I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 805

The math teacher seemed to have something unspeakable, thinking for a while before saying it.

However, soon, faintly, some quarrels were heard throughout the grade.

All the students heard that the voice seemed to be the voice of the foreign teacher and director, and began to commotion.

"Such a conclusion is the result of the recognition of all Mandarin teachers!"

"This result is not fair. I applied to all the Mandarin teachers to discuss and select the scores for the composition."

"Don't make trouble, you are still a rookie."

"Then I can't stand my students being commented so rashly."

Akamatsu Yui heard it, and was immediately stunned.

Children are naturally easily attracted by new things and dare not take any action at first, but when even the math teacher went to the door to check the situation, all the students left their seats and squeezed toward the windows and doors. past.

"What are you doing, go back to your seat quickly!"

No matter how the teacher scolded, the students wanted to take a look at the situation in the office.

Yui and the others saw it, a somewhat unexpected scene.

Wearing a shirt, Mr. Li Yan, who is not surprised, faces the director and several Mandarin teachers in the corridor. You are arguing with each other. Although it is not too noisy, there is a smell of gunpowder.

At this time, the teachers noticed that it was causing a commotion, and their voices began to converge.

"If you are not satisfied with this matter, go to the principal to judge it."

The director saw in his eyes, he dared not speak, turned around and prepared to go to the principal's office, gave Li Yan a fierce stare, and said.


Higiya Hachiman breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that the director seemed to have said a good method.

Before Yui's eyes, was the back of the teacher who was arguing alone.

I don't know why, she understands why this teacher did this.

He asked her seriously whether he liked his composition or not.

Li Yan seemed to have noticed his gaze. He turned his head and looked over the corridor and saw the student who was sticking his head out, including the student named Akamatsu Yui.

The foreign teacher in the distance didn't say anything. He silently looked forward again and walked towards the principal's office, so out of place and isolated by many teachers.

The principal's room.

The director and Li Yan both came to the principal and explained the cause and effect of this incident.

The burly director looked at Li Yan sideways with a sarcasm, and said, "Really, young people are always so emotional nowadays. They corrupted the teacher's face in front of all the students. Teacher Li, I know you have studied in the UK for a few years, but you are a newcomer and a rookie. This result has been recognized by all the Mandarin teachers. You still raise an argument. You really don't understand the rules here."

Li Yan ignored the director's provocation and said: "Sorry, I know this offended the director, but I still can't accept comments that are superficial, off-topic, and whether they have profound meaning to deny my students' articles."

He looked at the director without fear and said: "I have read all the students' articles, so I objected to this. I suggest that all Mandarin teachers decide this competition ranking."

"Every teacher will naturally protect the students in his class, Teacher Li, isn't that what you are doing now?"

The director sneered and said.

Li Yan’s situation could not get rid of this point. He said: “Kiddy is indeed the case, but what I protect is that my students should not be treated like this. I can’t give such transcripts to my students.”

He declared with a serious look: "I can't do such a thing to destroy a student's passion for writing."

"As a teacher, every very subtle action will affect and determine a student's right and wrong concept for a long time. I am a Mandarin teacher, and it is even more difficult for me to accept an article that can move my heart to be rejected like this. Because I lack profound truth. There is no quotation of World War II, famous sayings, no moving renderings. As a child's eyes on the colorful world of peace, a content that should be written in the third grade... But this is denied."

Li Yan did not hesitate to express his opinion and said: "How much do children understand the concept of peace? The first place is illustrated by the paper cranes of World War II, the second place is supported by the Tokyo Olympics, and the third place. It’s history. I admit that I write very well, but look at the world from the street and family, with the eyes of children. The theme, emotion and meaning of this composition written by my student are not bad. She used her heart. I wrote out what I think is peace. Even if I can't win a prize, I definitely can't be evaluated like this, as a bottom.

However, the director laughed at Li Yan's remarks, and Li Yan was taken aback.

"Teacher Li, don't you understand it yet? Your students still have a big problem with this composition." The director said disapprovingly.


Li Yan didn't understand.

At this time, after listening to the opinions of the two people, the old principal smiled kindly, interrupted their conversation, and said: "Haha, it turns out that it's such a thing, I probably know... I'll take a look at their composition. ."

The two handed over the composition to the old principal, who was silent for a moment after carefully reading everyone's entries two or three times.

Unexpectedly, the old principal looked at the director, smiled and said, "Shiba Saki, let's do this for the schedule."

This sentence made Li Yan stunned, and the director was just as expected.

"I heard it, a rookie from Oxford." Director Shibasaki said.

"However, your comment is indeed wrong. The article written by this child is indeed very good, and I was very touched after reading it... Teacher Li's eyes are correct, and he can be ranked third."

The old principal changed the conversation and continued to the director.

As if slapped himself in the face, Director Shibasaki persuaded in astonishment: "Principal, this is not a good idea..."

The old principal looked at him and said: "You did make a mistake in grading this essay. You should go to work first. I want to have a good chat with Teacher Li."

Director Shibasaki hesitated for a moment, his face looked so ugly and ugly, he could only nod his head, bowed to the principal, and turned and left.

Although Li Yan pulled back a round, he didn't quite understand what the principal meant to keep him.

The old principal came out from the desk and said to Li Yan: "Mr. Li, your evaluation is correct. The student's composition is indeed very good. Although the director's comment is a bit excessive, it is according to the school's standards. , He did nothing wrong either."


Li Yan didn't quite understand the words of the old principal.

"Because the exams are based on this." The old principal said.


Li Yan made a thud in his heart, but couldn't even make a sound afterwards.

"You are not wrong, but this is not a problem that you and I can change. It is not only about writing the deep emotions, but also the writing, meaning, connotation and amount of knowledge, which are the points for the entrance examination."

"If it is according to the middle school entrance examination standards, this child's composition is likely to be processed with a low score."

"Sometimes it is so contradictory. The content of writing streets is indeed not as profound as the paper cranes, Olympic Games and history, which are symbols of Japanese culture. I only see how precious peace is in the eyes of this child when I am old. How much can your teacher understand in just a few minutes..."

"She is still in the third grade, and I agree with this kid's composition, but... you have to remember to remind her that this is the East, it is Japan, for the sake of students, sometimes we can only follow the trend."

The old principal raised his head and looked at the young teacher, and said his point.

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