I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 797

After the two of them entered, the dean of academic affairs asked the old principal in a low voice with embarrassment: "Principal, those two...couldn't they just switched from which Ikebukuro lending company?"

"What are you talking about? They are all excellent new teachers."

The principal said to the dean of academic affairs peacefully.

At the same time, a corner of Ueno Park.

An iron house with a shabby panda puppet is hidden in the lush forest.




A cute little girl with a ponytail ran over, rushed into the house, and yelled nervously: "It's not good, it's not good!"


The lively yellow-haired girl sitting beside the room asked in surprise.

"Xiaoxing, girls don't always say pooping!"

The ponytailed girl complained.

"So what's the matter?" the little girl named Xiaoxing asked.


A third long-haired girl wearing a hat and playing a 3ds game console just responded briefly.

"We met near my school before, and it took a long time to come out after entering the school. Xiaoxing and Qinye said that they were suspicious underworld figures..."

The ponytailed girl explained dumbly.

"That person, did he show up again!?"

"It's dangerous. If you find it, you will be killed."

Said two little girls named Xiaoxing and Qinye.

Very dangerous and will be killed...

The ponytailed girl hadn't finished speaking yet. After hearing these two key words, her expression became numb, and then she said to them: "...he seems to be my teacher for the new semester."

This is the most serious situation ever faced by the girl group [colors] whose mission is to maintain peace in Ueno...

Chapter 380

"Have you heard?"

"It's terrible."

"I heard that the new teacher had been in the underworld before, and now he is in constant contact with the Italian mafia girls."


Early in the morning, Class E of the third year of Litangmen Primary School.

Not long after school started, all kinds of rumors came from the third year E class. The expressions of a group of elementary school students were very flustered, but there were also many unique children who looked forward to it.

"Oops, it feels like the rumors have spread. It's weird. When Ming Mingxin came to school, only the three of us had seen it."

The third-grade student sitting by the window, with a ponytail, the little girl named Akamatsu Yui looked at this scene dumbfounded, wondering.

However, she didn't know that the culprit in this scene was obviously she herself.

After secretly telling the new teacher to the other two friends, the wind began to leak, it looked like a gangster, and the keywords like mafia girl were created by this little girl who didn't know it, but she I can't figure out the source of the leak at all.

"It doesn't matter what kind of underworld teacher he is, let a guy like him suffer now!"

The few boys who had been mischievous in the class showed sly smiles. They took three blackboard erasers stained with white powder and placed them carefully on the front door that was about to be closed, ready to play a prank.

"Wait a minute, Xia Chuan, Yoshida, if you make the teacher angry, you will be in trouble!"

"Are all boys stupid?"

"I will definitely be handed over to the penalty station."

The girls in the class began to persuade and taunt the two over-energy boys in the same class.

"Shut up, ugly girl!"

"What a fierce teacher, definitely let him see how good our class is!"

Amidst the noise, the class bell rang quickly, and all the students gradually calmed down, returning to their seats, paying attention to the front door that was closed with a little gap.

"What to do, it will definitely annoy that teacher..."

Yui looked at the door worriedly, thinking worriedly.

Two days before the start of school, while playing near the school, the three of them inadvertently encountered this terrible adult who threatened the peace of Ueno District at first sight. What was even more frightening was that he went into her school without blocking and followed him. He went to Shinjuku next door. This suspicious young man met with a blonde girl of foreign descent in front of the bookstore, making Yui inadvertently recall the rumors of the Italian Mafia...

"I don't know how I should face this teacher... If I were a good child, I should be safe."

Akamatsu Yui squeezed her small hand tightly, encouraging herself to herself, thought.

Soon, at this moment, as the second Mandarin class, the teacher stretched out his hand as expected and opened the front door.

The three blackboard erasers with no dead ends slammed down at the incoming figure.

The head of the new teacher with a head of one meter and seven meters is less than six or seven centimeters away from the top of the door. However, this young man with purple glasses reacted unconsciously. Behind the half of his body that had entered, he was unimaginable The ground keenly retreated.


All the students could hardly see the movements of this teacher, and they didn't recover immediately, staring at the door dumbly.

But I was surprised that one of the blackboard erasers by the door fell exactly on top of the heads of fat and short old men, splattering the old man's hair, face, and clothes.


"The principal... why the principal is here too!?"

The two boys who were the initiators turned pale suddenly and looked in their eyes in amazement.

"Principal, are you okay?"

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