I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 817

Qin Ye left in a hurry, adhering to this principle.

After arriving at the intersection, Qin Ye finally walked to the side of the road, but people on the side of the road are extremely rare, after all, this depressed area has always been sparsely pedestrian.


Qin Ye stood alone under the dim street light, watching the scene of other children being taken away by their parents, pursing his lips slightly, and lowering his head.

She took out her mobile phone and dialed Li Yan's number.

On the other side, Li Yan, who had been eating takeaway in the office of Litangmen Elementary School, where he had taken the exams, was looking at the phone on the desk and saw the belated call.

"Has school finished?"

Li Yan answered the phone, chewed the rice, and asked.

--is teacher.And please don't talk while eating, the sound is unpleasant.

"I'm just eating now, where are you now, I'll pick you up."

——I send the location to the teacher, please wait a moment.

Qin Ye seemed to be picked up by very few people, smiled expectantly, and sent the location to Li Yan.

"I have received it, then wait for me in place."

Li Yan quickly swept the rice in the lunch box into his mouth and said.

——Well, come here quickly.

Qin Ye held the phone in both hands, and after saying this, turned off the phone properly.

Just wait next.

However, Qin Ye was still unable to call the teacher in advance. After all, she didn't know exactly what time she would train. The teacher was not a parent, so she couldn't do the things that trouble him to wait at the school gate.

After a while, the street near the school was empty, without a single person.

However, Qin Ye seemed to be furry in her heart. She took out the game console and wanted to play it through, but she always felt that there was something looking at her that made her unable to even turn it on.

Is there anything...

Qin Ye looked at the dark end of the street subconsciously.

It seems that there is really a figure there.

Occasionally, a car passed by on this empty highway, and the lights of the car shone under the telephone pole, that weird figure.

In the distance, there is a figure of a woman wearing a wide-clothes and a mask, very similar to what she encountered in the woods last night, peeping at her side.


Qin Ye almost looked confused.

She stepped back quietly.

Unexpectedly, she didn't get close to the park, and this woman chased her to her school.


At 8:40 at night, the peak time for get off work in Tokyo.

On the cross road, there was a long line of vehicles and it was not clear how many rounds would it take before Li Yan was photographed. He waited anxiously.

[Boom boom boom!

Soon, his mobile phone rang, let him look at it, and found that it was Qinye's number, so he pulled the handbrake, connected the car and opened the call.

"What's wrong, Qinye..."

Li Yan asked curiously.


But before the words were finished, a sharp cry came from the car player.

This sharp cry suddenly lifted Li Yan's heart.

"What's wrong, what happened to you!?"

Li Yan no longer cares about the traffic rules, he picked up the phone and hurriedly asked.

On the phone, Qin Ye's scared cry came: "Teacher, where are you now!!"

"I'm still halfway, where are you now, are you still in that place!?"

——[I was so scared, I had already started to run away, there was no one around, the strange woman appeared again, I, I want to escape to Saito in the nearest Ueno Park...]


Immediately afterwards, Li Yan heard a crisp sound from the opposite side and cut off the signal. It is estimated that the phone fell to the ground while escaping.

At this moment, Li Yan didn't care too much. As soon as the green light came on, he stepped on the accelerator and made a piercing roar. He kept overtaking on the endless highway and headed for Ueno Elementary School, which was not far away.

Li Yan wanted to call back, but found that it was no longer possible. It is estimated that the phone was broken.

Grinning woman.

Simply thinking of this terrifying urban legend makes people shudder.

Li Yan couldn't help stepping on the accelerator again.

With inner surges and prayers, Li Yan came to the vicinity of Ueno Park, got out of the car, and faced a large black world.

For more than a year, he lived in London, England, very freely and relatively peacefully.

Most of his energy is devoted to physics experiments. Although he occasionally uses physical instruments to analyze some evidence for British acquaintances, basically, Li Yan's interest circle has shrunk to himself.

Isn’t it normal to work hard for yourself?

However, unconsciously, when Li Yanjing came down, he always felt that he was obviously more relaxed than before, and compared to the ease before, why suddenly he felt less and less happy...

Can human beings really survive alone?

Once you have been exposed to the warmth of your heart, can you really forget that warmth?

This is why he came back to be a teacher.

Again, pick up the most desired power in your life.

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