I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 831

Like a wild horse running off the rein, the cursed racing car aimed at the headless rider and drove from 0 to 100 in an instant, and then from 100 to 200 kilometers per hour. It swiftly made a final collision against the headless rider who was tens of meters away. Under the sound, the headless rider's motorcycle was smashed to pieces. Supra and the headless rider fell into the dark bottomless abyss in an instant, and died together.


Li Yan looked in his eyes, his eyes were bloodshot.

Why is this...

He has never been so frustrated so far.

After Zhenbai was injured, his state was a little bit out of normal, and he even made Supra make the last fight for him at the last moment.

At the corner of the quiet mountain road, his clothes were broken, and the blood-stained Li Yan fell to the ground, unable to get up. Even if the mermaid's favor has been repairing his body, he cannot repair his broken heart.

In the darkness, the young man trembled and wanted to call out, but he was so hoarse that he couldn't call out anything.

It hurts...

But not in my heart.

Li Yan was crying and looked at the sky so weakly.

However, a slight sound shocked his body.


In the darkness, the sound of engines faintly echoed.

But not supra, but...

The strong wind blew up, and an indescribable chill swept across.

A faintly damaged motorcycle flew from the valley out of thin air, and fled here with an unconscious headless horseman.

This weird motorcycle exudes a black arrogance, and finally turned into a strange carriage, but the horse looks scarred at the moment, and it's wild, flying away...

Li Yan hated, watching with deep hatred.

His wide eyes have never hated so much.

He will not let her go.

Definitely not...

Chapter 390 My Youth Love Story Really Must Be Poisonous Tongue School Girl

Internet chat room.

[Kanda Taiya: Good morning, meet for the first time.

Koshigaya Ningji: We first met.

Aoko Sakata: Yes, yes, everyone!

Uesugi: Hello, everyone.

Seton: Hello, everyone.

In the friend chat room about spiritual rumors, five pairs of [Ikebukuro Headless Horsemen] were joined to discuss the recent popular urban legend-[Black Headless Horsemen].

Inside a dimly lit room, the ticking keyboard sound kept ringing.

Li Yan faced the computer and started typing on the keyboard.

Two days have passed since that day of the chase.

After the terrible defeat in the chase battle where he couldn't use his strength, Li Yan's body had recovered to its original shape, but his heart was riddled with holes and he could not heal.

Until now, the investigation of the case received from Zhenbai has fallen into a critical stage. It may not only be him, but Zhenbai seems to have the same feelings as him in the diary disclosure.

He has recently fallen into a frenzy, constantly investigating the rumors of [Black Headless Horseman], looking for the trace of this guy.

[Kanda Taiya: Yesterday, someone in Shibuya seemed to have taken a picture of a headless horseman. I will share with you.

By coincidence, he realized that the most effective way to collect first-hand information is the Internet.

For two days in a row, Li Yan has been collecting information on this largest Japanese website for investigating various supernatural events. I have to say that it is quite effective. Various photos and various locations have been collected and counted by Li Yan. A map showing the range of the Headless Horseman's activities in the past month is shown.

The one with the ID of [Uesugi] is him.

[Sakata Aoko: Yeah, the Headless Horseman is still that great.

[Koshigani Ningji: Wow, the headless knight is really in good shape.

[Sakata Aoko: Indecent.


Those who discuss [Headless Horseman] are basically either good deeds or fans. It seems that they don't put sensational legends in their eyes.

It should be said that Japan has always had the urban legend of the [Headless Horseman], but it is basically the ghost of the rioters. This time, the [Black Headless Horseman] who has a photo in Tokyo city has gradually become famous in recent times. stand up.

With the devil's figure, and the mysterious and unpredictable appearing in the dark city, he has a lot of fans with various meanings.

For the sake of pure preference, ignoring various taboos, this atmosphere is not just a layout, but almost the entire website is in this situation.

"I don't know the danger and power of that guy at all."

After Li Yan watched it, he felt a sense of sight of "Ye Gong is a good dragon."

He tapped the keyboard and asked: [I am curious where is the shooting location?

There was a response quickly on the screen.

[Kanda Taiya: It's in the street of Ueno Ichijicho.

[Sakata Aoko: I know, my friend said that I saw her in Shinjuku many times recently.

[Koshigani Ningji: Great, is the headless knight hunting someone again?

[Kanda Taiya: Right, right, everyone is ready to watch the news.

[Seton: Koshitani, what's so happy about this kind of thing?

[Koshigani Ningji: I don't live in Shinjuku anyway, I am from Hokkaido (laugh).

[Seton: Still don’t bring a (laugh) sentence, so most people who like to chat with () are girlfriends. I guess you don’t have friends in Hokkaido, right?


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