I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 822


"Immediately prepare a strong heart needle."

As a result, just after rushing to the agreed location, a group of people saw the corridor, and a group of doctors and nurses from the emergency room prepared to talk about the push frame to the operating room.

Shiina Mashiro, who was lying on the pale push frame, closed his eyes tightly, the white sheets were stained red with blood, and the head was treated urgently. The whole person seemed unconscious, making everyone who looked in the eyes pale.


Qi Hai almost collapsed, and let out a tearing cry.

But when Rita, Nanami and others were about to rush over, they were stopped by the nurse.

"Who are you from her?" the nurse asked.

"We are her friends." Rita wiped away her tears and said eagerly.

"Where is her family?" the nurse asked.

"She is British, and her family is in the UK, but I can take responsibility. She has the authorization of her parents!"

Kagurazaka Ayame stood up at this time and said.

"Well, now this injured person has suffered a severe head injury and a lot of blood loss. If it hadn't been for some residents to hear the sound before, the consequences would be even more disastrous. In short, the guardian must first sign the name."

In the midst of pushing and moving, Li Yan stood at the forefront of the crowd. He was held down by the nurse and could not move forward. His ears were dim, and he couldn't hear what the group of people were saying. The whole person's spirit was almost lost. Collapsed state.

As if the world was delayed, the girl who closed her eyes tightly was right in front of his eyes, but Li Yan couldn't get to her.

Gradually, Zhen Bai just drifted away in front of his eyes, and he couldn't believe it until now. This scene before him...

It seems that the heart is dead.

The night was dark and pervasive, and the shadows of the trees shook.

The moonlight was bleak, shining in this corridor, Li Yan stayed there for a long time without saying a word.

"Rita, Seven Seas..."

Li Yan asked suddenly.

"...Yes, senior."

Rita and Qihai, who had been staying by their side, heard his feeble voice, their expressions changed, and they immediately responded.

"What's going on, do you know some details?" Li Yan asked, raising his head, his eyes a little bloodshot.


Sad Rita and Nanami glanced at each other, not knowing what to say.

"I know it's not the time to ask this, but Zhenbai was found lying in a homicide old place just after two o'clock in the morning. She was hit on the head and injured. I need to know who attacked her..."

Li Yan asked, his face turned gray.

His hands were clenched all the time, and it seemed unbearable.

Rita and Qihai were silent for a while. They knew Li Yan's anger and sadness. His feelings for Zhen Bai didn't need to be explained, but they didn't seem to have much information to provide, and they didn't know how to answer.

"We only know that Zhenbai seems to have received a request from a university student recently." Qingshan Qihai lowered his head and said sadly.

"It seems that it is related to this case. We have been persuading Zhenbai not to touch such a dangerous case, but..."

Rita then said to Li Yan.

"It really means that she wants to do more things that are conducive to the lives of good people..."

"Since the senior went to the UK, Zhenbai has been receiving many difficult cases. Many times it was quite dangerous. Zhenbai also said that she knows the risks she takes."

Li Yan listened, listened, his heart seemed to be broken.

When did this world-class talented painter girl finally come to the edge of such a dangerous world?

In his mind, the one who stood in the reception room of the library turned his head to look at his mysterious girl the moment he opened the door.

The pet girl who once slept in a messy room, got up from the warm blanket, naked...

When he graduated from university, the genius girl who had gone through countless dangers with him, stood under the cherry blossoms, had a faint smile on his beautiful face, and was trusted by friends.

He hopes that she can grow up, but one day, when she truly exceeds his imagination, breaks away from his shackles and becomes a truly powerful lion, he will encounter a series of extremely dangerous events like him. .

Li Yan looked so painful and whispered: "I hope she can grow, but...I don't want her to grow to the point where she can protect so many people..."

He always hoped that Zhen Bai could take good care of himself and protect himself. This was enough.

However, Zhenbai worked hard and worked hard, and after knowing that he could help others in color discrimination and reasoning, he got out of control.


At this moment, the door opened.

When everyone saw this, they went to the door and surrounded them.

"Doctor, how is the situation?" Qihai grabbed the doctor's clothes and asked nervously.

"There is too much blood loss. Now the person is very weak and needs to be sent to the intensive care unit. But... for too long a brain hypoxia, it is not clear when she can wake up, it may cause difficult to wake up."


When everyone heard it, they were stunned, Li Yan's consciousness [hum], and the whole person was stunned.

I can't hear what other people are saying at all. Li Yan's eyes have never been so sad. He looked at the young girl who had been sent to the intensive care unit, as if she had fallen into darkness, motionless.


Li Yan called Zhen Bai.

He was extremely annoyed. Why hadn't he been in contact with Zhenbai during this period of time and understood what she was doing. She had been encouraged by her to be a teacher, but he didn't know Zhenbai's recent state of mind.

Own, what kind of Holmes...

A dream.

The dream is very disturbing and dark.

Li Yan dreamed that he was in a dizzying, pitch-black house, with papers and furniture scattered everywhere. The bleak moonlight shone into the house through the windows, and the blood stains on the wall could be seen, illuminating the gloomy pool. Terrible sight.

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