I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 799

"Hachiman, how was the first class, and what did the students think of you?"

However, Li Yan realized that he seemed to have a partner, and suddenly turned his head and looked at Biqigu Hachiman expectantly, and asked.

Biqigu Hachiman said: "It's okay, the kids are very interesting, they know a lot of words, such as sexy, smoker, sunshine and fashion. Don't. Look at me like this. My English is very good in high school and university, and the students welcome me."


Li Yan's face was pale.

This is simply unscientific. I don't want to complain about Hachiman's really standard Japanese English for the time being. It is clear that Yukino Yukoshita is the teacher who scared the kindergarten children to cry, and it is quite popular in elementary school.

"When did you Hachiman become so unfamiliar to me, the students should be scared to cry when they see you, right? They dare not sleep at night..."

Li Yan squinted and asked suspiciously.

"Seniors who are full of prejudice and jealousy are not qualified to discuss the teacher's appearance with me."

Higiya Hachiman said blankly.

When the joke came to this, Li Yan sighed and said: "My first class pushed all the students to the opposite side. I don’t know why. I always feel that the younger they are, the more they have to make their contradictions and darkness. Just kill it, did I act too hastily?"

"It's really the thinking of the predecessors. If you don't pretend to be a good teacher, you won't be welcomed."

Biqigu Hachiman showed a slight smile and told Li Yan meaningfully one of his social truths.

As soon as the bell rang, Li Yan saw that his afternoon class was about to begin. He picked up the prepared textbooks, stood up, and said, "I'm going to class, I hope to save my image more, a little bit in the last section. There are some interesting topics in the class."

After chatting with Higiya Hachiman for a while, Li Yan was going to class 2-E again.

However, surprisingly, in the corridor of the third grade, a group of young boys were standing outside the classroom. Although it was time for get out of class, it was too much.

When the boys saw him, they all deliberately hid farther, making Li Yan's haggard soul even more unbearable.


Li Yan looked in his eyes and thought.

However, when he came to the door of the classroom, he found that the door of the classroom was closed and the curtains were all drawn.But this is not too strange, he was about to go to the door of the classroom.



A group of boys looked at him with complex expressions, and stopped talking, attracting Li Yan's attention, always wondering if they were playing a prank again.

However, before he had time to ask, when Li Yan turned his head to look at the boy, his hand was already accustomed to opening the front door of the classroom.

As a result, when Li Yan turned his head and looked inside the classroom, the situation was a little different.

In the classroom, there is a grand occasion for the 21 little girls in the class to change clothes. It seems that they have just finished physical education. There is no collective locker room in the elementary school. They need to be changed in the classroom. Boys naturally have no problem anywhere, while girls occupy the classroom. .

Yingcai Academy is a private academy, but it is not so poor that there is not even a locker room.

Twenty-one little girls were taken aback, all of them looked at him.

The girls’ expressions are very complicated, some are surprised, some are in a daze, some are shy, some are fearless...


Of course, Li Yan could see clearly. It should be said that even if he saw the girls collectively changing clothes, there was nothing at such a young age, but surprisingly, Li Yan was scared and became completely afraid in his heart. No matter how you look at it, Such loli's flesh, sense and atmosphere are a bit seductive, which is terrifying.


Li Yan hurriedly closed the door.

He was standing at the door, behind him was the sight of a boy with a complicated expression.

Whether it’s the corridor or the classroom, it’s all quiet, leaving Li Yan to teach on the first day, carrying the name of [Lori Control Underworld Teacher]...

"Li Yan, starting today, your teaching career is completely over..."

Li Yan almost fell into an ice cave, muttering this sentence silently in his heart.

Although the girl didn’t blame this rash teacher much, the news still reached the dean of academic affairs. The dean of academic affairs who looked horrified knew that foreigners did not understand the daily life of Japanese schools, so he asked Li Yan to write a review book to deal with it. Parents who may come here.

This seems to be the teacher who can get a review book the fastest among the teachers of Litangmen Primary School...

After get off work, Tokyo's bright and bustling night scene.

The office workers after work all wandered around the feasting streets. In a street bar, there was also a depressed figure who took off his suit jacket.

"What the hell is going on these days, it doesn't go well."

Li Yan sighed with embarrassment, looked at the dining table, and said to Biqigu Hachiman.

Higiya Hachiman nodded in agreement, and said, "Senior's luck is really bad."

"You don't know... I was introduced to this school as a teacher by my mentor, and I actually looked forward to it in my heart."

Li Yan said sadly: "But... I seem to have a wrong understanding of a profession like a teacher."

"Really, senior, you have been psychologically unprepared for the position of teacher recently, so you always want to be so extreme."

Hachigaya Hachiman said.

"Love, friendship and courage can't make a person change. Only injury can promote a person's growth."

Higiya Hachiman took a puff of smoke, exhaled a cloud of smoke, and said, "Don't treat the problem as a problem, it's not a problem, relax, sir."

"……Is that right?"

Li Yan held the wine glass, feeling quite in his heart, lowered his head and asked in a low voice.

It seems... he is indeed not ready.

Teachers are not such a simple profession. Of course, it is natural to be a teacher by simply messing around, but to be a real teacher is not the same thing...

He never thought that one day I would really be a teacher, and a group of children used as a role model teacher... When he was a child, he always hoped that if the teacher understood him more and helped him a little more, it would be great... Until he met Teacher Ogura, he really met a teacher who cared about me, and he knew the real enthusiasm and hard work of a teacher.

Why, I tried very hard to get close to the students and tried very hard to understand them, but found that it is not the same thing. There are always gaps that are difficult to see between ages and people.

However, he doesn't know why, he always thinks about whether he is really suitable to be a teacher, reviewing and questioning himself...

In the first week of work, I got the review book, which is really bad...

At this moment, suddenly, a female voice said slowly: "What's the matter, two teachers, they seem to be in a bad mood. If students see this, they will not trust you."

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