia Xuena was silent for a while. She remembered the growth principles she understood when she was a child, and leaned down and said more seriously: "When you grow up, not everything is good. For example, you have to face competition and face complicated Interpersonal relationships also have to worry about life. Everything depends on yourself. Therefore, when you grow up, you will have a lot of troubles..."

Yukino Yukino was talking, and when she saw the little girl named Daisy, she was surprised at first, and then started to be frightened, getting more and more aggrieved, tears rolling in her eyes.


Yukino Yukino looked astonished. She didn't worry about the understanding and feelings of her children, but she always felt that children could learn more about growth so that they could protect themselves in the future, but she didn't know that, not all children followed her when they were young So precocious, able to accept such a gloomy reality.


"Wait, wait..."

Before Xuexia Xuena could comfort her, the little girl burst into tears.Everyone's eyes were attracted for an instant, and Yukino didn't know what to do now.

At this moment, Yukino noticed a figure passing by her, holding the crying little girl with both hands, making Yukino look surprised.

"My sister didn't mean that. When I grow up, many good things will happen, I will know many friends, and I will become more powerful. I will have many beautiful dreams in the future. Growing up is a very happy thing. "

Li Yan showed a gentle smile, interrupted the child's attention with a higher method, instilled new words in, and coaxed Daisy to say.

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